Spiderman vs Batman


Melodramatic, attention seeking space-attacker
Jun 11, 2009
I left you with enough memories to resurrect me wi
I wanted to check that the Caf is on the same page as me.... in a fight Spiderman would kick Batman's arse. I mean surely, right?

Ok, what does Batman have going for him, he's smart, ok, but so is Spiderman.

...and on top of that Spiderman has superhuman strength and of course his Spider sense thingy. This means when Batman tries to throw a punch or a weapon, Spiderman has already seen it coming.

So if a fight persued between the two at, let's say 12:00, Spiderman would have Batman tied up in his web at 12:03

Actually you know what, Spiderman would kick the ass of every single superhero they have to offer.

That's all I'm saying, and Yes, I'm tipsy but the point still stands. Piece of cake for the Spiderman
I wanted to check that the Caf is on the same page as me.... in a fight Spiderman would kick Batman's arse. I mean surely, right?

Ok, what does Batman have going for him, he's smart, ok, but so is Spiderman.

...and on top of that Spiderman has superhuman strength and of course his Spider sense thingy. This means when Batman tries to throw a punch or a weapon, Spiderman has already seen it coming.

So if a fight persued between the two at, let's say 12:00, Spiderman would have Batman tied up in his web at 12:03

Actually you know what, Spiderman would kick the ass of every single superhero they have to offer.

That's all I'm saying, and Yes, I'm tipsy but the point still stands. Piece of cake for the Spiderman

get out of here , Batman would kick the crap out of him big time.
Depends on who wrote the comic book.

Batman is almost untouchable in the comics written by Paul Dini or Grant Morrison. He has went against Superman and won. He has went against Gods and won.

Ditto for Spider Man and Wolverine. The former has faced Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Doom, etc. etc. and won. Wolverine has went against the likes of Magneto, Hulk, Romulus, etc. and won.

But when you have Batman in a JlA comic book, he seems almost pathetic and insecure. He even gets bested by the likes of Elastic Man and Green Arrow. Same goes for Spider Man and Wolverine as the part of the Avengers or X-Men (when they're not featured in a standalone comic).

It's a matter of catering to the audience.

There are only two instances of Marvel and DC crossover I can think of. One was a battle between Capt. America and Batman, which Batman won. Another was a team-up of Batman and Spider-Man vs Kingpin and Talia. Batman and Spider-Man spar a little bit but it ends neutral.
Depends on who wrote the comic book.

Batman is almost untouchable in the comics written by Paul Dini or Grant Morrison. He has went against Superman and won. He has went against Gods and won.

Ditto for Spider Man and Wolverine. The former has faced Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Doom, etc. etc. and won. Wolverine has went against the likes of Magneto, Hulk, Romulus, etc. and won.

But when you have Batman in a JlA comic book, he seems almost pathetic and insecure. He even gets bested by the likes of Elastic Man and Green Arrow. Same goes for Spider Man and Wolverine as the part of the Avengers or X-Men (when they're not featured in a standalone comic).

It's a matter of catering to the audience.

There are only two instances of Marvel and DC crossover I can think of. One was a battle between Capt. America and Batman, which Batman won. Another was a team-up of Batman and Spider-Man vs Kingpin and Talia. Batman and Spider-Man spar a little bit but it ends neutral.

How did Batman go about defeating Superman in that comic?
I'm not sure exactly the circumstances leading to the fight (or if it's even canon) but at one point, he uses the kryptonite ring Superman gave him and upper cuts him.
Batman can only beat Superman because of kryptonite. Spider-Man could punch Batman's head clean off.

Its rock paper scissors. Batman beats Superman, Superman beats Spider-Man, Spider-Man beats Batman.
It doesnt matter because Goku would kill them all.
I'd quite like to see Batman vs. Iron Man. The battle of rich clever guys who don't actually have any powers.
Batman, so long as it was Michael Keaton's Batman

Don't really rate Spiderman tbh.
hmm...but surely Spiderman would defeat anybody who looks as gay as Superman, is that flawed logic?

Depends on who wrote the comic book.

Batman is almost untouchable in the comics written by Paul Dini or Grant Morrison. He has went against Superman and won. He has went against Gods and won.

Ditto for Spider Man and Wolverine. The former has faced Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Doom, etc. etc. and won. Wolverine has went against the likes of Magneto, Hulk, Romulus, etc. and won.

But when you have Batman in a JlA comic book, he seems almost pathetic and insecure. He even gets bested by the likes of Elastic Man and Green Arrow. Same goes for Spider Man and Wolverine as the part of the Avengers or X-Men (when they're not featured in a standalone comic).

It's a matter of catering to the audience.

There are only two instances of Marvel and DC crossover I can think of. One was a battle between Capt. America and Batman, which Batman won. Another was a team-up of Batman and Spider-Man vs Kingpin and Talia. Batman and Spider-Man spar a little bit but it ends neutral.

Obviously neither of you remember this:


Basically, Spidey had to be given extra powere by Lex Luthor and Superman had to lose some powers for it to be an even fight. Once they reverted to normal Spider-Man gave up.
No one likes Superman, he's already been defeated by popular demand
I think Batman would win easily...Nolan's Batman I mean. I don't know...he doesn't seem like one to feck with having learnt martial arts and whatnot.
Depends on who wrote the comic book.

comic book :confused: were talking real life here dude

and spiderman would obviously take it, what exactly could batman do to hurt him? i doubt he'd even catch him

spidey could just constant webstream him from distance until he's competely covered in it and eventually suffocates