Books So what will G.R.R. Martin do differently? [GoT] [ASoIaF] [spoilers]

Think he plans to end it with the Lords forcing some kind of Magna Carta type agreement on whoever they choose to sit the thrown to limit the powers of the Crown. Doubt he’ll ever get close to that point though.
I like this, but the only problem is that there is no 'Second Dance of Dragons' which has been heavily implied. There is gonna be Dany vs Aegon or Dany vs Jon.

I counter that with the prophecy that "the dragon must have three heads."

Jon Snow is obviously the real Prince That Was Promised and it is him that will ultimately defeat the Others (not Arya, which is why I have her down for dragon queen slaying, which is more of her thing anyway).
Think he plans to end it with the Lords forcing some kind of Magna Carta type agreement on whoever they choose to sit the thrown to limit the powers of the Crown. Doubt he’ll ever get close to that point though.
I have a hard time seeing anyone on the Iron Throne at the end. Westeros has had enough of kings of kings.
I have a hard time seeing anyone on the Iron Throne at the end. Westeros has had enough of kings of kings.

Well I guess the point would be that they get to have some say on who will rule and how they should rule. Which would be some progress from the absolutism of the old way.
It wouldn't make sense to me. If they really wanted to ramp up the tension/interest in both the best thing to do would've been to time their releases with the last two seasons of the TV show.

I mean with GOT going on a 2 year break, the next book being released in between would've been a perfect time to cash out.

Now by the time his final book comes out the show will be a more distant memory.

That makes sense to sell the books but i imagine HBO may have paid him a fee to not release the books. I mean it would have really killed this final season if the book had come out.

I don't think the books ending will be that different. It'll continue the side stories they've cut out but it won't be a happy ending.
That makes sense to sell the books but i imagine HBO may have paid him a fee to not release the books. I mean it would have really killed this final season if the book had come out.

The books can not surely be written.

The last one shows he was all over the place, I honestly think he isn't even interested at this point.
At what point is an abbreviation considered too long? ASOIAF is pushing that if you ask me.
That makes sense to sell the books but i imagine HBO may have paid him a fee to not release the books. I mean it would have really killed this final season if the book had come out.

Why would it kill it?

Didn't hurt the series up until now. Surely the Winds of Winter could have been released safely by now without 'killing the final season'.
At what point is an abbreviation considered too long? ASOIAF is pushing that if you ask me.


He wrote a blog post about two days ago citing the rumours as bullshit. So he's back to everyone thinking he's a lazy turd again. :(

Nope. He's not lazy, just can't finish it and really doesn't even see a need to.
Nope. He's not lazy, just can't finish it and really doesn't even see a need to.

I find the attitude of not finishing a piece of work despite it being followed by millions of people lazy.

He's got the celebrity status now, turning up to premieres of the Tolkien film (???) rather than actually focusing down on finishing his work. I don't blame him for what its worth, I think the majority of us would do the same in his position.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

The man isn't that great a writer.
Absolutely. He is a brilliant visionary but his actual writing isn't that good. Plus he has an advantage of not being limited in terms time/money/number of characters over the show, although he'd probably write a better script than the showrunners anyway.
Christ, was that all? Felt far longer. Surprised by that.
There is always the possibility that he appeared in some of the Daenerys' chapters too. I think that she discussed him with Ser Barristan.
  • To kill the Night King they will have to kill Bran in the books as Bran and the Nigh King will be shown to be connected (not quite the "same" person but the same meta-phenomenon - both must be killed or the other will regenerate somehow)
  • Jaime will not go back to love and die with Cersei
  • The Hound and the Mountain will not die together in some Hollywood-esque cheesiness
  • Jon Snow will hopefully not be so predictable and boring
  • Melisandre will have a more interesting role
I find the attitude of not finishing a piece of work despite it being followed by millions of people lazy.

He's got the celebrity status now, turning up to premieres of the Tolkien film (???) rather than actually focusing down on finishing his work. I don't blame him for what its worth, I think the majority of us would do the same in his position.

I remember Patrick Rothfuss used to cheekily tease Martin about not finishing books then Rothfuss himself has been lagging on the third book in his own trilogy.
I find the attitude of not finishing a piece of work despite it being followed by millions of people lazy.

He's got the celebrity status now, turning up to premieres of the Tolkien film (???) rather than actually focusing down on finishing his work. I don't blame him for what its worth, I think the majority of us would do the same in his position.

I don't think its lazy, I think he just can't and he knows it.

It sounds silly, but I actually would bet he doesn't really know how to end it but all the ego the fame has given him won't let someone else do it for him. He was never a great writer, anyone who has read those books surely sees that, and now the best thing for him is to let the tv show take it to the conclusion and all the flak. It's smart in a way imo.

Absolutely. He is a brilliant visionary but his actual writing isn't that good. Plus he has an advantage of not being limited in terms time/money/number of characters over the show, although he'd probably write a better script than the showrunners anyway.

