Ruud back to PSV in a few years!

PSV Rulezzz

Duck-loving Dutchie
May 26, 2001
This is the story which is on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

( I sent a translation to Elizabeth, but I don't feel like translating it again, coz I've got a few other things to do. In a few days it will be on the English version of <a href="" target="_blank"></a> too. I might feel like translating the FULL story (which will be in the PSVinside which I'll get on saturday) during my Xmas break...)

(c) PSV NV

"Kampioen worden met Manchester United, de Champions League winnen, in de zomer van 2004 richting Portugal vetrekken met het Nederlands elftal en twee jaar later in Duitsland de latste stap maken de onvergetelijkheid: met Oranje wereldkampioen worden", PSV Inside sprak exclusief met Ruud van Nistelrooy over zijn doelen en de toekomst.
PSV Inside zocht Ruud van Nistelrooy op in de stad van de Mancunians. In het exclusieve interview gaat de aanvaller van Manchester United in op het verleden, het heden en de toekomst. Over het verleden zegt hij onder andere het volgende: "Als ik terugdenk aan de tijd die ik bij PSV heb gehad, heb ik alleen maar goede en prettige herinneringen."

Het begin bij Manchester was persoonlijk erg moeilijk voor de nuchtere Hollander uit Geffen: "Ineens was ik een ‘buitenlander’ en dacht ik terug aan bijvoorbeeld Mateja (Kezman) en Johann (Vogel). Maar Keane, Beckham en al die anderen doen toch heel normaal en je merkt niets van de status die ze hebben."


(c) PSV NV - 'Bij Ruud van Nistelrooy thuis'.

Als hij aan PSV denkt, dan ziet hij meneer van Raaij voor zich. Van Nistelrooy: "Hij heeft zoveel overeenkomsten met de club." Toch ligt zijn prioriteit op dit moment bij Manchester United. “Ik moet zorgen *** ik bij Manchester United goed blijf presteren om in Oranje in de basis te kunnen staan”, aldus Van Nistelrooy die in een toekomstige terugkeer bij PSV meer ziet dan alleen een ‘lolletje’. "Even koffie drinken met Liesbeth, Paul en Harry op De Herdgang, *** kan ik ook doen als ik in Eindhoven ben. Het is geweldig om als aanvoerder terug te keren naar PSV."

PSV Inside ligt vóór de kerst bij alle Seizoen Club Cardhouders in de bus. Voor alle andere geïnteresseerden publiceert het verhaal binnenkort in een aantal delen op de internetsite.
sorry to burst your bubble but ruuds gonna sign a new 5yr deal with a pay hike soon
Yeah, but he says (IN DUTCH) he'll be back at PSV in a few years. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />

But he also says he wants to become champion with ManUtd and win the CL.
Originally posted by PSV Rulezzz:
<strong>Yeah, but he says (IN DUTCH) he'll be back at PSV in a few years. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />

But he also says he wants to become champion with ManUtd and win the CL.</strong><hr></blockquote>

hes said he want to end his playing days at united

new 5yr deal soon and on par with our top earners
Jep, he is, but he'll end his career as captain of PSV. That's his dream. And Ruud forfils all his dreams :)
Originally posted by PSV Rulezzz:
<strong>Jep, he is, but he'll end his career as captain of PSV. That's his dream. And Ruud forfils all his dreams :) </strong><hr></blockquote>

dopey twat :rolleyes:
Originally posted by PSV Rulezzz:
<strong>Jep, he is, but he'll end his career as captain of PSV. That's his dream. And Ruud forfils all his dreams :) </strong><hr></blockquote>

You can have him when he's 60

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
I read something about this ages ago. Said when his time is up with United, he wanted to return to PSV, because they were so good towards him when he was injured, aswell as repay the fans for their support.
You see. Somebody else heard it too!
You might need to read some PSVinsides :D
lekker lekker black and decker lik je pik.
Ahum... I think you don't really understand Dutch <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
That's not really Ruud's way of talking...
Hahahahaha, what area of Holland did you visit? The redlightdistrict in Amsterdam? And did they need a painting on the wall you brought your Black and Decker with you? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Zeg 'ns aaa

De heilige koe

Avro's Top Pop, Disco Show

Countdown met Adam Curry
Aha, are you looking at the TVguide now?
What about Goede Tijden Slechte Tijden?
Nee, het is woensdag, niet vrijdag!

<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
VANDAAG is het woensdag. Overmorgen is het vrijdag <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Jij kent niet eens je eigen televisie zenders.

Dit is Verooonicaaaaa, op VRIJDAG.

Starting with Adam Curry and Countdown.

Er staat een paard in de gang.........

Hahaha, Veronica zit niet meer op de kabel bij ons. :D Wij hebben wel Yorin! Hahahaha

Maar vandaag is het woensdag :D
Dit is Verooooniccaaaaa, op godverdomme vrijdag.


Studio Sport


Broodje godevrdomeme kroket, op vrijdag.

Alles op vrijdag.

Hahaha! Iiiiiiii NOS! It's Studio Ajaks, not Studio Sport, because Jack van Gelder always wears a Ajaks-pyjama, even when he's interviewing Ruud!
Yesterday (dinsdag) I could watch ManUtd live on Dutch TV! (RTL5!)
The south of Nederland is unimportant in the randstad - you are just fecked up Belgians to them and from the way you feckers speak, I can tell that they are right ;)
Do you hate Ruud too? Coz he is from the south too! (just like me! I'm a real Limbo!)
Nope but you think were not important. And by not taking us serious we feel hated... :(
I was generalising. Don't be so sensitive for fecks sake, god, you moaning southerners, I can't stand you peasants ;)
:( :( :(

We don't maon, we just 'calimero' <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
Or don't you know Calimero?

"Hij is groot en ik ben klein *** is nie eerlijk!"
Dutch is a wierd language, it sounds like a really fcuked up form of English. Kind of like English but spoken in the wrong order - really freaks you out if you've been on the Bob Hope <img src="graemlins/houllier.gif" border="0" alt="[Houllier]" />
Hahaha, that's why I sometimes put alle the words in the wrong order, because I'm used to do it in another way in Dutch!
But it's a nice language :D
No lo me gusta cuando tenemos temas de conversación que no son en inglés en este foro. No es correcto.
PSVRulezzz - is this you?

Hahahahahaha! NO! I'm only wearing red-and-white or Philips-blue cloths <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
psv ruleszzzzzzzzzzzzz

where can i get a psv shirt with van nistelrooy 8 on?

any help?
You can go to Eindhoven to the PSV shop??? <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
I don't really know how it works but PSV has an interactive shop and there you can order shirts with names too. I don't know if the old shirt Van Nistelrooy wore is still available, but you can always mail PSV: