Gaming Sign-ups closed - The Europa Universalis 4 Experiment

I'll start running it tomorrow. Still a few spots left if anyone wants to join before then. Just give the details in the OP and I'll add you. Maybe you will be the one to conquer @Eboue? To wipe him off the map? To convert his heretic people into your religion? Oh, but I dream.
@Rado_N is busy at the mo but said he wants the following

1. Moldavia

2. Disinterest and ruining friendships

3. Purple

4. Garth the Ripper


im gonna gut you like a fish
I'm so small compared to everyone else, feel like my country is going to disappear within 5 years :lol:
(Map so far, not started yet)

Here's what I need from you, if you want to see your virtual self wage war on a fellow Cafite (or maybe marry them):
  1. Where do you want your capital (either a specific province or a general area - you can use this if you want to. Please spread around a bit. If you all pick England I am going to make you tiny. If you don't care I can choose. @Welsh Wonder has already claimed Wales, for some reason)
Tetouan, Morocco
  1. What are one or two things you want your country to be good at? (I'll try to pick a couple of national ideas to match)
Innovation and Defence
  1. What colour do you want on the map? (there are 100 to pick from but there's no RGB or Hex or anything, so I'll just try to eyeball it and make sure there's a bit of variation)
Brown or yellow
  1. The name of your ruler (the dynasty will be your nickname, we'll see if there are any dynasties left by the time we're done)
Olaf the Fez

I guess add yourself to this list? I added a few people who expressed interest already. If they withdraw that interest I'll still add them but make their countries really bad. We can do like 30, easily. More if there's demand.
  1. BD - Lisboa
  2. Dr. Dwayne - Kolberg
  3. Crackers - Porto
  4. Solius - Madrid
  5. altodevil - Lothian
  6. Welsh Wonder - Morgannwg
  7. Vidyoyo - Stockholm
  8. Samid - Vilnius
  9. Abizzz - Baden
  10. V.O - Inntal
  11. P-Nut - Verona
  12. Denis79 - Bosnia
  13. hobbers - Constantinople
  14. VeevaVee - Roma
  15. KirkDuyt - Den Haag
  16. PSV - Warszawa
  17. Eboue - Paris
  18. Salt Bailly - X
  19. Organic Potatoes - Cork
  20. RedSky - Bordeaux
  21. Dan - Dresden
  22. Grib - Athens
  23. Igor Drefljak - Agdesiden
  24. AnotherLondonManc - Càller
  25. Stobzilla - Tunis
  26. BootsyCollins - Nyland
  27. adexkola - Dortmund
  28. Wing Attack Plan R - Qahirah
  29. Shakesey - Tetouan
  30. x
  31. --->
I enjoy EU4 but am not good enough for a multiplayer game.

Much prefer HOI4
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I enjoy EU 4 but am not good enough for a multiplayer game.

Much prefer HOI4

This isn't a true multiplayer game, it's more of a hands-off game where I give updates on your countries. If you want the glorious country of Tiber to conquer Europe, check the OP. I think I can still fit someone in.
This isn't a true multiplayer game, it's more of a hands-off game where I give updates on your countries. If you want the glorious country of Tiber to conquer Europe, check the OP. I think I can still fit someone in.

Fair enough.

Il take Lithuania as it looks free. Whatever sensible capital works is fine

Mostly interested in turning California into New New Lithuania, but lets go for trade and conquest.

Whatever colour is left is fine

Title: General Admiral Emperor Mayor Tiber PHD
Lucky escape for @Salt Bailly
I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.
Speaking of, could you pick another colour than Turquoise? Samid and PSV are already right nearby with blue-green colours. It's like we're colour coding by region so far :lol:

I could make you a darker blue-green if you want.
It's becoming abundantly clear that this entire operation is rigged from day one. I guess I will go for the colour white.
Okay, here's the nearly (possibly) finished product. I won't start running it for a few hours maybe (I'll have to run a quick test to see if everything checks out anyway). It should still be possible to squeeze someone in around the wonky yellow crosses, but this is last call.

If you're worried that it seems busy and chaotic... I wouldn't worry. Someone is probably going to die within the first 15 years, and by 1600 I'd be pleasantly surprised if half of you are still around.

Ladies, gentlemen, and assorted woodland creatures!

We find ourselves in a most peculiar predicament, where absurdity reigns supreme and reason has taken a vacation to Bermuda. With a jubilant spirit and a taste for adventure, we proudly declare a war!

The Balkans.
I forgot that EU4 has hordes :lol: Eastern europe might have been a miscalculation
Thanks for being a buffer against the hordes.

Also, hordes love states with whores.

I joined at the last second and there wasn't much left. Greece looked a bit small but appears to already be on the outskirts of Constantinople, so have a little regret on that one
Okay, here's the nearly (possibly) finished product. I won't start running it for a few hours maybe (I'll have to run a quick test to see if everything checks out anyway). It should still be possible to squeeze someone in around the wonky yellow crosses, but this is last call.

If you're worried that it seems busy and chaotic... I wouldn't worry. Someone is probably going to die within the first 15 years, and by 1600 I'd be pleasantly surprised if half of you are still around.

@hobbers looks ominous
Okay the test run went okay. I thought there might be a problem with colonies since we killed all the countries that did actual colonization, but it seems like some of you losers manage to find your way to America one way or another.

We'll start it up today. It might take a bit since I have to at least give you the courtesy of introducing all the new countries (probably in a new thread). Particularly since some of you might not stick around for too long. There's still 2-3 spots left for latecomers, but other than that we're set.
I've noticed that I'm surrounded by warmongers. I think I'll need a stronger Navy if I'm to prosper.
Permission to change my specialities to Navy and Diplomacy?
Is biological warfare a thing?

Maybe we could keep syphilis infested courtesans on deck for any invaders. Try invading France with a syphilis ridden army

If so add to my kingdom please