Spurs new stadium | Loses NFL for 2020 but gains appearance in Gangs of London £££

Because it replaced an existing £200m loan, add the £50m loan from ENIC and other existing debts and voila.
In fact the total payments will be topping £900m plus, hell £340m was just for planning. …

Total bollocks.

For starters, only £100m of the original £200m loan had been drawn down - as the statement says if you'd bothered to read it properly. So that's £100m gone from your creative accounting total right from the start.

Second, you've no idea of how much of the £400m replacement loan facility, has actually been drawn down so far, but your figures assume all of it.

Third, the ENIC letter of credit (the £50m) is not necessarily a loan. It's a guarantee of payment of that sum to the banks (and/or the club) should it become needed, to build further financial confidence.

Fourth (and again as the statement says), the club itself had, by that date, invested £240m (£340m minus £100m loan money) of its own money into the project. Since then the club will have invested a lot more of its own money, especially since we continue to be one of the most profitable clubs in the Prem and those profits are largely being re-invested into the construction. Indeed a month after the statement, we announced annual profits of nearly £70m before tax and interest. And I wouldn't be surprised if the next annual statement shows a further rise in profits compared to even that.

Fifth, the £340m was not just for planning. Again as the statement says, it was for "acquisition of land, the planning process (including a compulsory purchase order and legal challenges) and build costs to date."

All in all your outlandish claims are laughable. :lol:
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Tells us how big the loan is then, Glaston.

Excuse me, is this question from the same poster who said "Does Glaston actually think that the 700m loan taken for spurs to build a new stadium does not belong to spurs?"
Excuse me, is this question from the same poster who said "Does Glaston actually think that the 700m loan taken for spurs to build a new stadium does not belong to spurs?"

This would be a great deflection if it wasn't painstakingly obvious that it was a deflection.
This would be a great deflection if it wasn't painstakingly obvious that it was a deflection.

I've no way of knowing how much or how little of the £400m loan facility has been drawn down so far. What do you expect?
I've no way of knowing how much or how little of the £400m loan facility has been drawn down so far. What do you expect?

If you can tell us how much Spurs/ENIC have fronted for the stadium then we can easily figure out how much the debt will be based on the finished articles overall cost.

If the stadium/college/housing is costing circa £800 mil (I think that’s a conservative figure) then it’s fair to say/think you’ll be owing whatever you haven’t stumped up yourselves.

All anyone is doing is pointing out how big a gamble this is.
That's the point though, Arsenal fans were sure that the money you generated would be invested in to the squad, when the reality is that most football owners are out there for profit. I think it's naive for us to think ENIC/Levy are any different, so it's up to the fans to make sure that a situation like you have with Kroenke never happens here. Hence why I think it's good that there was a backlash against signing nobody this summer, no way should we have been happy with zero investment in the squad this summer, it was unacceptable, new stadium or not.

I think that the summer activities or lack thereof have given the perception that all is not well in the house of Levy from a financial viewpoint anyway. That’s why all the speculation, not wishful thinking.

From an Arsenal fans perspective, I’m just glad we’re out the other end of the whole new stadium lark and that regardless of our owners ambitions we’re in a rock steady place financially. No one doubts Spurs’ new stadium will eventually reap the rewards, but it’s a long way to the other side of that debt and showing no signs of adding to the squad gives all that speculation lots of legs.
If you can tell us how much Spurs/ENIC have fronted for the stadium then we can easily figure out how much the debt will be based on the finished articles overall cost.

If the stadium/college/housing is costing circa £800 mil (I think that’s a conservative figure) then it’s fair to say/think you’ll be owing whatever you haven’t stumped up yourselves.

All anyone is doing is pointing out how big a gamble this is.

As of May 2017 the club had invested £240m of its own money into the stadium complex. Obviously that figure will have increased in the 15 months since then, not least because the club continues to make substantial profits.

And obviously that figure will increase further again by the time the whole project - including hotel, apartments etc - has been completed, which won't be until 2020 at least I imagine.
I've no way of knowing how much or how little of the £400m loan facility has been drawn down so far. What do you expect?

You have no clue either but as always your ignorance is masked behind smoke, mirrors and deflection tactics.

Truthfully I'd have far less concern about the interest bill which is likely to be around £40m a season and far more concern about Levy's (in)ability to make the opportunity of the stadium commercially lucrative.

