Sensible World of Soccer

Also, playing it with keys makes certain types of goals that I used to score with ease on my amiga, very hard to do.

I loved this game and started playing it again after seeing this thread. Scoring on the keyboard is no easy feat! I think long shot is the best, possibly only way.

The first football game I fell in love with was Kick Off 2. I bet there's a way to get that running on the pc as well.

I loved this game and started playing it again after seeing this thread. Scoring on the keyboard is no easy feat! I think long shot is the best, possibly only way.

The first football game I fell in love with was Kick Off 2. I bet there's a way to get that running on the pc as well.

R. Simpson's through balls are the best I've seen in my life. No offside rule tho i think.
I had my Amiga 1200 hooked up to my telly just for Sensi until it came out for 360. Have you tried the 360 version? It's an exact clone of the original, played it more than anything else I reckon.

No, not tried the 360 version. Can you still buy old style joysticks? The CD32 controller is the only thing I have that's still working.
No, not tried the 360 version. Can you still buy old style joysticks? The CD32 controller is the only thing I have that's still working.

I have seen people modding old Amiga joysticks into 360 controllers just for Sensi. No idea if you can actually buy the things though, although it wouldn't surprise me to see them on ebay.

I always used a Sega Megadrive pad for SWOS, found it much easier than using a stick. The 360 pad works very well for it also.
Piss poor game.....goals were always scored more by luck than judgement.

As I recall, the exact same game engine was used for a game endorsed by John Barnes as well.

I liked the John Barnes game sadly enough, it was the one where you could design really intricate set-plays I seem to remember.
What formation did you lot use?

I preferred 5-3-2, I think. But my style was attacking. That's just the nature of the Spoony.
Just downloaded the SWOS trial on my 360. It hasn't lost any of it's charm. Love it :D
If you get the full version and fancy a United v Chelsea game online give me a PM. I must warn you though, I am one of the best players in the world.

In which case I'll pass thanks! I haven't played since I was about 12 years old (approx 14yrs ago!)

If I download it and get some practise in then I'll think about it :)