serial killer movies

House of a Thousand Corpses.

It disturbed me initially but after another viewing I started to enjoy it.

That is one of the worst "movies" I have ever seen. A derivative, bland, generic pile of unimaginative Blob Zombie shite.

Zombie films are not really my cup of tea , but when somebody calls a film the worst they have ever seem , I have to watch it.I love watching really bad films

It's not a Zombie film, it's a Rob Zombie film.

Mr Brooks, Natural Born Killers, Summer of Sam, Helter Skelter, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer and Monster are all decent.
Peeping Tom

White of the Eye

Dont Look Now

Night of the Hunter
That is one of the worst "movies" I have ever seen. A derivative, bland, generic pile of unimaginative Blob Zombie shite.


Really? As a diehard horror fan I though it was a breath of fresh air from the Japanese remakes and teen slashers that populated the genre in 2002-2003.

His Halloween movies were utter garbage though.
Rob Zombie is an horrendous director. Don't bother.
Really? As a diehard horror fan I though it was a breath of fresh air from the Japanese remakes and teen slashers that populated the genre in 2002-2003.

His Halloween movies were utter garbage though.

Me too...I like the references and his use of actors from old classics that I love. Sid Haig is great as the clown too. Zombie is a crap director but the films (sequel too) were gory, escapist, nonsense fun).

I agree about the Halloween remakes..pointless and really quite nasty. The killings are just brutal and I didn't enjoy any part of the films at all. His stupid bitch wife is annoying too...she played the part in 1000 corpses well because I think that's exactly how she is.
I Saw The Devil is worth a watch though I didn't love it like I did The Chaser.

i saw the devil is cool - surreal cool

the chaser is great - that bit where he's trying to kill the girl using a hammer and chisel and it keeps glancing off her head and hitting the floor
i saw the devil is cool - surreal cool

the chaser is great - that bit where he's trying to kill the girl using a hammer and chisel and it keeps glancing off her head and hitting the floor

Shittest film I've seen this fact probably the shittest movies I've seen for the past 12 months.

I cant decide whether to watch this or not.... it's obviously got to be good as its a beat takeshi movie, but it looks really fecked up and disturbing.
not sure if i can handle it being the sensitive little flower i am

Ichi's great, only cnuts think Oldboy's better. And it's a Miike movie, Spades.
There's a really great TV movie about John Wayne Gacy with Brian Dennehy as Gacy. It really gave me the chills and Dennehy puts in an incredible performance as Gacy.

I just read that police are exhuming some of his victims to try and ID them after all these years.

Yes, that was a great movie.