The past decade he's been utterly useless in commercialising an attractive London club whilst every other CEO is doubling or tripling commercial revenues... So I'm unsure why it would change now. The stadium naming rights were being bigged up as some huge deal and yet at the exact time where any good CEO would have signed agreements and their partners would have billboards all around the development and putting "XYZ Stadium" adverts across the media... We hear nothing. Presumably because Levy reflects his transfer strategy in his commercial dealings... He overplays his hand which underdelivers in a practical sense, just like valuing Grealish at £15m and Alderweireld at £70m.

As a Spurs fan I'd be worried that the £40m increase in gate receipts will be swallowed up by interest bills and whilst other clubs continue to take advantage of the commercial climate, Levy continues to have his head firmly buried in his own rectal passage.
Total bollocks.

For starters, only £100m of the original £200m loan had been drawn down - as the statement says if you'd bothered to read it properly. So that's £100m gone from your creative accounting total right from the start.

Second, you've no idea of how much of the £400m replacement loan facility, has actually been drawn down so far, but your figures assume all of it.

Third, the ENIC letter of credit (the £50m) is not necessarily a loan. It's a guarantee of payment of that sum to the banks (and/or the club) should it become needed, to build further financial confidence.

Fourth (and again as the statement says), the club itself had, by that date, invested £240m (£340m minus £100m loan money) of its own money into the project. Since then the club will have invested a lot more of its own money, especially since we continue to be one of the most profitable clubs in the Prem and those profits are largely being re-invested into the construction. Indeed a month after the statement, we announced annual profits of nearly £70m before tax and interest. And I wouldn't be surprised if the next annual statement shows a further rise in profits compared to even that.

Fifth, the £340m was not just for planning. Again as the statement says, it was for "acquisition of land, the planning process (including a compulsory purchase order and legal challenges) and build costs to date."

All in all your outlandish claims are laughable. :lol:
Firstly I edited my original post to include the £100m ''shortfall'.
But seriously, the 'club' and I think we can now both agree it's 'the club' and not any other persons, loan/debt has been granted and asked for to replace an original loan agreement. In fact it has more than doubled from the original.
That's alarming in itself, in fact the whole stadium is costing double that of the Emirates.
Now you can go on about taking the money in due to commercial prospects etc, but that's a must as your loan is based on your commercial income amongst other factors.
You carry on not winning trophies your commercial revenue will eventually take a hit, also all this money talk in public will eventually lead to higher wages needing to be paid.
And I'm still to hear anything to doubt my ''outlandish claims',
Your beloved club has outstanding debts/loans to pay, and lots of them, welcome to the world of modern football!
Just accept it rather than trying to justify or claim it's anything other than what it is.
You have no clue either but as always your ignorance is masked behind smoke, mirrors and deflection tactics.

Truthfully I'd have far less concern about the interest bill which is likely to be around £40m a season and far more concern about Levy's (in)ability to make the opportunity of the stadium commercially lucrative.

The past decade he's been utterly useless in commercialising an attractive London club whilst every other CEO is doubling or tripling commercial revenues... So I'm unsure why it would change now. The stadium naming rights were being bigged up as some huge deal and yet at the exact time where any good CEO would have signed agreements and their partners would have billboards all around the development and putting "XYZ Stadium" adverts across the media... We hear nothing. Presumably because Levy reflects his transfer strategy in his commercial dealings... He overplays his hand which underdelivers in a practical sense, just like valuing Grealish at £15m and Alderweireld at £70m.

As a Spurs fan I'd be worried that the £40m increase in gate receipts will be swallowed up by interest bills and whilst other clubs continue to take advantage of the commercial climate, Levy continues to have his head firmly buried in his own rectal passage.

Gate receipts are estimated by the club to increase by £60m per season, which is £20m more than your estimate of interest payments.

You sound bitter about United not getting Toby, but I imagine that Spurs are quite content to have kept him: we avoid strengthening a rival and we have him available to play for us for at least another season. It also enables us to play with a very strong back 3 for chosen games. And meanwhile United are stuck with bit-part player in Martial, since you refused to include him in a deal for Toby. I'd say that United have come off worse from the situation, especially since any £70m figure was likely to be the case only in the absence of Martial coming to us in exchange.

