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Scott McTominay Scotland flag

2022-23 Performances

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5.3 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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We should be looking to get rid. He's never been consistent enough, and ETH refused to use him at the end of the season which tells its own tale.

I loved Robbie Keane when he played for Ireland, but he would have been shite playing for united. There is levels and Scott is levels below what we need.
You do know he was injured right?
He’ll be great further down the league. Big player for us at national level which I think equates to a West Ham/Everton.

Yeah agreed. I have a hunch if we were to sell him and Fred (which is unlikely, Ten Hag likes Fred as a back-up/extra legs), they'd go in opposite directions. McT would shine for a mid-table side - or even for Newcastle - whereas Fred would fade.
Rejecting 30/35m for him in January was madness. We won't see takers again.
Sell him for a decent fee whilst we can, someone will pay 25-30m for him this summer. If he spends another season hardly being picked price will only drop, make most of purple patch he’s having for Scotland. The link to Newcastle is nonsense but likes of West Ham and Everton would be happy to take him.
He hasn't though, he's proven he's not good enough to be starting for us sure, but he has played hundreds of games for us in midfield and we've competed. He's had crap games, he's had excellent games, but he's clearly not some terrible footballer that can't hack it in the Premier League.

Look at Andreas - absolutely briliant for a club like Fulham. McT would look just as good for a midtable side in my opinion.

Yes, this is were the race to the most hyperbolic criticism just becomes tiresome. I can recall people genuinely saying he would struggle in the championship or even lower in some of the discussions about him. Maguire is an even better example, memed to insane levels but he is still, at worst, an above average CB at PL level. Fans lose all perspective when they want rid of a player, not being good enough to be a regular starter at Utd doesn't mean you aren't a decent player at PL level.

McT might end up being a Kevin Nolan style player. Not a glam player but Nolan scored 70 PL goals from midfield and had a fine career
He hasn't though, he's proven he's not good enough to be starting for us sure, but he has played hundreds of games for us in midfield and we've competed. He's had crap games, he's had excellent games, but he's clearly not some terrible footballer that can't hack it in the Premier League.

Look at Andreas - absolutely briliant for a club like Fulham. McT would look just as good for a midtable side in my opinion.
And Pereira cost something like 10m for Fulham, not 30-40m. I genuinely can't fathom why anyone would pay that much for McTominay. 15-20m would be an excellent deal.
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