The tv show would undoubtedly be better with a proper writer in charge. But I will give credit, some of those scenes (like Jaime vs Ned, Hardhome) have been much better than the books, and at least they've found an ending.
The tv show would undoubtedly be better with a proper writer in charge. But I will give credit, some of those scenes (like Jaime vs Ned, Hardhome) have been much better than the books, and at least they've found an ending.
I can forgive them everything for casting Nathalie Emmanuel in a place of a 10-year old girl.
Long time since i read them all but isn't Euron prophesied to sit on the Iron throne (most likely very briefly). His character was very disturbing I recall.
Absolutely. He is a brilliant visionary but his actual writing isn't that good. Plus he has an advantage of not being limited in terms time/money/number of characters over the show, although he'd probably write a better script than the showrunners anyway.

This is going to sound very elitist but my standards for fantasy writers are far lower than other genres so:

Would you rate Martin as a good fantasy writer?
Long time since i read them all but isn't Euron prophesied to sit on the Iron throne (most likely very briefly). His character was very disturbing I recall.

He doesn't have the Horn of Winter in the show so that prophecy would have been written out (I believe they were connected)
This is going to sound very elitist but my standards for fantasy writers are far lower than other genres so:

Would you rate Martin as a good fantasy writer?
I'd agree. Yes, if we extract all of the sex scenes that are written by a creepy horny 60-year old virgin.
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This is going to sound very elitist but my standards for fantasy writers are far lower than other genres so:

Would you rate Martin as a good fantasy writer?

I know it wasn't aimed at me, but I'll say I don't even know. I'm not an avid fantasy reader.

I just found these books to be incredibly samey in terms of the descriptions, I found it all very simplistic and heavily descriptive in areas it really didn't need to be. I think the world is great, the political intrigue is great, I even love the house and character names. I just don't find what he did with the world all that interesting or different past the first 2 or 3 books, I honestly don't think he knew what to do past his plan. Hence why he started focusing on the world around it in other books, I think his strength was always the imagination not the realisation of the story.

But again, I don't read many fantasy books so I'm sure someone can tell me I'm wrong about that.
He doesn't have the Horn of Winter in the show so that prophecy would have been written out (I believe they were connected)
Didn't Euron use it to prove his claim on the Iron Islands in the show? I swear, I can remember that scene so clearly, but it seems that I've just visualised something that only happened in the books :lol:
Didn't Euron use it to prove his claim on the Iron Islands in the show? I swear, I can remember that scene so clearly, but it seems that I've just visualised something that only happened in the books :lol:

Oh dang, now you have me wondering if they showed that in show and I have to go now! This is going to bother me all day :lol:
Oh dang, now you have me wondering if they showed that in show and I have to go now! This is going to bother me all day :lol:

They didn’t, they messed up that scene entirely by going for cock jokes.
Rickon is alive in the books still isn't he? I'm hoping his end will be different, perhaps give him a story ark, he is a stark after all.
Rickon is alive in the books still isn't he? I'm hoping his end will be different, perhaps give him a story ark, he is a stark after all.
I think him and Osha went with Shaggy Dog to Skagos. Which may just have been GRRM's way of writing him out or starting a whole new adventure with the people of Skagos.
Been waiting since 2012 - when last one released in paperback - Dance with Dragons Part 2.

He has written lots of other books about the different houses / characters since.

So he has had plenty of time and even when the TV series - which I have not watched - caught up he didn't seem that bothered with continuing the story.

Dan Brown did the same when his Da Vinci Code hit the screen - took 6 years before he picked up his pen again.

Thankfully Raymond Feist and his magician series filled the gap.
I think him and Osha went with Shaggy Dog to Skagos. Which may just have been GRRM's way of writing him out or starting a whole new adventure with the people of Skagos.
He can still show up somehow hopefully, I've always thought he was better than bran.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

The man isn't that great a writer. He created an epic world, he created so many great characters, he had the knack or working out things as he went. But ultimately, he had no finish line and that's the real reason he is never finishing the books. People can say what they want, but the truth is he knows that and is going to die without finishing them and he will take that world with him because it's better for him to pretend than let some other writer do it.
We finally agree! The scope in which he has attempted to work has been inspiring, but as you said, it's fairly evident he's made a lot up as he's gone along. There's no inherent problem with that, some of our greatest authors have been 'pantsers', but there comes a time where you need to begin writing to a finale, and your story arcs need to coalesce and complete. Instead he's allowed his world to expand and expand, to the point in which there's no hope of finishing the series in a concise and satisfying manner. He knows this, and so I too believe he has no real intention in completing it. He's released 1 ASOIAF novel in 14 years ffs.
Also Bronn is a minor character in the books, even George talked about how he doesn't like minor characters getting too much attention and that guy got much more than he deserves imo.
I’ve always thought GRRM moved Winds and Dream aside to do his version of the Simarillion (TWOIAF & Fire & Blood etc) was so that his created universe would have a chance of living beyond ASOIAF and not be potentially bastardised by people who turn it into blatant cheap fan fiction.

Some chapters of Winds are done and GRRM has done readings of them so I can’t imagine it’s too far away. The day it’s formally announced is going to be probably record breaking for book pre orders or numbers close to when the last Harry Potter book was announced.
He can still show up somehow hopefully, I've always thought he was better than bran.
Bran is really fascinating at the beginning of story IMO. He has the best monologues in the series.

Admitely, he becomes more boring (though not as boring as in the show) in the latest few books. He's super important for the series though, Martin considers him one of the top 5 characters (despite that Sansa who is not in top 5 has more POV chapters).