Sarah Millican


Full Member
Nov 30, 2007
Excellent comedian. Seen her a year or two ago at uni and she was incredible, have been watching some of her youtube videos tonight.
Absolutely shite and just regurgitates jokes from Victoria Wood and Jo Brand.
Saw her on some tv show recently and she was absolute shite, not even remotely funny.
Comes out with the occassional good line but Jo Brand was/is much better than her frankly. Nothing wrong with a female comedian talking about female issues mind... considering she is... female. She just doesn't do it very well.
Just to further compound the fail I would like to add she is very talented at not being funny.
Just realised that's been edited around 2:30, uncut version was funnier.
The wife is a fan and I tried to get tickets for her show in London, but it sold out pretty quickly. Saw her a few years back in Durham when she was a lot more 'cutting edge' for want of a better phrase (I know, I know, cutting edge is never a phrase that should be associated with her!) but as she's put on weight over the years she seems to have morphed into Jo Brand both physically and in terms of comedy.
She speaks only about relationships and her ex-boyfriends, who I imagine are in therapy so won't be inflicted with her on the television.

I'm genuinely amazed how shite she is - it's a whole new level of terrible comedy. And that's not to say women can't be funny - I think Holly Walsh is more than decent.
I can't believe someone made a positive thread about her
Not keen on her tv work. The low-key set I seen before she was big is still her best work imo, but I seen her current tour a few months ago and it was pretty good (and I hate Jo Brand)
I don't mind her actually. Well obviously I can't stand her voice so I can't listen to her for very long but she's sometimes a bit funny, which is all I ask for really.
The one positive thing I can say about Sarah Millican is "at least she's not Miranda Hart."
The one positive thing I can say about Sarah Millican is "at least she's not Miranda Hart."