As for Grealish - his absence his hardly a big deal. If you think he's worth £30m (or more), then fine, United can go offer that in January. Otherwise, if Villa fail to get promoted then he won't sign a new contract and we'll probably be back in for him in the summer for a lot less than £30m.

A naming rights deal will likely last for 20 years, so in the grand scheme of things it matters little if it starts now or from next summer. So better to wait for the right deal than rush in when there's no especial need.
Firstly I edited my original post to include the £100m ''shortfall'.
But seriously, the 'club' and I think we can now both agree it's 'the club' and not any other persons, loan/debt has been granted and asked for to replace an original loan agreement. In fact it has more than doubled from the original.
That's alarming in itself, in fact the whole stadium is costing double that of the Emirates.
Now you can go on about taking the money in due to commercial prospects etc, but that's a must as your loan is based on your commercial income amongst other factors.
You carry on not winning trophies your commercial revenue will eventually take a hit, also all this money talk in public will eventually lead to higher wages needing to be paid.
And I'm still to hear anything to doubt my ''outlandish claims',
Your beloved club has outstanding debts/loans to pay, and lots of them, welcome to the world of modern football!
Just accept it rather than trying to justify or claim it's anything other than what it is.

My earlier post comprehensively blew apart your claims … even despite your going back to edit them.

Moreover, no one is denying that there is/will be stadium-complex debt to repay. What I am denying is the ridiculous sum you've plucked from thin air as to the size of that debt.
My earlier post comprehensively blew apart your claims … even despite your going back to edit them.

Moreover, no one is denying that there is/will be stadium-complex debt to repay. What I am denying is the ridiculous sum you've plucked from thin air as to the size of that debt.
So we're agreed the club has debt/ loan repayments now, despite your protestations to the contrary:rolleyes::lol:

Glad we got there in the end.
Glaston - we were never going to sell Martial to Spurs.

The rest of this thread is hilarious to (skim) read - arguing about loan facilities.
I actually think Spurs will thrive in the long run, and that keeping hold of key players this window was a sensible priority by your board. Even if it means taking a hit on Toby, to have let him come to us this window would have set a poor precedent for the rest of the squad.

That said, I think you may be buying into the land of milk-and-honey scenario a little too readily. Truth is, you don't know when you'll be playing at your new stadium after a window which saw Spurs become the first team in the history of the Premier League not to bring in a single new player.

Yes, you have a strong squad already, but when everyone you're competing with is improving, you do need to keep up/ahead. You finished 3rd last season, 7 points above 5th. I think the battle for 3rd and 4th is going to be a lot tighter this season between Chelsea, us and you. Even the most ardent Spurs fan would have to concede that dropping out of the top 4, and losing UCL money, would be a big blow to the club's finances. It appears you're currently operating on a temporary shoe-string budget, losing that sort of income could have a very real impact. Cautious optimism is the most Spurs fans should have right now.

I'm only ever cautiously optimistic with Spurs. That said I don't agree with your insinuation that 1st and 2nd are already wrapped up....and it's only United Chelsea and Spurs who are battling for 3rd and 4th.

Two games in and people have already crowned Liverpool league winmers / runners up despite finishing below Spurs and United last season and almost every season.

There are many theories floating around as to why Woody decided not to spend heavily this summer, some plausible some not so much, the only thing we know for certain is that it was not due to a lack of funds.

Can you say, categorically, that the funds were available to Poch all summer?

Yes absolutely. There is absolutely no doubt we had significant money to spend. Don't get me wrong, I'm frustrated by our lack of spending but unfortunately Levy seems unwilling to go balls deep for the very top players, not through lack of funds but because he thinks the deal is over expensive. Combine that with Poch being notoriously fussy with new signings, as in, he only wants players he thinks can genuinely improve the side or he would rather stick with academy kids, created the perfect storm for not signing anyone. I don't deny Levy seems to over value players he sells and undervalues players he wants to buy. On top of this we had a difficult transfer market across Europe also with UK window closing early, plus Spurs now being at a point where to improve the squad means spending very big on players. All of these contributed to our zero signings. It is not because we have no money. No doubt the stadium is probably making Levy even more tightfisted than usual.

