Film Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker [Theories]

I think someone got it spot on earlier in terms of plot leaks. Judging by the new trailer.
As a lifelong Star Wars fan who gre up in the eighties making my mom go to the video rental store every weekend and make her get me return of the jedi, I have to say the last two films have been a crock of crap. The only decent thing was the humour coming from Ford and then they killed him off. Dont hold out many hopes for this one. The original trilogy will always be the star wars films for me
Does anyone genuinely give a shit about the fate of these characters? I've seen every Star Wars film and yet feel no connection with them at all. They're like the cinematic realisation of the current United side.
That's what happens when your entire cast consists of paper thin characters that are just there to enable all the nostalgic stuff and people that pop up.
As a lifelong Star Wars fan who gre up in the eighties making my mom go to the video rental store every weekend and make her get me return of the jedi, I have to say the last two films have been a crock of crap. The only decent thing was the humour coming from Ford and then they killed him off. Dont hold out many hopes for this one. The original trilogy will always be the star wars films for me
They should’ve left it alone after 1983 tbh. Everything they’ve done with it since has been meh-terrible.

Rogue One was brilliant imo. Solo had a very weak final half after starting fairly well.
I just didn't like any of the characters, and it expected the audience to care what happened to them after knowing them for 5 minutes. The best bit of Rogue One was the ending, but only because of how it tied into a film I actually like. Solo wasn't perfect, but I still think it's by far the best film post-takeover.
I just didn't like any of the characters, and it expected the audience to care what happened to them after knowing them for 5 minutes. The best bit of Rogue One was the ending, but only because of how it tied into a film I actually like. Solo wasn't perfect, but I still think it's by far the best film post-takeover.

I liked the characters in Rogue One tbh, they actually had substance and were interesting on the whole. Set pieces were good as well.

Solo started off with some energy and then ran out of steam once they all got on the Falcon. So nah, sorry but I disagree, I'd put Solo down as a 5/10 effort. Rescued by the guy who played Han who I thought did a very good job with the shite script he was given.
I liked the characters in Rogue One tbh, they actually had substance and were interesting on the whole. Set pieces were good as well.

Solo started off with some energy and then ran out of steam once they all got on the Falcon. So nah, sorry but I disagree, I'd put Solo down as a 5/10 effort. Rescued by the guy who played Han who I thought did a very good job with the shite script he was given.
The guy who played Han was the best thing about it for me, I thought he was great. Which was a massive surprise after the reports leading up to the film.
The guy who played Han was the best thing about it for me, I thought he was great. Which was a massive surprise after the reports leading up to the film.

It's no real shock that the film was a total mess though given the issues the film had in pre production. Wasted potential i'd say. But i've watched all the star wars films a few times and Solo really does not stand up well. Rogue One is the best full package while the first 30mins of Force Awakens is probably the best section of recent Star Wars.

Mandolin will probably be the best Star Wars content though. Think that will surprise a lot of people.
As a lifelong Star Wars fan who gre up in the eighties making my mom go to the video rental store every weekend and make her get me return of the jedi, I have to say the last two films have been a crock of crap. The only decent thing was the humour coming from Ford and then they killed him off. Dont hold out many hopes for this one. The original trilogy will always be the star wars films for me
Even this trilogy makes me like the prequels better
Such a shame as the first one got off to a cracking start and despite ending a bit meh, it was decent enough to do something with....

Then that second piece of shite happened.
True. Least we got Revenge of the Sith. That was a great Star Wars movie. Final fight with Ani and Obi wan :drool:. Plus some epic fights in that trilogy with with Darth maul, Yoda, Dooku and Palpatine.
True. Least we got Revenge of the Sith. That was a great Star Wars movie. Final fight with Ani and Obi wan :drool:. Plus some epic fights in that trilogy with with Darth maul, Yoda, Dooku and Palpatine.
I think he was talking about the first of the latest trilogy, not the prequels, which were unremittingly shite.
I am getting triggered by such a close formation of rebel fleet.
Just waiting in the perfect formation to get taken out by the rebuilt Death Star 1 and 2. Bring it all back. That entire fleet could even be made up of ships destroyed in previous films. Best way to kill the past is to bring it all back then kill it again on screen.
I am getting triggered by such a close formation of rebel fleet.

Just waiting in the perfect formation to get taken out by the rebuilt Death Star 1 and 2. Bring it all back. That entire fleet could even be made up of ships destroyed in previous films. Best way to kill the past is to bring it all back then kill it again on screen.

Death Star bowling.

Sigh. Well at least the space battle in Rogue One was good.
I don't think whispering your lyrics really quietly under your breath in a way that doesn't require any vocal range at all constitutes musically varied, but I guess she has a fan base who enjoy it.

Well I meant in terms of all the instruments they play between them and that they craft all their own songs. Just them two. And those songs are surprisingly varied.

