Rooney Charged: Faces Two Match Ban for cursing | Appeal lost

its all David Bernstein doing, he want Rooney to miss the City game. :mad:
How are we going to get back at the FA for this then? I suppose the possibilities range from refusing to do any media for the semi-final (seems very likely) to deliberately playing the reserves (seems rather unlikely). We'll definitely be fecking around with the semi in some way.

I reckon we'll win the FA Cup and then not take part in it next season.
Why is anybody surprised?

The FA don't leave a single chance not ban any United related thing.
Who the feck is Harry Redknapp coming out and having an opinion?

He said that he had not seen what Rooney did, but read the reports and then goes on for a minute how stupid he and other footballers are.

Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has slammed Wayne Rooney for the foul-mouthed rant that has landed the Manchester United man an FA charge.

The FA announced on Monday afternoon that Rooney has been charged with "use of offensive, insulting and/or abusive language" following his expletive-ridden celebration at West Ham on Saturday.

The England striker issued an apology after the Red Devils' 4-2 win, but that may not have been enough to save him from a ban that could see him ruled out of United's FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City in two weeks' time.

Redknapp joined the long line of pundits and ex-officials who condemned the rant tonight, insisting that the 25-year-old deserved to be charged.

"I haven't heard what he said as I was driving back from Wigan but I've read what's been reported in the papers," Redknapp said at a press conference ahead of Spurs' game against Real Madrid.

"I don't know why he did that. I don't remember Bobby Charlton doing that when he used to smack goals into the top corner from 35 yards.

"Why do these young players have to be so angry with the world? I don't know why. They are getting hundreds of thousands of pounds a week.

"I respect him (Rooney) as a player but he is a silly boy for what he did and he shouldn't have done it."
Seems the MUTV interpretation of what happened is consistent with mine - with the added extra that the cameraman was trying to get Rooney to kiss the camera.
Why is it whenever something like this happens, everyone outside of the FA's regulations whinges about consistency, incompetence, the media etc. instead of addressing the actual problem and calling the integrity of the FA into question?

If you can't make calls without common sense, bias or prejudice then you should be stopped from being allowed to make any decisions of similar nature straight away. The FA actually base half of their decisions on bias and prejudice, and none on common sense, and until someone calls them up for what's actually going on they're going to carry on doing it.

Imagine if a Court of Law started operating as the FA do. How many decisions would it be allowed to make before someone put a stop to it. One? maybe two at most?

The ban shouldn't be that much of an issue for United, but it's just so embarassing and soul destroying that a governing body operates this way and no one has the balls to say or do anything about it. It's been going on like this for about five years now.
Is there a link to Reina acting the cnut in front of the ref. I'm livid about this possible ban. The fact that Essien can get away with a leg breaking tackle is surely more detrimental to any youngsters watching. Trial by media again. fecking joke.

Now any swearing picked up by camera on the touchline can lead to a ban, the FA should bring in lip readers to assess whether or not a player has sworn, Cal Lightman should be hired for his body language expertise to gauge whether a player thought about swearing, retrospective bans should be given to Fergie, Micah Richards, Ronaldo and Harry Cuntknapp and countless others for their swearing in interviews...where do the FA draw the line, they surely can't ban him as it opens up a can if worms. Football is a passionate game, and swearing is passionate expression...The FA are just taking the soul out of football even more. What would be the reaction if Rooney had taken an air gun into training and shot Pogba in the leg? Hmmmm.
Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has slammed Wayne Rooney for the foul-mouthed rant that has landed the Manchester United man an FA charge.

The FA announced on Monday afternoon that Rooney has been charged with "use of offensive, insulting and/or abusive language" following his expletive-ridden celebration at West Ham on Saturday.

The England striker issued an apology after the Red Devils' 4-2 win, but that may not have been enough to save him from a ban that could see him ruled out of United's FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City in two weeks' time.

Redknapp joined the long line of pundits and ex-officials who condemned the rant tonight, insisting that the 25-year-old deserved to be charged.

"I haven't heard what he said as I was driving back from Wigan but I've read what's been reported in the papers," Redknapp said at a press conference ahead of Spurs' game against Real Madrid.

"I don't know why he did that. I don't remember Bobby Charlton doing that when he used to smack goals into the top corner from 35 yards.

"Why do these young players have to be so angry with the world? I don't know why. They are getting hundreds of thousands of pounds a week.

"I respect him (Rooney) as a player but he is a silly boy for what he did and he shouldn't have done it."
'Arry has got a fecking nerve.
Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has slammed Wayne Rooney for the foul-mouthed rant that has landed the Manchester United man an FA charge.

The FA announced on Monday afternoon that Rooney has been charged with "use of offensive, insulting and/or abusive language" following his expletive-ridden celebration at West Ham on Saturday.

The England striker issued an apology after the Red Devils' 4-2 win, but that may not have been enough to save him from a ban that could see him ruled out of United's FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City in two weeks' time.

Redknapp joined the long line of pundits and ex-officials who condemned the rant tonight, insisting that the 25-year-old deserved to be charged.

"I haven't heard what he said as I was driving back from Wigan but I've read what's been reported in the papers," Redknapp said at a press conference ahead of Spurs' game against Real Madrid.