Leaving aside that other PL top clubs still spent a lot of money (City being a the lowest (net) spenders at €46m): do you honestly think the Spurs squad is so strong it can't be improved with reasonably priced transfers? Even serial winners like Real, Barca, Bayern or Juventus always try to improve their squad, even when clubs are happy with their first team they still don't sit idle, but look for some youngsters to improve them mid-term. Are third placed Spurs the exception to that?
If club doesn't do any business at all there are two likely reasons for it: their management fecked up monumentally or there is no money for transfers at the moment.

Read above. We didn't feck up, it's just the very few players Poch wanted we couldn't do deals for. The average players being thrown at us just weren't good enough. I mean, am I upset that Levy didn't spend 30 or 40 million on Grealish? Am I feck. Levy was right to walk away, that's a crazy price for a championship player.
So we're agreed the club has debt/ loan repayments now, despite your protestations to the contrary:rolleyes::lol:

Glad we got there in the end.

I don't see what it gains you to make things up. I've never denied that Spurs have a stadium-related debt. The discussion has been about the current size of that debt.
The size of the debt is big enough to not be able to sign a player without having to farm off your centre back, the actual amount of debt isn't that relevant.
As of May 2017 the club had invested £240m of its own money into the stadium complex. Obviously that figure will have increased in the 15 months since then, not least because the club continues to make substantial profits.

And obviously that figure will increase further again by the time the whole project - including hotel, apartments etc - has been completed, which won't be until 2020 at least I imagine.

So if there was another £70 mil (Conservative mind, UCL money ie) contributed from the club/ENIC since then, that would come to £320 mil from Spurs et al, lets be generous, £350 mil then, and I believe as a whole £800 mil all in at the moment would leave you £450 mil to be sourced. Conservatively mind, like many have pointed out there’s many factors yet to be include in the final figure. Which could quite conceivably end up being an extra couple of hundred million, bringing overall borrowing up around the £600 mil mark.

So all in all, Spurs are investing and borrowing enough to fund £800 + mil for this project?

Where does the squad investment come from again?
So if there was another £70 mil (Conservative mind, UCL money ie) contributed from the club/ENIC since then, that would come to £320 mil from Spurs et al, lets be generous, £350 mil then, and I believe as a whole £800 mil all in at the moment would leave you £450 mil to be sourced. Conservatively mind, like many have pointed out there’s many factors yet to be include in the final figure. Which could quite conceivably end up being an extra couple of hundred million, bringing overall borrowing up around the £600 mil mark.

So all in all, Spurs are investing and borrowing enough to fund £800 + mil for this project?

Where does the squad investment come from again?

If £450m is yet to be sourced (although 'sourced' is a misleading term, as it implies that Spurs have yet to arrange the finance, which is not the case), and if the whole the project won't completed until 2020, that leaves the profits from this season and next available to be pumped in. If those profits - post tax and interest payments - amount to £100m (which is likely a conservative figure), that will leaves a debt of £350m to be gradually paid off.

£350m of debt is hardly crippling for a club who annual income will soon rise to around £400m
If £450m is yet to be sourced (although 'sourced' is a misleading term, as it implies that Spurs have yet to arrange the finance, which is not the case), and if the whole the project won't completed until 2020, that leaves the profits from this season and next available to be pumped in. If those profits - post tax and interest payments - amount to £100m (which is likely a conservative figure), that will leaves a debt of £350m to be gradually paid off.

£350m of debt is hardly crippling for a club who annual income will soon rise to around £400m

That's not the net income though is it? You have to take into consideration expenses - wages, debt or loan repayments (if applicable), taxes, depreciation etc - before a net profit can be evalutated. Spurs will be lucky to profit 20% of their revenue.
I don't see what it gains you to make things up. I've never denied that Spurs have a stadium-related debt. The discussion has been about the current size of that debt.
Are you Trump?? Revisionist history at its finest.
I believe you mentioned that Spurs have no loans/debts and it's all away from the club.
Now you suggest otherwise.
Glad to agree on this.
Case closed for me.
Are you Trump?? Revisionist history at its finest.
I believe you mentioned that Spurs have no loans/debts and it's all away from the club.
Now you suggest otherwise.
Glad to agree on this.
Case closed for me.

Wtf are you on about? I have never said this. I've even quoted from the club statement that details exactly what loans/loan facilities the club has in relation to the stadium as of May 2017.
That's not the net income though is it? You have to take into consideration expenses - wages, debt or loan repayments (if applicable), taxes, depreciation etc - before a net profit can be evalutated. Spurs will be lucky to profit 20% of their revenue.

