Single most embarassing piece of music you ever bought?

I bought 'Here comes the Hammer' by MC Hammer

I also bought a Nick Kershaw album in the Eighties
i'm gonna get butt-humped over this one -->

This is extremely hard to admit but I actually bought a Limp Bizkit album a few years ago... I'm profoundly ashamed of this fact and I can only hope that I'll never do anything as stupid again as along as I live!

I bought chocolate starfish when I was in school, that album was ill back in the day. I loved my way.
I bought the Right Said Fred album with "I'm too sexy" and "Deeply Dippy" on it

I must have been 12-13

The Birdy Song was in my gaff on Vinel when i was a nipper. Not sure where that came from
Oh God no !!! Why would you do such a thing ? That album received some of the most cutting reviews I've read to date. They were basically slagging the bollox off the poor fecker

I have no idea, i got one of his songs stuck in my head and ended up buying it when i saw it on the cheap.

I've lost it now, hopefully never to see it again.
I think it was probably that Levellers album.

I bought at least two of them. I even went as far as getting the guitar tab for several of the tunes on Levelling the Land.

My most ermbarrassing purchase ever was the first single I ever bought. Well, I say I bought it but I asked my parents to get it for me when they went on holiday to London.

Feck knows how the pre-teen me had the chutzpah to ask my mum to buy a single with such a dodgy title...

First album I ever bought....


I was only 7........ not half as gay as Brian McFadden!
This was the first ever album I brought....Still love it to this day.


Although give this to a 10 year old, and it's bound to do some damage.
Don't hold back, let it all out!
I'm sure he will be thrilled to know how you feel... :p

Here's my worst one --

Move Move Move (The Red Tribe) - 1996 Manchester United FA Cup song

heh heh I have that one, but someone lent it to me and I wasn't able to return it before I moved away.
heh heh I have that one, but someone lent it to me and I wasn't able to return it before I moved away.
"When we come like a hurricane
Blowin' everyone away
There's nowhere you can run and hide..."

(Looking this old monstrosity up on Youtube & reading the lyrics posted there added another layer of embarrassment, I must admit.)
"When we come like a hurricane
Blowin' everyone away
There's nowhere you can run and hide..."

(Looking this old monstrosity up on Youtube & reading the lyrics posted there added another layer of embarrassment, I must admit.)


We're strong, we're United
there's no way to fight it
Nothing's gonna keep us at bay

No one can move, move, move
like the red tribe do
there's no man that can stand in our way
No one can move, move, move
like the red tribe do
they just can't take the heat when we play...:lol:
I've just found The Medic Droid's album What's Your Medium in the depths of my music collection. That's quite embarassing.