It seems this bombing at the box-office has left a horde of angry-dissapointed fanboys who have started a door-to-door movement to persuade people to watch the movie. Oh boy !!
Has anyone read the graphic novels? Since I don't think this is going to come to theatres where I live, I'll be on the lookout for the 'DVD' when it becomes available.
TW, are you Canadian, or am I thinking of something else?
I'm Canadian!
Was it nice seeing Canada actually play Canada in a movie for once, rather than just pretending to be America?
What the feck was that about?!!!!!!!!! I walked out!
At least you stuck with it. I had to walk out half way through.
I "bought a ticket" to "go and see this." Is it even worth watching?
To be honest actually, the End was the worst part. It just went on and on and was rubbish. Half way's about the right place to stop. The line "I have to pee on her" is the peak. It's just a man making a video game for the last half and hour.
Dunno. If you like geek boy revenge fantasy.
I dunno anything about the comic so I can't really comment on what the character is supposed to be, but I didn't feel like Cera was it.
I assume he's supposed to be some kind of everyboy...Or something...probably? But Cera isn't an everyboy, he's an oddball. He's a sexless mouse. His timing is excellent and he makes a lot of what's funny about it funny, but he's...well he's a sexless mouse.
Also the fighting just went on and on and on and on and on and on and it was just gay in the end I agree Spoons.
In the comic he's supposed to come off as a hipster who thinks he's the dogs bollocks but is actually a bit of a silly twat.....