Semi-Finals: Italy vs Spain | England vs Denmark

England deserve to lead but that decision not to overturn that penalty is ridiculous. Again, what's the point in VAR?
From second half England have been dominant but come on. This home advantage with referees have to stop. Not first game they have been handed decisions in this tournament.

Who would have said that you need Italy to win for justice to be done.
Yes it was a dive but I don't give a feck thats why you don't sub Raheem.

I'll take it, I've watched Germany do it, Brazil do it, Italy do it, I even seen a Dutch person who likely cheered on Robben whinging about it. Its cheating but every other cnut does it so I don't give a feck, good man Raheem and good man Harry.
The English are the worst divers in world football hands down. Embarrassing post.
Both teams have been flopping down as soon as touched. And the idea that Italy should somehow be representative as the patron saints of fair play is even more laughable
Refs in var room are apparently told to support the ref as much as they can which doesn`t make much sense, makes it pointless. The first one on Kane should probably have been a pen and this one should have been overturned.
This doesn’t mean what you think it mean.
As an Irishman, even though the penalty was controversial, England have deserved it performance wise.
Nothing can be done. VAR is supposed to take care of this, diving is a key part of football

People were crying out for a low VAR approach and this is the result. The fact there was minimal contact meant it was never getting over turned with the approach people wanted and were given from VAR this competition.
Biggest games of the season are still decided by refs, so poor.
Imagine being 10x the People of Denmark and Winning on such premises. Good luck against Italy #NotSalty :lol:
Absolutely hilarious isn't it. None of them semed to care when the Danes dived or had "injuries".

There's a slight difference between a penalty for a dive and the Danish "injuries" you're talking about, which, coincidentally, led to the player going off the very next time he stretched anyway.
Never a pen. Completely ruined the game for me. England cementing their status as the villains of the tournament!
Man I lost all respect for Sterling and Kane watching this game.
Mad how calling a dive, a dive is bitter. England deserve to win, but it was a dive.