Last nights results in the New Jersey Governors race and Virginia Governors/Lt Governor/Attorney General races are indicative of a national mood swing and repudiation of the country's direction. But for a split conservative vote in Upstate NY, it would have been a clean sweep.
The coalition of independants and young voters that swept Obama into power either defected to the Republicans or couldn't be bothered to turn out...a stunning drop in enthusiasm this early into the Obama revolution.
Promises not kept, ridiculous overspending, continuing rise in unemployment despite a gross stimulus package having reached its "peak effect" (words of the administration, not mine), lack of confidence in a novice politician....all result in one of the fastest drops in popularity of any US of the 3 worst I believe.
Funniest thing ? George Bush had higher poll numbers at this point in his presidency
Moderate Dems will take note...the US electorate is pissed off and is unhappy with the direction the country has taken. I have a feeling this will definitely influence the climate vote and healthcare vote as ******* Reid has indicated they will stretch into next year.
McCain was right...Obama is just great at creating a rockstar persona, but is the same old politician deep down (just not as effective as someone with more experience).
Nobel peace prize....
The coalition of independants and young voters that swept Obama into power either defected to the Republicans or couldn't be bothered to turn out...a stunning drop in enthusiasm this early into the Obama revolution.
Promises not kept, ridiculous overspending, continuing rise in unemployment despite a gross stimulus package having reached its "peak effect" (words of the administration, not mine), lack of confidence in a novice politician....all result in one of the fastest drops in popularity of any US of the 3 worst I believe.
Funniest thing ? George Bush had higher poll numbers at this point in his presidency
Moderate Dems will take note...the US electorate is pissed off and is unhappy with the direction the country has taken. I have a feeling this will definitely influence the climate vote and healthcare vote as ******* Reid has indicated they will stretch into next year.
McCain was right...Obama is just great at creating a rockstar persona, but is the same old politician deep down (just not as effective as someone with more experience).
Nobel peace prize....