Film Sight and Sound's 100 Greatest Films of All Time - decennial update!

Pfff, look at you talking about actually watching acclaimed films before deciding they're pretentious. Go back to film school film boy.
I would. But these people keep forcing me to watch Citizen Kane and pretend to enjoy it. It’s terrible I tells ya! Damn snobs liking things I don’t like.
Imo Verhoeven is the perfect blend of main stream cinema but with actual substance. Robocop, Total Recall, Basic Instinct, Showgirls and Starship Troopers is one of the best runs of all time. Also the guy has still got it as Benedetta is brilliant film.

That's a good shout. I think Ruben Ostlund is cut from the same cloth
That's a good shout. I think Ruben Ostlund is cut from the same cloth
Was listening to a podcast about Starship Troopers and one of the host said what really makes Veroheven stand out is that he isn’t afraid to make people think he is a bad film maker in order to make a bigger point.

If people don’t get that Troopers is a satire on fascism but also made in the style of a fascist film, then they come away thinking it’s just a awful soap opera(Which many did, including critics)

The same with Showgirls, which was panned by everyone at the time and now some like ironically, but imo it’s a genuinely great piece of art about the sex industry and the commodification of women bodies. As Verhoeven says Showgirls is Sex = Money.

Not a lot has changed as reviews of Benedetta talked about the sex scenes, while missing the fact it’s really the best film about Christian atheism/radical universalism of Jesus.

Verhoeven has always been the smartest guy in the room, yet still people are still desperately trying to prove him wrong.

I think Ruben Ostlund is cut from the same cloth
Yet to watch any of his films. Was planning to see the latest one in the cineam but didn’t have the free time in the end. But just from trailers he does give off the same vibe.