Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Wel have to agree to disagree. The only true communists are North Korea so I know he’s not a pure communist on that sense. However, there are many other countries like China and Russia who have communist values. He has been a communist most of his life. He is now clinging into power way past his sell by date. I just think it’s false to call him a right winger as that implies he is motivated by right wing policies and he’s not, he’s an extremist.
There is virtually nothing, zero, Communist about modern day Russia and Putin’s regime.
Is us sanctioning them likely to affect UK energy prices even more?
You called me a clown and all I did was ask you a question :lol:

It wasn’t a serious question though was it? We were talking about Putin and then you suddenly brought up Hitler. Why would I consider Hitler to be a left or right winger? He is a person who has killed people in my family and tried to destroy the world. He is pure evil and doesn’t belong to any side of politics.
For anyone with a bit of knowledge of the history, how central would you say The Holodomor has been to the forging of modern Ukrainian national identity?
Is there really much difference between Hitler and Stalin just because they are deemed fascist or communist?
I mean, yes? Totalitarian dictatorships do have many common features, obviously, but we shouldn't ignore the differences in goals, methods, nuances.

To cite a simplistic example: let's say it's 1936 and I have to decide whether I want to live in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. If I'm Jewish, than I'll probably make a different choice than if I'm, say, a rich peasant.
It wasn’t a serious question though was it? We were talking about Putin and then you suddenly brought up Hitler. Why would I consider Hitler to be a left or right winger? He is a person who has killed people in my family and tried to destroy the world. He is pure evil and doesn’t belong to any side of politics.
The answer is Hitler was far right, far right for 10 points.
I wonder whether NATO will help Ukraine with arms. It will be a bloodbath, however, when Russia starts facing real resistance as well as heavy sanctions it may have to retreat. In order to resist, Ukraine will need arms. They have dozens of millions ready to defend their homeland. All they need is weapons not soldiers.
I wonder whether NATO will help Ukraine with arms. It will be a bloodbath, however, when Russia starts facing real resistance as well as heavy sanctions it may have to retreat. In order to resist, Ukraine will need arms. They have dozens of millions ready to defent their homeland. All they need is weapons not soldiers.
Have they not already received many weapons as well as training from UK / US forces? I think they have.

Oh, and Germany gave them helmets.
Oh boy…

It almost makes you glad the UK loony right wing media only wanted Brexit. I can't imagine living in a society with a state media channel pumping out content like that, sadly it's inevitable a decent chunk of the population buy into it.
For anyone with a bit of knowledge of the history, how central would you say The Holodomor has been to the forging of modern Ukrainian national identity?
Well, it surely did some kind of impact. Especially when Moscow never admited that it was selective genocide
Wel have to agree to disagree. The only true communists are North Korea so I know he’s not a pure communist on that sense. However, there are many other countries like China and Russia who have communist values. He has been a communist most of his life. He is now clinging into power way past his sell by date. I just think it’s false to call him a right winger as that implies he is motivated by right wing policies and he’s not, he’s an extremist.

Yes, he's a right-wing extremist. What communist values does he have?
Fun fact. Despite common belief, USSR (and entire eastern block) never reached level of being true communist states (if we define communism by Marx and Engels theory in "The Communist Manifesto"). They all were in reality socialistic countries who were trying to reach true communism.

Absolutely, zero redistribution of the means.
It almost makes you glad the UK loony right wing media only wanted Brexit. I can't imagine living in a society with a state media channel pumping out content like that, sadly it's inevitable a decent chunk of the population buy into it.
If we’re gonna play this game, I’m not sure what European countries have the right to exist. San Marino, England and Scotland, Monaco, Andorra, Denmark? The gall of Russia given how their borders have expanded and retracted over time.
What is the point of arguing whether someone is left or right wing? If it ends up in a dictatorship, does it make any difference?

