Semi-Finals: Italy vs Spain | England vs Denmark

Who cares about Arsenal right now. I’m talking about Saka and how brilliant he’s been for club and country. Problem is with rose tinted glasses you’ll hype up Sancho last game who did absolutely nothing in the second half. Walker hardly passed to him
Don't speak to that "Januzaj" user, he's clearly a troll. Literally any other person on this forum would be better for a discussion on football.
Wow what an unappealing crowd.. 60.000 people booing the national Arnhem. Suddenly i feel very proud of being a danish fan.
Why do English fans boo the opposing team’s NA? Classy lot, no wonder the whole world’s backing the Danes :lol:
They cheered a little girl crying as well, our fans and the word classy just don't go together.
Has anyone ever actually ready the words of the English anthem? it’s fecking shocking
Well only an Arsenal fan would think Saka is better than the other options available

And you want to talk about halves of football all Saka has had is one good half against the Czechs. He did feck all against Germany
I guess Neville is wrong too? He wanted him to start ahead of all other options. People here obviously have poor reading skills, I never said Saka was better, I said arsenal fans will claim he is and vice versa. He is a good fit to start the game due to his explosiveness and defensive contribution. If you read my earlier posts I’d like him to be replaced in the second half for other options listed l.
Mount keeps his place again yet has been largely disappointing this tournament
He has been good IMO. Unselfish and total contribution both in attack and defence. You need unselfish players in this England team if you are to win.
English fans always find a way to let themselves down, every time
No booking for Shaw there because of the "rules don't count in the first few minutes" law.
Why do English fans make it so hard to support their team.
Really want to get behind them but some fans are either classless or think waaay to highly of themselves to the point that they the best thing since slice bread. Like no middle ground, just extremes.

I really want this win for the players, I like this bunch, they humble and hungry.
But all this "its coming home" and some even saying they will comfortable beat Italy, Italy can't harm England's defense etc, will make give me at least a good reason to be fine seeing another team win the Euros.