Solskjaer's contract

The way I see it is simple: there's ZERO, absolutely zippo reason to do this now.

We've made so many mistakes on giving out underserved contracts. It's all over the media. We're a joke. Ed is a joke. Phil Jones is still under contract. Matic will be in 2 years time.

This is yet another example of shooting ourselves in the foot, by seeking out a gun, saving up for it, going through the waiting period, finally aquiring it, pointing it downwards and very deliberately pulling the trigger.

Maybe Ole is the right choice, We'll know FAR more in June than we do today.
I am an Ole fanboy. Still, the only reason I can see for the club to rush his contract extension would be a stretegic one with regards to contract negotiations for positions we need to strengthen. Anyone here who see any other obvious reason?
The way I see it is simple: there's ZERO, absolutely zippo reason to do this now.

We've made so many mistakes on giving out underserved contracts. It's all over the media. We're a joke. Ed is a joke. Phil Jones is still under contract. Matic will be in 2 years time.

This is yet another example of shooting ourselves in the foot, by seeking out a gun, saving up for it, going through the waiting period, finally aquiring it, pointing it downwards and very deliberately pulling the trigger.

Maybe Ole is the right choice, We'll know FAR more in June than we do today.

Of course there is a reason to do this now.
By doing this now it sends a message to the squad that Ole is in control and they need to continue impressing him.
There you are. One really good reason. You’ll be happy now no doubt.
I never said he should be sacked, I'm very much for a Ole in, don't know why you feel the need to instantly straw man someone who disagrees with you.

Bruno, Shaw, Rashy, Pogba.
I mean sure you can find a better player in their position, but to think they would be stuck on the bench at all of City, Pool, Real, Barca, PSG, etc is deluded.
I didn’t strawman anyone...I thought you were moaning about Ole getting a new contract stating we have 4 players that would “walk into any side in the world” - I wrongly jumped to a conclusion. Some of the 4 players you mentioned would start for some of the clubs you’ve mentioned. That’s an entirely different thing. I’ll say it quietly before I get attacked for saying something positive about Ole but the 4 players you mention - 2 have improved immensely under Ole and the other was signed by him...
Of course there is a reason to do this now.
By doing this now it sends a message to the squad that Ole is in control and they need to continue impressing him.
There you are. One really good reason. You’ll be happy now no doubt.
You think the players wouldn't fight for top 4 regardless?

I don't necessarily think you're wrong, it's just pretty depressing.

If we give it to him now and they don't make top 4, do we then get rid of him a few months after a new contract? What does that say?
I don't understand the timing of this.

We have gone from top of the league to 17 points off the top, in the space of 8/9 weeks.

It would make more sense to see how the season ends and make the decision then. It is still possible we end up in the mid 60's points range with no Champions League. That is hardly progress.
We can make progress without winning trophies.
Cup competitions are a lottery.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:. Sure they are. That is why CL one year is won by Dinamo, one year by Leipzig then Barca then Arsenal and so on..
Same as domestic cups. In last 5,6 years City is the luckiest club in England i guess.
It would be a strange decision to hand him a contract now. I don't get why we don't just wait until the end of the season and see where are under Ole then. He still has a year left on his current contract.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:. Sure they are. That is why CL one year is won by Dinamo, one year by Leipzig then Barca then Arsenal and so on..
Same as domestic cups. In last 5,6 years City is the luckiest club in England i guess.

I guess last year Arsenal were... a really good domestic side?
Sevilla were a much better team than us.
And Lyon were a better team than City.
Personally I thought top 4 would be a struggle after the transfer window and I've been consistent on that. I didn't get carried away when we were top.

Improving the squad is key for me regardless of manager which is why I'm keen for plans to be seen through this summer rather than starting a new one.

If the club have made the decision that they will stick by him even in the worst case scenario of the remainder of the season then there's no reason to wait.

Also all this could be nonsense anyway. It is the Mirror after all.

Wait till you see. They will half back him again by buying a few players for the future and whatever discount deals we can for squad players and that’ll be it. It’s a slow build and fans are going to continue blaming the manager when it’s clearly the owners setting the pace. Everyone would have taken second at the start of the season after the first few games, especially with the roster he has at his disposal. Halfway through the season in first place and this place is still totally divided on him. It’s mad. He should be given a few more top players to have a right crack at it. We aren’t far off but if we have a similar summer then we aren’t going to win next year either.
I guess last year Arsenal were... a really good domestic side?
Sevilla were a much better team than us.
And Lyon were a better team than City.
So they were just lucky? Bloody hell, i have no words.
Who needs players, coaches or money then? You just need to wait your turn.
I’ll just drop this here so people can stop overreacting. You need a manager in place to go into the transfer window.