In the end, they have a very similar mentality. Left and Right converge on each other when they go to the extremes. Is there really much difference between Hitler and Stalin just because they are deemed fascist or communist?

Well yes and no. Not a bit of difference to most of the the victims, however.
I wonder whether NATO will help Ukraine with arms. It will be a bloodbath, however, when Russia starts facing real resistance as well as heavy sanctions it may have to retreat. In order to resist, Ukraine will need arms. They have dozens of millions ready to defend their homeland. All they need is weapons not soldiers.
To use properly modern weapons you need years of training. This was not a war which ak-47 will decide.
:lol: and that was what I was hoping you’d say! Now who’s the clown.

You are a clown for trying to make Hitler out to be some kind of leader with genuine policies. The guy was a monster who killed millions of people. He isn’t left wing or right wing no matter what you say, you can’t change history.

Please tell me that what you are doing here is clever satire of the most bonkers segments of the modern right-wing.

What am I doing ? Weird post
If we’re gonna play this game, I’m not sure what European countries have the right to exist. San Marino, England and Scotland, Monaco, Andorra, Denmark? The gall of Russia given how their borders have expanded and retracted over time.

That's Imperialism for you. The straight lines on the world map weren't all drawn by Russia, by a long stretch. The gall of imperialists is more apt than the gall of Russia in my opinion.,
Lads and lasses, let's
To use properly modern weapons you need years of training. This was not a war which ak-47 will decide.
Absolutely, but you need weapons to defend. Especially if it gets to the stage of a partisan war. How likely are US to go ahead and ban Russia from SWIFT if a full scale war starts?
You are a clown for trying to make Hitler out to be some kind of leader with genuine policies. The guy was a monster who killed millions of people. He isn’t left wing or right wing no matter what you say, you can’t change history.

What am I doing ? Weird post
The reason I'm asking is that calling Hitler 'left-wing' and 'socialist' because his party had the word 'Socialist' in its name is a particularly virulent form of modern right-wing idiocy, originating, as far as I can tell, from the US.

Also, Hitler had absolutely genuine policies, what on Earth makes you think he didn't? Mass producing affordable cars and building an extensive network of highways, for example. And also genocide.
Lads and lasses, please let us not derail this thread. Would be great to stick to the topic in the title.
It almost makes you glad the UK loony right wing media only wanted Brexit. I can't imagine living in a society with a state media channel pumping out content like that, sadly it's inevitable a decent chunk of the population buy into it.

This is very similar to what Hitler did
The reason I'm asking is that calling Hitler 'left-wing' and 'socialist' because his party had the word 'Socialist' in its name is a particularly virulent form of modern right-wing idiocy, originating, as far as I can tell, from the US.

Also, Hitler had absolutely genuine policies, what on Earth makes you think he didn't? Mass producing affordable cars and building an extensive network of highways, for example. And also genocide.

I agree with what your saying, I don’t consider him a socialist at all, was just disagreeing with the poster who considered him a right winger. He may of made Germany productive and industrial but his vision was total world domination. I don’t think he can be considered right or left wing. He is one of the most evil men in history.
Absolutely, zero redistribution of the means.
Most experts say (with which i agree) that reaching communism (by Marx's theory), is practically impossible. It is just an (stupid) idea which can't exist but is used to fool people.
Another insult :lol:

Your the one who acts as a kid mate. My kids act more grown up than you. Grow up
I was genuinely curious, to be fair. It wasn't purely an insult.

Anyway, that gives me a better idea. Ta.

EDIT - Actually, I'll clarify. It's that you come across to me as someone who hasn't argued about politics online before, which is the case for younger people who've only recently gotten in to it and older people who have argued about it plenty but offline.
That's Imperialism for you. The straight lines on the world map weren't all drawn by Russia, by a long stretch. The gall of imperialists is more apt than the gall of Russia in my opinion.,
It is the gall of any former colonial empire that wants to play this game, as Kenya pointed out yesterday:

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