Rooney Praises the Glazers

I respect him for not biting the hand that fed him so well. Also, if he wants a job in the premier league, aren't half the owners American? Networking...
I respect him for not biting the hand that fed him so well. Also, if he wants a job in the premier league, aren't half the owners American? Networking...
Exactly. He is not a fan of United or even a footballer anymore. Why on earth would he say sh*t about football owners in general in his position now?
Yeah, I don't think so.

People with media training find a way of saying what they want to say without insulting people. This is a good example. He's basically complimenting them for selling because the fans hate them. It's fine for you and me on an anonymous forum to say what we think but there are zero consequences for us.
He has eyes on being the United boss at some stage as he has previously said, probably thinks brown nosing will work, I mean he’s not the brightest of people anyway. Amazing player but definitely lacking where IQ is concerned.
Our former players aren't very bright.
Once a blue always a blue....for all his achievements with Utd I just can't put him in the same bracket as the likes of Cantona, Ronaldo (2008), Robson, or even Mark Hughes.
Sharp as a marble that lad. Great player but I’ll never forget that he held United to ransom when we needed him most. Threatening to leave becasue of lack of signings then comes out with this :lol:
This is the problem with asking former players for comment on the intricacies of the industry.

Their job is to perform on the pitch and with Rooney you will strugge to find a finer example of the embodiment of a united player

Trying to explain the finer points of a leveraged buyout to him though will likely be futile. I don't blame him for his comments. I also don't afford them any weight
We all live in our bubble. Rooney has a different take but hey he is dumb, has a low IQ, shit for brains, etc.
Not every United fan is a Gary Neville. Nothing wrong with what he said, it’s not his responsibility to fight the battles of other people. He managed Derby and that should give him a clearer picture than most what bad ownership is.
I respect him for not biting the hand that fed him so well. Also, if he wants a job in the premier league, aren't half the owners American? Networking...

Isn’t he currently managing in America? Being interviewed by an American journo for an American publication. I’d say he’s maybe being diplomatic if I’m being very generous. Americans can be a prickly bunch.

On the other hand he is thick as mince.
Never burn bridges in your profession. Your enemy today might be an ally tommorow.
I wouldn’t take anything he says at face value, he’s clearly not the sharpest knife in the box. The kind of guy who would come out of a barrel of tits sucking his own thumb.
Sir Alex complimented them as well right? Either way it’s just diplomatic vanilla filler talk
Everyone will just ignore this. In fact no player or manager or anyone at the club has said anything but good things about them. Except Ronaldo that is. So why is everyone so surprised Rooney praises them?
The point is he DIDN'T think like this when trying to engineer a transfer. Back then the club weren't competing in the transfer market as he wished.

He didn't really care much about our transfers after they made him biggest earner in world of football around 2011.
I’m certain that if he sat down and read the Swiss ramble repot he would change his opinion, he is probably not as educated or invested on the subject as any of us to be fair to the man(legend).
He's talking from a managers point of view. Money was provided and managers generally given plenty of power and time. Poorly communicated though.
Everyone will just ignore this. In fact no player or manager or anyone at the club has said anything but good things about them. Except Ronaldo that is. So why is everyone so surprised Rooney praises them?
Was just about to say this. I remember Carrick praised them quite a lot in his book.
Everyone will just ignore this. In fact no player or manager or anyone at the club has said anything but good things about them. Except Ronaldo that is. So why is everyone so surprised Rooney praises them?
The Caf isn't really an accurate representation of Utd fans views though. Most sensible people realise that Glazers haven't really been bad employers for the players/managers for the most part. They've paid them well and given them ample opportunities. Sticking with the likes of Jones is testament to that. Of course as fans we view that as a detriment to the club but the employees don't.

Also, when Rooney says something the horde here agrees with you get comments like he's surprisingly bright and how of our former players he's the one that comes across as down to earth blah blah blah. Now he's saying something most don't want to hear he's a dumb Scouse prick. :lol:
Sir Alex complimented them as well right? Either way it’s just diplomatic vanilla filler talk
Sir Alex is still on the payroll and he was the reason they got the club in the first place. People just love ignoring uncomfortable facts.
People with media training find a way of saying what they want to say without insulting people. This is a good example. He's basically complimenting them for selling because the fans hate them. It's fine for you and me on an anonymous forum to say what we think but there are zero consequences for us.
I have felt for a while that everything he says sounds completely phony, similar to a politician. Never thought about him taking media training, but makes sense, he seems like he's playing the long game for a big premiere league job.
Probably because they bowed to his demands and made him prem highest paid footballer
I have felt for a while that everything he says sounds completely phony, similar to a politician. Never thought about him taking media training, but makes sense, he seems like he's playing the long game for a big premiere league job.

He totally is. But that's normal if you want to be a top tier manager. Pundits are paid to say outrageous things. We do it for free. He doesn't have the luxury but at the same time needs to stay relevant. So he's many things but stupid isn't one of them.
Sharp as a marble that lad. Great player but I’ll never forget that he held United to ransom when we needed him most. Threatening to leave becasue of lack of signings then comes out with this :lol:
Exactly :lol: He cited a lack of ambition and was going to sign for City in 2010. Comes across as an ignorant twat there but it was deliberate. He's clearly mates with the Glazers.
Everyone will just ignore this. In fact no player or manager or anyone at the club has said anything but good things about them. Except Ronaldo that is. So why is everyone so surprised Rooney praises them?
SAF is on the payroll for non executive role.

Rooney take is weird. Not only this or his feud with Ronaldo, but his also self preserving take on his time under LVG and Mourinho. Rooney contract extension under Moyes and later captaincy was one of the factor in declining standard during the early part of Woodward reign. SAF didn't consider him captain material. From Rooney's perspective, LVG was the best manager he had because the infamous "my captain always start" policy.

He's talking from a managers point of view. Money was provided and managers generally given plenty of power and time. Poorly communicated though.
Make sense, but not a smart thing to say. There are some flukes here and there, but most managers work their way to earn their jobs. Just because Glazers hand off the football operation, and we have money to pay as well as a patient fanbase, it doesn't mean it's a good job.

We look like we pay a lot but in reality we often wasted resource by overpaying, then penny pinching on different aspect. Manager has too much on their hand instead of focusing on being a head coach. The magnitude of the job, and the upper mismanagement by unaccountable culture created by Glazers' own trusted businessmen; actually make us a poison chalice. It's a small time mentality to look only at the attractive side but underestimating the hinderance caused by incompetency and irresponsibility in upper management/ownership.
SAF is on the payroll for non executive role.

Rooney take is weird. Not only this or his feud with Ronaldo, but his also self preserving take on his time under LVG and Mourinho. Rooney contract extension under Moyes and later captaincy was one of the factor in declining standard during the early part of Woodward reign. SAF didn't consider him captain material. From Rooney's perspective, LVG was the best manager he had because the infamous "my captain always start" policy.
This view that SAF is on the payroll is an insult. So what are we saying? He built us for 27 years then got some cash from the Glaziers then became a puppet and stood back and watched the Glaziers destroy everything we stood for? And on top of it so did all our players and staff. But the CAF knows and the Youtubers knows the truth. Does that sum it up?
I never understood this reverence towards players. They are just employees who are paid ridiculously well tokick a ball. Most are neither supporters nor very bright