Still, back on topic, TLJ sucked.
Well I meant in terms of all the instruments they play between them and that they craft all their own songs. Just them two. And those songs are surprisingly varied.

Still, back on topic, TLJ sucked.
Nah, let's get back to that other topic. Her biggest hit so far was written by her brother in 2015 for his band but since he wasn't marketable it became her hit. She's famous for the image and not the music, which pisses me the feck off because everyone tries to act as if it's the "artist within" that has made her famous. It's nothing but a PR exercise. Their songs are also "crafted" in the same way a 16 year old crafts a Big Mac. I'm intentionally being a dick because it's Friday

Back on topic; TLJ was as bad as TFA but for different reasons.
Counter-opinion, TLJ was very good, Adam Driver is a great villain and they better not redeem him.
Looking for authenticity in pop music is a waste of time. Good tunes and the illusion of authenticity is more than enough. So +1 for Billie Eilish.

@Ubik TLJ is indeed very good but this film will certainly redeem Driver as JJ Abrams didn't bring back the big bad from the previous films for no reason. Similarly, don't be surprised if he tries to backtrack on Rey's parents being nobodies. He doesn't have the stomach to break from the predictable.
Old men in not liking pop music as "it's always manufactured"! Shocker. Like her brother is incredibly talented, in business too clearly. But that's as bad as trash boardroom pop...

Counter counter opinion, TLJ really isn't great as even though it tries so hard to be "against the man-child fans", it does absolutely nothing interesting with that. In fact, it is just a boring pretend different slog with nothing that pushes the saga forward, yet leaves plenty the drag it back. As we will see in the finale.
@Ubik TLJ is indeed very good but this film will certainly redeem Driver as JJ Abrams didn't bring back the big bad from the previous films for no reason. Similarly, don't be surprised if he tries to backtrack on Rey's parents being nobodies. He doesn't have the stomach to break from the predictable.
I'm prepared for it but still have a sliver of hope that he won't! At least he can't set up any more mystery boxes...right?
I'm prepared for it but still have a sliver of hope that he won't! At least he can't set up any more mystery boxes...right?
You're expecting him to deliver an ending? It's got so little to build on that it may as well be a stand alone film I suppose.
Old men in not liking pop music as "it's always manufactured"! Shocker. Like her brother is incredibly talented, in business too clearly. But that's as bad as trash boardroom pop...
Well, yeah, you've just explained why she is the definition of manufactured pop, so nothing to argue about anymore I guess.

[Billie Eilish] really isn't great as even though it tries so hard to be "against the man-child fans", it does absolutely nothing interesting with that. In fact, it is just a boring pretend different slog with nothing that pushes the saga forward, yet leaves plenty the drag it back. As we will see in the finale.
Ffs Redlambs you embryo, I said enough with the Billie Eilish insults! Ffs...

Anyway, back on topic. TLJ was clearly polarising because I enjoyed it - more so than TFA. But for me it suffers from a director who was trying to be clever. Where Abrams just went out and gave people what they wanted, which was heavily nostalgia laden, Rian Johnson just decided to "subvert expectations" regardless of whether it made thematic sense or not. I think if you take out his weird choices there's a good film in there that adds something different to the franchise, rather than just be an (albeit very polished" rehash of old Star Wars ideas. It's funny though because it clearly needed a better director than Johnson to achieve that - someone like Abrams!
Well, yeah, you've just explained why she is the definition of manufactured pop, so nothing to argue about anymore I guess.

Yeah, because literally everything IS manufactured pop in some way or another.

But it's worth noting those with actual talent above those clearly staged is the best we can do, no? Hehe

Anyway, back on topic. TLJ was clearly polarising because I enjoyed it - more so than TFA. But for me it suffers from a director who was trying to be clever. Where Abrams just went out and gave people what they wanted, which was heavily nostalgia laden, Rian Johnson just decided to "subvert expectations" regardless of whether it made thematic sense or not. I think if you take out his weird choices there's a good film in there that adds something different to the franchise, rather than just be an (albeit very polished" rehash of old Star Wars ideas. It's funny though because it clearly needed a better director than Johnson to achieve that - someone like Abrams!

I do agree. Funny thing with TLJ is those who love it for daring to be different (excuse me whilst I scoff at that) blatantly miss the fact it really isn't. It's not different, it's more of the same shit made to pretend it's different.

Johnson didn't do some brilliant twist or incredibly well thought out backlash against the fans in a way they would notice and think about, he just made it incredibly dull and pointless. When the last film goes completely against it all, it'll show clearly that it was just all a nothingness. Instead of moulding those characters in the SW style, yet cleverly taking them away from the norm, he just went all "oh let's have no lightsaber battles and pretend Rey's parents are nobodies, them kill Luke! That'll show them!" That's not clever or well thought out it's just daft.

But hey, as long as Leia can float through space then all is well.