

Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
I was offered one for 70 euros and maybe I'll take it.

Now my question is am I just being nostalgic or was this actually fun to play?

What is the advice of the caf?
It's great fun to play, even now. Games like super Mario world, Zelda, Mario Kart, Street fighter and Donkey Kong Country are classics that will never get old. However unless the console involves a ton of games then 70 euros is a lot to spend on it.
Buy it, ive still got mine in the spare room and every so often i set it up and have a mammoth gaming session on mario kart, super mario world and allstars
It's still great fun. Mine's always hooked up and I play it regularly.

But like Goggsy said, if it's just the console you can get one cheaper on eBay.
Is it more practical to just get an emulator? I got one for N64 I love it! :D
Is it more practical to just get an emulator? I got one for N64 I love it! :D

It's not the same imo. Obviously you can get the controllers and what not but nothing beats the snes on a nice big tv, maybe a few beers in the living room. I'm sure you can pick the console up for next to nothing these days. Theres also a lot of hidden gems on the snes.
It's not the same imo. Obviously you can get the controllers and what not but nothing beats the snes on a nice big tv, maybe a few beers in the living room. I'm sure you can pick the console up for next to nothing these days. Theres also a lot of hidden gems on the snes.


I occasionally use emulators sometime just to quickly check if I'd like a game before I buy it, but they don't have the same feeling of the proper console.

Also scouring eBay to find a copy of a rare game is great fun :D
Which games do people have fond memories of in terms of ones that weren't the major titles?

I used to love playing Super Strike Gunner, Battletoads and there was a good karting style game with weapons and the like but can't remember the name. Something like Super Street Racer or something....

Good memories
Which games do people have fond memories of in terms of ones that weren't the major titles?

I used to love playing Super Strike Gunner, Battletoads and there was a good karting style game with weapons and the like but can't remember the name. Something like Super Street Racer or something....

Good memories

Addams Family and Pugsleys Scavanger Hunt are two of my favourite ever games but those aren't talked about much. Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures is another good one that's not talked about much. Demon's Crest is one of my favourites, that's quite rare. There's quite a few TBH.

The game is Street Racer BTW


Addams Family and Pugsleys Scavanger Hunt are two of my favourite ever games but those aren't talked about much. Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures is another good one that's not talked about much. Demon's Crest is one of my faooruties but it's quite rare. There's quite a few TBH.

The game is Street Racer BTW



Ah cheers olly, I was close. That was an absolutely fantastic game, or at least seemed like it at the time. Games these days just really don't compare.
The guy is throwing in his games, around 20, so I don' think it's too expensive. I have to check ebay though, as I have no idea how much these games are being sold nowadays.

Reading about these games makes me want to play it even more now. Super Mario Kart was great and I still remember I couldn´t finish Bart´s Nightmare
Got mine out of the garage the other day, been in there for 2 years or so.

Couldnt remember what was in the box so upon opening......console :drool:

original grey controllers :drool:

mariokart, allstars, world 1,2 and 3 :drool:

I plugged it into the mains, only to discover the other lead (scart?) that goes from the console into the tv was missing :mad:
Got mine out of the garage the other day, been in there for 2 years or so.

Couldnt remember what was in the box so upon opening......console :drool:

original grey controllers :drool:

mariokart, allstars, world 1,2 and 3 :drool:

I plugged it into the mains, only to discover the other lead (scart?) that goes from the console into the tv was missing :mad:

:lol: Oops. If you have an N64 or Gamecube they use the same connection for their display leads so you can use them.

They're cheap to buy though anyway - SNES Nintendo N64 Gamecube AV lead TV cable scart | eBay

I was going to say that Street Fighter II is a must-have on the SNES! I remember before getting my own, my parents used to rent it for me, and I would wake up at dawn just aching to play it!
How about packing the emulator into a neat cartridge on a usb and play it with remotes? That way you get all the games and still play the games like you used to. Has anyone tried that?

Sort of like this
You can use a PS3 controller on your PC.

Then you lose the feeling of sitting in front of your television and holding the remote. Some people are bother about that. I've played a lot the old stuff on emulators but I enjoy it more with an old flat controller.

Cheers for the link though. Haven't been that kind of a gamer on my pc before but will give it a try.
Then you lose the feeling of sitting in front of your television and holding the remote. Some people are bother about that. I've played a lot the old stuff on emulators but I enjoy it more with an old flat controller.

I love joysticks, but I don't want my Amiga inside one (yes, you can buy this).

I think the TV vs Monitor thing is blurred now in any case, my monitor is 1080p and 22", I have a big comfy office chair that reclines, PS3 controller has a better D-Pad than the SNES controller. Perfect.

My SNES stays in its box in perfect condition. As does this:


and this



Come on gaming caftards, how many of you have a working Atari 2600?

I still remember the cheat

Down R Up L Y B X. I think it allowed you to choose the same character in vs mode or increase the speed.

Credit to you for keeping those consoles in pristine condition. My first console was the NES. Miss that bad boy but I have some emulators so it's ok.
Did you just spend half an hour positioning it there for a nice photo? Because it doesn't sit there on a daily basis!


Yes it does. They're there, the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii are just on the floor to the right of the cabinet in the picture, and under it is a PS2, Megadrive, N64 and Gamecube (and behind all of those are a load of cables, adapters and controllers).

You also seem to live in a public bog!

It's great fun to play, even now. Games like super Mario world, Zelda, Mario Kart, Street fighter and Donkey Kong Country are classics that will never get old. However unless the console involves a ton of games then 70 euros is a lot to spend on it.

You forgot to mention the best game on the system - Super Metroid
I always get jealous when looking at older systems and huge collections of games...and then off to eBay. But can now hold the urge knowing that I wouldn't replay most of it and I'll never become a true collector. Got a few stuff left over, the N64, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast and Xbox.

If I had more money, I truly would though. But I just don't.