Scott Pilgrim Versus The World

I think Joe Cornish (of Adam and Joe fame) did a treatment of the script for this along with Edgar Wright.
I think Joe Cornish (of Adam and Joe fame) did a treatment of the script for this along with Edgar Wright.

Then Edgar Wright directed it. Joe Cornish has been involved of all of Edgar Wrights projects.
The villain is Jason Schwartzman, another 'appears in every indie flick ever made' type. However, he is perfectly cast. Cera I'm not so sure about.
Trailer looks great.

Getting a bit sick of Michael Cera though. He seems to get cast in every single indie flick going. This isn't helped by that other lad who's the spitting image of him (can't remember his name)

The one in Zombieland?
Thinks so. The two of them are completely interchangeable in my head. A bit like Jake Gylenhall and Tobey Maguire.

yeah ones a bit fuller faced and figured plus taller the other ones Tobey Maguire and Michael Cera.
I'm told that Beck, Broken Social Scene and Metric are all involved in the music for this movie, so go ahead and stick the awesomeness rating up another few notches.
I liked the sound of it but the trailer makes it look like exactly the kind of thing I'd hate. Think I'll give it a miss.
Bah, some sites say it comes out in Ireland today, some next week, some say the 25th. I'm gonna guess its the 25th. Dagnabbit.
It looks like absolute shite made for Topman models from the trailers.