This would continue to make us the most profitable club in the Prem. Is that supposed to be a problem for Spurs?
This would continue to make us the most profitable club in the Prem. Is that supposed to be a problem for Spurs?

No, I never said it would be a problem.

When is the great unveiling of the fantastic new super stadium complex taking place?
No, I never said it would be a problem.

When is the great unveiling of the fantastic new super stadium complex taking place?

The club haven't yet said. The problem with the wiring in the fire safety system will have to be fixed first, because without that we won't get a safety certificate, and this is what's causing the delay.
They have already requested their Carabao Cup game to be played at a neutral venue.
The club haven't yet said. The problem with the wiring in the fire safety system will have to be fixed first, because without that we won't get a safety certificate, and this is what's causing the delay.

I think it's a bit more than a wiring problem.

I drove past the stadium yesterday and there are still 4 tower cranes on site. This means there is still lots of heavy lifting and after that is done they have to dismantle the cranes and complete the groundwork.


What is completed looks fantastic and it will transform the club, but they are suffering on site at the moment.
I think it's a bit more than a wiring problem.

I drove past the stadium yesterday and there are still 4 tower cranes on site. This means there is still lots of heavy lifting and after that is done they have to dismantle the cranes and complete the groundwork.


What is completed looks fantastic and it will transform the club, but they are suffering on site at the moment.

You need to remember that adjacent to the stadium we are also building a hotel, ticket office, club shop, club museum and more, so there will be plenty of heavy lifting going on well after the stadium itself is complete enough to open for business.

Also, the stadium doesn't have to be totally finished - in the sense of cosmetics touches likes all of the external panelling - before it can open for business.

But yes, maybe November … who knows.
What's the latest guys? Those workers must be getting time and a half on this project. Have Levy chipped in with a paintbrush?
You need to remember that adjacent to the stadium we are also building a hotel, ticket office, club shop, club museum and more, so there will be plenty of heavy lifting going on well after the stadium itself is complete enough to open for business.

Also, the stadium doesn't have to be totally finished - in the sense of cosmetics touches likes all of the external panelling - before it can open for business.

But yes, maybe November … who knows.

I didn't get too close to the project so I couldn't see which buildings the cranes were working on. There did appear to be quite a lot of work still going on. The health and safety executive will have their say I'm sure.

I have to, begrudgingly, admit that what I have seen is impressive and will transform Spurs as a club. Levy has taken some stick over the years but he has pulled this one off. Spurs are now becoming regular a Champions League team and the new stadium should create a new atmosphere. The home end looks massive and the noise will transmit to the players I'm sure. They just need to ensure that the prawn sandwich brigade don't get in there. How much are the tickets?

My team have put the new stadium on hold and that's really disappointing. I think the stadium design and cost is something to do with the hold up and not just RA's visa issue. The design is very complex and detailed. These types of buildings are always expensive and the potential for cost overruns is enormous. The starting budget is £1bn. In that area with tricky access and railway lines this could double and I think RA is having second thoughts. Can't see it happening to be honest.
This is becoming a joke. Spurs should be docked points. They should be more transparent early on when the stadium is completed because this is farcical.
I didn't get too close to the project so I couldn't see which buildings the cranes were working on. There did appear to be quite a lot of work still going on. The health and safety executive will have their say I'm sure.

I have to, begrudgingly, admit that what I have seen is impressive and will transform Spurs as a club. Levy has taken some stick over the years but he has pulled this one off. Spurs are now becoming regular a Champions League team and the new stadium should create a new atmosphere. The home end looks massive and the noise will transmit to the players I'm sure. They just need to ensure that the prawn sandwich brigade don't get in there. How much are the tickets?

My team have put the new stadium on hold and that's really disappointing. I think the stadium design and cost is something to do with the hold up and not just RA's visa issue. The design is very complex and detailed. These types of buildings are always expensive and the potential for cost overruns is enormous. The starting budget is £1bn. In that area with tricky access and railway lines this could double and I think RA is having second thoughts. Can't see it happening to be honest.

Why would you think that? Look what happened to Arsenal after they built the Emirates, what have they won since 2006? They were regular league challengers before it opened and got to the CL final. The repayments for it crippled them for a decade and in my opinion, away teams much prefer playing there compared to the high banked old school atmosphere of Highbury. Costs them 5+ points a season at least. It was designed with corporate hospitality in mind and to boost profits for the owners.

