Still only 34, same age as Gerrard. Ridiculous that he just gave up giving a shit so young.
Would any of you take him back here, just for the craic?
I would. feck it. Worst-case scenario, Anderson makes a friend.
He was absolutely fantastic but only for about 4 years, even George managed 8.
He was absolutely fantastic but only for about 4 years, even George managed 8.
Zidane was around for quite a bit too. There has not been many footballers in recent years to have performed at a high level at two world cups that were 8 years apart.What players are "absolutely fantastic" for more than 4 years though? Apart from Messi and CR
Zidane was around for quite a bit too. There has not been many footballers in recent years to have performed at a high level at two world cups that were 8 years apart.
None, but the top bananas are still pretty good over 8-10 years.What players are "absolutely fantastic" for more than 4 years though? Apart from Messi and CR
Tbf back then not many players were though. Messi and ronaldo are on a different level in that regard. I am not sure if you were ever a fan of Italian football, but he was great for juventus back in the day. Most people call him inconsistent from his time at Madrid where he started to decline in his third season but he still produced moments of brilliance though. Out of those guys I would agree with xavi as being more consistent. I do not agree with scholes or iniesta. You also have to take into account that xavi and iniestas best years came when la liga became very top heavy. The winner in la liga has much more points than when zidane used to play. I imagine zidane at his best would look much better than he did if he played for Madrid or barca now with the squads they have. Zidane (like xavi and iniesta) was also a player whose stats (ie goals and assists) never really told the full story of him as a player.He wasnt constantly great though.
Id say Iniesta ,Scholes,Xavi,fat Ronaldo where more consistent than Zidane.
Its understandable in both their cases. But Kaka remains the curious case. He had one magnificent season and then all went downhill...
What players are "absolutely fantastic" for more than 4 years though? Apart from Messi and CR
Huh? He has apparently signed for the Chennai franchise team for the inaugural season of the Indian Super League.Finally might be on his way to English football.
Basingstoke Town have made an offer.
What players are "absolutely fantastic" for more than 4 years though? Apart from Messi and CR
There's some rumors that he could play in Mexico.
Wherever he goes, be it Mexico, India, some other exotic league, people will be excited to watch him play. He's a footballer that's very exciting to watch.
That's true, though I have seen a few clips where he does something amazing. If he manages to do a great trick, people will be satisfied. Plus, those leagues are definitely a step down from the brazilian league.You haven't watched him in the past year
Tbf back then not many players were though. Messi and ronaldo are on a different level in that regard. I am not sure if you were ever a fan of Italian football, but he was great for juventus back in the day. Most people call him inconsistent from his time at Madrid where he started to decline in his third season but he still produced moments of brilliance though. Out of those guys I would agree with xavi as being more consistent. I do not agree with scholes or iniesta. You also have to take into account that xavi and iniestas best years came when la liga became very top heavy. The winner in la liga has much more points than when zidane used to play. I imagine zidane at his best would look much better than he did if he played for Madrid or barca now with the squads they have. Zidane (like xavi and iniesta) was also a player whose stats (ie goals and assists) never really told the full story of him as a player.
Its understandable in both their cases. But Kaka remains the curious case. He had one magnificent season and then all went downhill...
Still only 34, same age as Gerrard. Ridiculous that he just gave up giving a shit so young.
I loved this guy, and I'd like to see someone in England pick him up even if he's shite now.
One of my favorite goals this. I remember being sitting on my sofa watching this and thinking "how the hell did that happen?! Genius.
Remember that moment vividly. Yep, a genius. Ronaldo and Messi may have the stats and longevity, but they never left me absolutely gobsmacked like he did for those few years. An absolute joy to watch and took my breath away at times with his talent. The standing ovation at the Bernabeu was a very special moment.