Yeah, he's very much deluded. Or, maybe, we all are, U.S. become Trump States with the new capital city Muskville, the far right consumes Europe and Putin happily rules for another 15-ish years (while the planet around him burns) and then one of his daughters succeed him, continuing his legacy.
As for the heir — I've talked about it, he doesn't have one by design. None of his children (at least the adult ones... that we know of, he's very secretive) seem to be interested, so it's not a Lukashenko situation. And he's not going to groom one from his own inner circle because he's extremely paranoid. Maybe once he feels like he's had enough and he's ready to retire... but I doubt that it'll happen, he'll either die in power or get overthrown and rot in jail for the rest of his life.
Well as far as the U.S. becoming Trump states, that's it's own separate thing. The reality is that it's urban cities vs. rural countryside and how votes are counted with gerrymandering and whether the electoral college will exist - and voter suppression or disenfranchisement , all different topics.
As for Putin living and ruling for 15+ more years, in the long run, that's a topic. Ukraine could / or will suffer if that happens - especially if there's no ceasefire. But we really have to ask, "what we he inherit at that point?" Let's assume there is no ceasefire or "Deal" and it drags on, and on, and on. It is a question of time before he is conscripting and drafting soldiers from the major cities, people with highly valuable skills, and there will almost certainly have to be some sort of internal unrest. Even if sidesteps that, what will Ukraine look like? Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa in ruins. To keep down the counter-insurgency he'll what? Ethnic cleanse it after he takes it? It will just be a smouldering ungovernable wreck.
I like you, am assuming, it's not about money for Putin. He has way, way more than enough. He could totally spend every day on a yacht surrounded by beautiful girls and baked in coke. It is definitely ideological, in some ways - but also self-preservation. If he leaves, people can open the books and find out what's he's done and where the money went - and where the bodies are buried.
Trump is different, he's not really an idealist. He's really a solipsistic nihilist, IMO. But, he damn near went to prison - if people didn't feck that up. Trump is so goddamned stupid he thinks people love him (not really that many people) and he's so rich (he's not really that rich) and maybe he'll win a nobel peace prize (not gonna happen).
But what they both have in common are these things. Self-preservation and projection of power. Neither wants to go to jail. Neither wants to go on the run and pulled from a hole in the ground like Saddam Hussien and get publicly hanged on TV. Both want to project they are strong and untouchable.
It's a funny thing. Ideology. Maybe it lives beyond Trump because you can write it on a napkin, whereas for Putin, it takes 2 hour lectures in history.
However, it's very difficult for ideology to live beyond you - in so many ways. Putin had to go back to the Soviets and the Imperialists. Trump, the civil rights era and the American civil war - it's hard to tell - I guess it's "whenever we used to be great" as opposed to now - and that gets dicey in America.
They are old men, with old ways of thinking, and one day they'll fecking die. That gives me hope.