To add, any player he has or will bring will get a bigger pay rise than he has.

Still too much money. I mean he’s not half the manager Pep is. The fact that everyone agrees that salary is okay just says it all.

It’s like everyone at the club and those who want him to stay all admit he’s sh!te.
I know it's possible and given our injury problems the slide is likely to start today but it wouldn't necessarily mean sacking him would be the right thing to do.

So he doesn't make CL, then what? Sack him on the last day of the season (or worse spend weeks deliberating), tear up all the plans for the summer transfer window and start looking for a new guy with no guarantee they will do any better?
If we follow that logic why buy new players, it is no guarantee they will do better.
I know it's possible and given our injury problems the slide is likely to start today but it wouldn't necessarily mean sacking him would be the right thing to do.

So he doesn't make CL, then what? Sack him on the last day of the season (or worse spend weeks deliberating), tear up all the plans for the summer transfer window and start looking for a new guy with no guarantee they will do any better?
There's never a guarantee. Therefore no manager should ever be sacked
New contract wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for me.

I was one of the many calling for his head earlier in the season but tbh, but imo we have shown that there is definitely the makings of championship winning team with this set up. We have a likeable team finally, not too much off the field drama and our (at times) dull as dishwater football is still better than any previous manager.

For me, the real test for the manager and the club as a whole comes in the summer with our transfer dealings. If we feck that up, as we do time and time again, then Ole may as well walk out the door himself.

That's all from me anyway. See you all in here at 10pm so that I can change my mind and moan about how Ole needs to be sacked.
Great move by the club. There was only this way to keep him out of the clutches of the scores of other clubs who are interested in him.
I know it's possible and given our injury problems the slide is likely to start today but it wouldn't necessarily mean sacking him would be the right thing to do.

So he doesn't make CL, then what? Sack him on the last day of the season (or worse spend weeks deliberating), tear up all the plans for the summer transfer window and start looking for a new guy with no guarantee they will do any better?
Great logic. So why buy new players then? Is there a guarantee that Sancho will be good for us or be a flop? Haaland? Messi?!!
Why clubs sack and hire managers then?

You reached another level with Ole. Most of fans who believe in him at least demand something (cup, top 4, title challenge). You are giving him free ride. With this squad any manager can be between 5th-8th place. Any. Literally any. Find a random guy from any league and division and he will finish in top 8. Of course i can't guarantee that but... :lol:
I was all for Ole earning a new contract. Be has not earned it until the season is over.

Things change quick in football. Could be going great next week or could be gone to shit etc
Why pay him so much not like he would leave....
I don't get this also. He had one mil contract with Molde. We were only interested. So why 8 mil? Why just don't match his market value? If someone offers him a contract on 8 mil then sure, match it but this? Same thing like we are doing with players for years (Jones, Williams, Lingard).
Think he does care and also does his best.

Not his fault that those above think what he showed so far deserves an extension and a pay raise.

And it is not even money that is an issue (he will be 5th highest paid manager in the league, so definitely nothing extreme). It is the timing. Not a single reason to give the contract at this point in time.
He definitely cares. He’s a United fan. He had Rashford’s shirt over his TV when watching us beat Pool in 2018. Something trivial, but while it’s fine to say that he’s not good enough, which I definitely agree with to a fairly large extent, he definitely cares.

Maybe I misread. I meant about the criticism he receives. I've no doubt that he cares about the job.
Whatever, it just means the club will pay him more if/when they sack him.

I like Ole, the only problems I have with him currently are his brand of outdated football, his Mourinho tactics when defending a 1-0 lead and his defensive signings (Maguire and Wan-Bissaka are shit imo, Telles is mediocrity personified)

On the other hand he's signed Bruno Fernandes, huge plus. Also we seem to win a ridiculous amount of games that on paper aren't supposed to, latest example City away.

I don't know, I was leaning towards "sack" but now I kind of want to see where this weird mess will take us in a few years. Highly likely nowhere but I'm past caring.
Luck obviously plays a massive part in cup knockout competitions. Are you genuinely arguing that point?
Luck is important in everything. But luck is just a small small part in it. When you say lottery then you are saying that everybody have same chance. Which is simply not true. Real won 4 cl in 5 years. Were they just luckier than others? Sevilla won 5 or 6 EL already. Luck?

