Server upgrades tomorrow (Monday)

Wtf is this?


I just had the same screen with Steven Gerrard falling over :lol:
The following error occurred:
Sorry, you are not allowed access that page (33437072).

When clicking on the "Insert Quotes" button.
I couldn't access the site for the last three days. Tried clearing cookies, incognito mode, even uninstalled my browsers and reinstalled them from scratch, both on my computer and then in my mobile.

Finally managed to access it by switching wi-fi off and using mobile data. So I presume the problem was in my router, which I am now restarting. Is this normal?
So I still can't access the cafe at all from my home wi-fi connection, even after turning off the router. Works well with mobile data, but it's an hassle, and a risk I'll get distracted and spend too much data on my mobile connection. Any ideas on what can be causing this?

EDIT: sorry just noticed that some people experienced similar in the previous pages, will look into those posts.

My problem is exactly the same as @bpet15 . Any device (including PS4 web browser), any browser, all history cleared and network restarted, still same problem.
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So I still can't access the cafe at all from my home wi-fi connection, even after turning off the router. Works well with mobile data, but it's an hassle, and a risk I'll get distracted and spend too much data on my mobile connection. Any ideas on what can be causing this?

EDIT: sorry just noticed that some people experienced similar in the previous pages, will look into those posts.

My problem is exactly the same as @bpet15 . Any device (including PS4 web browser), any browser, all history cleared and network restarted, still same problem.

My issue still exists. Site can be reached via mobile network, but not using my home WiFi on any device.
@Arruda @bpet15 I wonder if this is a DNS issue with your local network. Do you know how to change the DNS server on your computer?

If so change it to (Google’s DNS servers) and see if that helps.

If you need assistance with that tell me what OS you’re using (eg windows 10, Mac OS X)...or just google how to do it. It’s straight forward once you know how.
Sorry, you are not allowed access that page (29492622).

Replying to a private conversation, not had any problems until just now.
anyone else getting 400 Bad Request Error, goes after about 30 seconds, don't think it's client related as I get the same on my phone too.
anyone else getting 400 Bad Request Error, goes after about 30 seconds, don't think it's client related as I get the same on my phone too.

In what context are you getting this error? What are you doing when you get it?
In what context are you getting this error? What are you doing when you get it?

can just be clicking round the site or after I've posted, next time it happens I'll let you know the time and page I was on, but it's happened on different parts of the site.

I'll also try to replicate it on my phone when it next happens but it generally only happens for about a minute at a time. Had it occur twice today, once early this morning and then at around 13:35ish
must be chrome related to me, just had it at 11:55 but could open in I.E closed chrome and reopened and it was ok
I'm getting the

"Sorry, we couldn't complete your request due to a temporary fault.

Please wait a few seconds and try again…"

error on the watched threads page.
Redcafe was down for me there for a solid, what, hour at least. Was I banned?
Recently I get a lot of connection reset errors when trying to access the site. Can take several refreshes before getting through. Seemed to start after the server upgrades.
Recently I get a lot of connection reset errors when trying to access the site. Can take several refreshes before getting through. Seemed to start after the server upgrades.

Is this happening on any specific devices or locations? e.g. at home with your desktop, but on your mobile connected to a mobile network it's fine.
Is this happening on any specific devices or locations? e.g. at home with your desktop, but on your mobile connected to a mobile network it's fine.
At home with desktop it happens for sure. Not sure if it happened on mobile too or not, I will observe and post back.
At home with desktop it happens for sure. Not sure if it happened on mobile too or not, I will observe and post back.

Did you post this message from your desktop at home? I just want to confirm I'm checking the correct IP address.
Just happened on my mobile too, but then the mobile browser tries again after a few seconds and got through, but first gave connection reset error. This post is done on my mobile.
Cannot use insert quotes function on any thread see below;

its every thread I go on where try to use this function

Just recently;
New Man United supporters (last 6 years)
Jose Mourinho -Was he right

advised by Damien to post here?
Cannot use insert quotes function on any thread see below;

its every thread I go on where try to use this function

Just recently;
New Man United supporters (last 6 years)
Jose Mourinho -Was he right

advised by Damien to post here?

I’ll look into it
Yeah quote function’s not working for me this morning.
Hi I can't start threads in general, I have the create thread button, but when I try to post it a message comes up saying "The following error occurred: Sorry you are not allowed access to that page"

Any help gratefully received!