I hope we never go through with our stadium plan as currently envisaged, the idea of playing at a different ground for 4! years is frankly mental.It would be probably be 5 in reality.

Spurs didn't sign any players this last window. Let's see how they're doing at the end of the season as the short break, fatigue and injuries kick in. There has been some discussion in the thread about how much it cost, the loans etc. I don't have their accounts so won't bother. Suffice to say it's expensive, they will have to pay for it and the money for it will have to come from somewhere, that would probably be the fans of the club ultimately and selling players.

Will players like Eriksen stick around whilst Spurs are paying it all back and unlikely to compete for trophies more than they do now.. Again look what happened to Arsenal, they were losing all their best players to rivals for years as they had to pay back for the Stadium.
I think it's a bit more than a wiring problem.

I drove past the stadium yesterday and there are still 4 tower cranes on site. This means there is still lots of heavy lifting and after that is done they have to dismantle the cranes and complete the groundwork.


What is completed looks fantastic and it will transform the club, but they are suffering on site at the moment.

I heard the systems weren't even installed hence why the safety checks couldn't be completed.
This is becoming a joke. Spurs should be docked points. They should be more transparent early on when the stadium is completed because this is farcical.

In fact we're being awarded 3 extra points because we're media darlings, which is fair enough. The revised league table will be published on Sunday, after all the matches have finished.
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I didn't get too close to the project so I couldn't see which buildings the cranes were working on. There did appear to be quite a lot of work still going on. The health and safety executive will have their say I'm sure.

I have to, begrudgingly, admit that what I have seen is impressive and will transform Spurs as a club. Levy has taken some stick over the years but he has pulled this one off. Spurs are now becoming regular a Champions League team and the new stadium should create a new atmosphere. The home end looks massive and the noise will transmit to the players I'm sure. They just need to ensure that the prawn sandwich brigade don't get in there. How much are the tickets?

My team have put the new stadium on hold and that's really disappointing. I think the stadium design and cost is something to do with the hold up and not just RA's visa issue. The design is very complex and detailed. These types of buildings are always expensive and the potential for cost overruns is enormous. The starting budget is £1bn. In that area with tricky access and railway lines this could double and I think RA is having second thoughts. Can't see it happening to be honest.

The season tickets are expensive: http://new-stadium.tottenhamhotspur.com/season-ticket-prices/

Like you say, the situation is more tricky at Stamford Bridge. We've done well to only miss a season (and now a bit more) away from having a home ground, but for Chelsea it could be 4 or 5 years without a home ground if the project ever goes ahead.
You need to remember that adjacent to the stadium we are also building a hotel, ticket office, club shop, club museum and more, so there will be plenty of heavy lifting going on well after the stadium itself is complete enough to open for business.

Also, the stadium doesn't have to be totally finished - in the sense of cosmetics touches likes all of the external panelling - before it can open for business.

But yes, maybe November … who knows.

Museum. That'll be... empty.
…. Spurs didn't sign any players this last window. Let's see how they're doing at the end of the season as the short break, fatigue and injuries kick in. There has been some discussion in the thread about how much it cost, the loans etc. I don't have their accounts so won't bother. Suffice to say it's expensive, they will have to pay for it and the money for it will have to come from somewhere, that would probably be the fans of the club ultimately and selling players.

Will players like Eriksen stick around whilst Spurs are paying it all back and unlikely to compete for trophies more than they do now.. Again look what happened to Arsenal, they were losing all their best players to rivals for years as they had to pay back for the Stadium.

True … probably from the roughly £100m extra per season that the new stadium complex will generate for us.
People in here arguing about the financials as if it isn't a good thing that they built a new stadium, fecking hell. They'll have a strategic and business plan in place and they wouldn't have done it if it wasn't profitable and/or sustainable in the long run.
Museum. That'll be... empty.

You are obviously very ignorant of the club's history, which is one of the most illustrious in football. We were - to take just one example - the first British club ever to win a European trophy.
You are obviously very ignorant of the club's history, which is one of the most illustrious in football. We were - to take just one example - the first British club ever to win a European trophy.

If he is under 50 he will have missed 95% of it.

You have won the league twice in your history.