Sky News: Premier League clubs could face 10% transfer levy under Labour

(not from the UK but) I came in here with the impression most in England would be fine with this? Taxing the super rich for their spending and distributing it back to the poor? If this was a corporate tax or executive bonuses, I'm sure most here would celebrate.

But Starmer u-turned on the levy and tried to blame it on the woman who was with him, they'd obviously been discussing it on Monday. Then it was pointed out to him that the Premier League already do finance grass roots and lower league football which he was unaware of.
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But there are loads of midweek matches - League Cup, lower division matches throughout the season in midweek. They're not going to kick off at 3 in the afternoon on a weekday. The evening matches at a weekend should be even better than midweek as most people will not have to go to work the next day. It's mindless rambling.

I'm aware there's plenty of midweek matches where nothing can really be done to help in this regard, but why not try to make it a little easier for travelling fans where it can?

League Cup is random anyone can play anyone so nothing to be done there, but even lower league games could try to schedule midweek matches closer to home where possible, not just for fans but I imagine it would be beneficial to some clubs in terms of their expenses and saving them an overnight stay. Maybe they already do that when they make the original fixture list in the lower divisions? You wouldn't always be able to do it perfectly due to postponements and re-scheduled games etc. but there's benefit there.

The Football League Trophy is regionalised right up to the final with a North and South section for those kind of reasons.
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