"I don't know why he did that. I don't remember Bobby Charlton doing that when he used to smack goals into the top corner from 35 yards.

"Why do these young players have to be so angry with the world? I don't know why. They are getting hundreds of thousands of pounds a week.

"I respect him (Rooney) as a player but he is a silly boy for what he did and he shouldn't have done it."

fecking wheeler dealer twat. Hope you land in jail.

* not you Kelvin. ;)
If it does end up being a 2 match ban, Fergie will be raging that he won't be available for the City game.

Confident he'll find a solution though.
The chairman of the PFA basically just hung him out to dry, didn't someone say earlier they were behind him?
I bet that Bernstein had something to do with the ban, wasn't he the chairman at Shitty!!!
Accept the charge and the fine that comes with it, but appeal the joke of a ban. But why is the hearing on wednesday? Do the FA know we have an important game that night, and Rooney will lose focus just to get to fecking FA?
Probably not.

I have seen nothing to indicate that the members of the FA disciplinary panel are familiar with the game of football.
Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has slammed Wayne Rooney for the foul-mouthed rant that has landed the Manchester United man an FA charge.

The FA announced on Monday afternoon that Rooney has been charged with "use of offensive, insulting and/or abusive language" following his expletive-ridden celebration at West Ham on Saturday.

The England striker issued an apology after the Red Devils' 4-2 win, but that may not have been enough to save him from a ban that could see him ruled out of United's FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City in two weeks' time.

Redknapp joined the long line of pundits and ex-officials who condemned the rant tonight, insisting that the 25-year-old deserved to be charged.

"I haven't heard what he said as I was driving back from Wigan but I've read what's been reported in the papers," Redknapp said at a press conference ahead of Spurs' game against Real Madrid.

"I don't know why he did that. I don't remember Bobby Charlton doing that when he used to smack goals into the top corner from 35 yards.

"Why do these young players have to be so angry with the world? I don't know why. They are getting hundreds of thousands of pounds a week.

"I respect him (Rooney) as a player but he is a silly boy for what he did and he shouldn't have done it."

What an absolute cock
I bet that Bernstein had something to do with the ban, wasn't he the chairman at Shitty!!!

Can comments like this please come to an end, the FA are fecking incompetent, media driven, reactionary gimps, can we not just stick to that rather than these pathetic suggestions of some kind of conspiracy.
Stan Collymore- "I've scored last minute winners, but I didn't resort to using the F-word."

No, you are THE perfect example of how to control your emotions. feck off prick.
Stan Collymore- "I've scored last minute winners, but I didn't resort to using the F-word."

No, you are THE perfect example of how to control your emotions. feck off prick.

He went home and beat up his missus instead. Prick.
feck off arry
fecking footbal manager...
My my this is shocking. Can anyone confirm that it will definitely be a 2 match ban and not a fine or 1 match ban perhaps?

Yeah, let's get decisions like 'West Ham' dodging relegation by using 2 illegal players wrong. But let's ban that guy swearing into the camera, though the only people I reckon who's never seen a player swear on camera are the blind.

Maybe they're trying their best to keep the league competitive? Who knows. Utter shit decision & if I had a camera infront of me now id say to the FA
"WhatthefeckingWhat" arseholes!!!!!
Stan Collymore- "I've scored last minute winners, but I didn't resort to using the F-word."

No, you are THE perfect example of how to control your emotions. feck off prick.

Jesus, they are really wheeling them all out.
Stan Collymore- "I've scored last minute winners, but I didn't resort to using the F-word."

No, you are THE perfect example of how to control your emotions. feck off prick.

No Stan mate, maybe you should have found a woman in the crowd to knock the shite out of instead.
Harry alienating england's best player, great move considering he's likely to be the next national manager
Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp has slammed Wayne Rooney for the foul-mouthed rant that has landed the Manchester United man an FA charge.

The FA announced on Monday afternoon that Rooney has been charged with "use of offensive, insulting and/or abusive language" following his expletive-ridden celebration at West Ham on Saturday.

The England striker issued an apology after the Red Devils' 4-2 win, but that may not have been enough to save him from a ban that could see him ruled out of United's FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City in two weeks' time.

Redknapp joined the long line of pundits and ex-officials who condemned the rant tonight, insisting that the 25-year-old deserved to be charged.

"I haven't heard what he said as I was driving back from Wigan but I've read what's been reported in the papers," Redknapp said at a press conference ahead of Spurs' game against Real Madrid.

"I don't know why he did that. I don't remember Bobby Charlton doing that when he used to smack goals into the top corner from 35 yards.

"Why do these young players have to be so angry with the world? I don't know why. They are getting hundreds of thousands of pounds a week.

"I respect him (Rooney) as a player but he is a silly boy for what he did and he shouldn't have done it."

Pity no journalist had the balls to ask Redknapp about his own swearing in front of the cameras after that!!
Stan Collymore- "I've scored last minute winners, but I didn't resort to using the F-word."

No, you are THE perfect example of how to control your emotions. feck off prick.

Nah, why swear when you can take your frustration out on the missus when you get home. What's that Ulrika? THUMP

I don't even had to stick allegedly in there!

What a piece of shit