In cups manager has a big role. In knockout games manager must react quickly and do smart moves. Outsmart other manager. And that is why our manager lost 4 semis in a row so far. Because he is not good enough.
Luck is important in everything. But luck is just a small small part in it. When you say lottery then you are saying that everybody have same chance. Which is simply not true. Real won 4 cl in 5 years. Were they just luckier than others? Sevilla won 5 or 6 EL already. Luck?

In cups manager has a big role. In knockout games manager must react quickly and do smart moves. Outsmart other manager. And that is why our manager lost 4 semis in a row so far. Because he is not good enough.

When Klopp lost like seven finals in a row was he not good enough?
The fact that fans of every other club are all collectively rubbing their hands in glee that we are keeping him in a job instead of bringing in another coach that could potentially take us to another level tells you all you need to know.
To the numpty requoting posts on the other forum, really can't be arsed to reply you on the topic in two different threads. Too much work.
I know it's possible and given our injury problems the slide is likely to start today but it wouldn't necessarily mean sacking him would be the right thing to do.

So he doesn't make CL, then what? Sack him on the last day of the season (or worse spend weeks deliberating), tear up all the plans for the summer transfer window and start looking for a new guy with no guarantee they will do any better?
There are no guarantees in sport and you always have to take risks. But to answer your question - yes, most likely sack. We have a squad clearly good enough for TOP 4, finishing lower means we are underperforming. Personally I think we haven't improved pretty much at all this season on the pitch. We have exact same issues we had since Ole took over, our performances are usually shambolic apart from random 10 min spells here and there, style of play is not better than Jose's, our 2nd place we are currently in is very flattering and we are very likely to end up on similar points tally we did last season. Our signings are also very meh, all of them have a very real potential to join the deadwood list apart from Bruno. I think Ole definitely does a lot of right things off the pitch and he is generally a likeable guy who tries his best I just struggle to see improvement on the field so if we don't make CL, I think he should be gone.
Summarizes our lack of ambition as a club overall. We sadly dont aim for titles anymore, top 4 is deemed as success now.

No matter what the coach or players say, thats the aim and its been proven again.
When Klopp lost like seven finals in a row was he not good enough?
Klopp won 2 leagues during that run. And at the end won the most important cup in club's football.
With Ole it is just blind faith that he will do it one day. But in reality, he will not.
I am an Ole fanboy. Still, the only reason I can see for the club to rush his contract extension would be a stretegic one with regards to contract negotiations for positions we need to strengthen. Anyone here who see any other obvious reason?
To give time for Ole to work with the new appointments of Murtough and Fletcher to see if that works?
Summarizes our lack of ambition as a club overall. We sadly dont aim for titles anymore, top 4 is deemed as success now.

No matter what the coach or players say, thats the aim and its been proven again.
Yup, in only two years we became Arsenal. Even worse. We just want top 4 trophy. They at least want to win some cup then and there.
I keep reading from some posters on here on how we have improved, and I'm struggling to see what they're talking about. Are we watching the same Manchester United?

Our whole team is inconsistent from top to bottom. Our defense still looks suspect. Our midfield still lacks creativity. Our attack is still inconsistent. Our whole team looks like a bunch of individuals trying to figure out how to play as a team.

The only thing that's consistent in our team is Bruno. God forbid the man gets injured for a lengthy period of time, we'll struggle to finish top6, let alone top4.

Looking at all of this I'm struggling to see how Ole can get a new contract, let alone mid season where we're not even sure if we're going to finish top4.

It would be a strange decision to hand him a contract now. I don't get why we don't just wait until the end of the season and see where are under Ole then. He still has a year left on his current contract.
It's Woodward, what do you expect? He did the same thing with Mourinho where he extended his contract mid season. He also made Ole a permanent manager mid season as well. The man just never learns.
Not about this or next season :lol:
Its the logic from the cult, its not even about the next 5 years. Its about patience and patience, maybe we'll not be here to see it but our kids will enjoy all the magnificent progress.
I don't understand the timing of this.

We have gone from top of the league to 17 points off the top, in the space of 8/9 weeks.

It would make more sense to see how the season ends and make the decision then. It is still possible we end up in the mid 60's points range with no Champions League. That is hardly progress.

Get out of here with your common sense.