Spiderman vs Batman

comic book :confused: were talking real life here dude

and spiderman would obviously take it, what exactly could batman do to hurt him? i doubt he'd even catch him

spidey could just constant webstream him from distance until he's competely covered in it and eventually suffocates

That tactic wouldn't work, Batman would use the spikes on his gauntlets to simply cut through it. I think Spiderman would win but he would have to be smarter than that.
People always think, ok, because Batman is cool and Spiderman is kind of corny that Batman would get in Spiderman's arse.

....but it does't work out like that!

Yes it does! Spiderman is a fecking homo!

He's made to look extremely 'super' by his lame enemies. Batman would rip the web to shreds with his little finger.

Or so I'd like to believe :)

No but really, Spiderman is just too uncool to win this battle. He should lose by default.