Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
House of a Thousand Corpses.
It disturbed me initially but after another viewing I started to enjoy it.
It disturbed me initially but after another viewing I started to enjoy it.
Citizen X with Stephen Rea is a good one. Would definitely give it the thumbs up.
House of a Thousand Corpses.
It disturbed me initially but after another viewing I started to enjoy it.
That is one of the worst "movies" I have ever seen. A derivative, bland, generic pile of unimaginative Blob Zombie shite.
Zombie films are not really my cup of tea , but when somebody calls a film the worst they have ever seem , I have to watch it.I love watching really bad films
It's not a Zombie film, it's a Rob Zombie film.
Mr Brooks, Natural Born Killers, Summer of Sam, Helter Skelter, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer and Monster are all decent.
what a dick I am , cheers
That is one of the worst "movies" I have ever seen. A derivative, bland, generic pile of unimaginative Blob Zombie shite.
The First Power.
i loved that when it first came out
i bet it'd be shit if i watched it now
Really? As a diehard horror fan I though it was a breath of fresh air from the Japanese remakes and teen slashers that populated the genre in 2002-2003.
His Halloween movies were utter garbage though.
I Saw The Devil is worth a watch though I didn't love it like I did The Chaser.
i saw the devil is cool - surreal cool
the chaser is great - that bit where he's trying to kill the girl using a hammer and chisel and it keeps glancing off her head and hitting the floor
I cant decide whether to watch this or not.... it's obviously got to be good as its a beat takeshi movie, but it looks really fecked up and disturbing.
not sure if i can handle it being the sensitive little flower i am
Shittest film I've seen this fact probably the shittest movies I've seen for the past 12 months.
Ichi's great, only cnuts think Oldboy's better. And it's a Miike movie, Spades.
There's a really great TV movie about John Wayne Gacy with Brian Dennehy as Gacy. It really gave me the chills and Dennehy puts in an incredible performance as Gacy.
I just read that police are exhuming some of his victims to try and ID them after all these years.