Scott McTominay is the laziest footballer we've ever had


Jan 17, 2012
You could put him in a 100m sprint for an Olympic Gold, and he still wouldn't break a jog.
I don’t think he’s lazy. He’s just not very good. Most of his running is him trying to recover the ball he lost.

His second touch is always a tackle.
He really needs to come off. He’s gonna get sent off otherwise.
Not sure about that. I would not call him a footballer
He's worse than cow shit and horse shit put together. Simple as. Absolute League 1 level and he's stealing a fecking living. Get him fecking sold to Preston, the ugly cnut.
Technically, I can't remember a worse midfielder for us. He would be nowhere near the first team without that growth spurt. He's not good enough to play mdifield for Scotland ffs!.
Look at him for that goal :lol:

He's not accelerated once during his little stroll back
I don’t think he’s lazy. He’s just not very good. Most of his running is him trying to recover the ball he lost.

His second touch is always a tackle.
No, he’s just jogging towards his own goal and not actually making any effort to win the ball back if he’s not close enough to foul.

He’s fecking shit.
I don’t think he’s lazy. He’s just not very good. Most of his running is him trying to recover the ball he lost.

His second touch is always a tackle.
That yellow he received was literally because of his stupidity in overrunning the ball and then lunging recklessly into the tackle.
Cheap man's Fellaini
Fellaini had his uses and was very vital in some matches, even important ones for cups. Scott McTominay is a nothing footballer, I doubt even a relegation side would take him.
He’s not lazy. He’s just not very good. We have to drop the nostalgia act of playing our young una’ and purchase real quality.
Yeah but apparently he is a good player cos four different managers have continued to select him and according to some on here can get into the squads of Liverpool and City.
He’s not lazy. He’s just not very good. We have to drop the nostalgia act of playing our young una’ and purchase real quality.

What makes you say he's not lazy? When have you actually seen him break his balls on either side of the pitch to win the ball back, or drive it forward?
People who defended him during the off-season need to stop talking about football because they are clueless.
I’m tired of the guys here constantly making excuses for him too. Years arguing against what is fecking staring everyone in the face. A Championship player playing weekly for us, not as an emergency for one season either, but year after year.
Laziness is literally the one thing he isn't. You could have chosen anything else.

Lock thread, ban OP from making threads in future
Dunno about lazy but he's perhaps the worst regular starter we've had in the past four decades
He and Shaw are main reasons it's so difficult for us to build from the back.

Always fail to run to show up for the ball when CBs have possession. Just slowly jogging

Someone earlier said that there was no evidence of McTom going hiding in games. Hope they are watching the game today because this is what this trash midfielder always does.
Hes a joke.

ETH is quite daft playing him in my opinion. Hes so shit and its so obvious.
He has no business being anywhere near the starting XI. It is an utter crime when he starts for us.
He's just a terrible, terrible football player. Should be nowhere near our squad.
Unbelievable that he is still starting games for United.

He wouldn't start for any other team in the league, so why does he start for United?
You’re not allowed to call him lazy OP, despite multiple examples across multiple seasons.
Genuinely though is there anyone better in the squad? My guess is not. That's more of the problem.