Sporting Moments of the Decade.

Bolt 100m 200m
Rossi vs Lorenzo (overtaking move)
Tiger Woods winning on one leg
(Warne's 700th wicket) (Steve Waugh last test)
Cathy Freeman winning the 400m
Ryo Chonan vs Anderson Silva Flying Scissor Heel Hook.(still dont believe it happened)
Fedor for winning and continuing to win.
celtics winning the nba championship again after 22 years against their biggest rival the lakers. can't believe no one's mentioned United winning three in a row and 18 total.
I think i'm going to do a top 5 from the major sports, maybe include auto racing, tennis, and whatnot in a seperate listing?
Texas rubbing it in USC's faces in their own backyard when ESPN carried on for a month about USC being the greatest squad assembled. Ever.

IMO the greatest NCAA championship game ever played.