Pogue Mahone
I listened to that as well, and aside from me cringing seemingly every time Shane Horgan talked (did I imagine it, or did he call Sexton 'Sexto' at one point?), I found it relatively interesting. But half way through I couldn't help but thinking that if the Irish fella wasn't held up by Barrett, Ireland would've won and all of what they said would be flipped on its head, and they'd be saying how great Ireland were, NZ had problems, etc. I know it's common in sports to base the analysis on the outcome, but here it seemed even more extreme.
From a very casual viewer, it looked to me as though both teams played well, while making a few mistakes, and ultimately it came down to one 30 second period at the end of the game.
To be fair to big Shane, he gets bonus points from me for mentioning Chekhov’s Gun!
Yeah, it does feel like there’s an element of being overly negative based on the result. But I was definitely thinking points 1 to 5 during the game as well. It was weird. NZ played so well and we were so far below our best and yet, and yet…
Part of me wonders if we’re all massively overrating NZ and they’re going to get destroyed in the final? Time will tell.