Dyslexic Untied
Full Member
I'm going to watch this during the weekend. My expectations are highish. If I'm served something like Gladiator then I'll be happy.
I always thought it was going to be a bit shit, mind you not 1/10 but a 5 or so
Inception is the film to see this summer
Robin Hood has been absolutely torn apart by the critics.
i think its gonna take three movies to complete the story they are trying to tell.
Its spectacular in terms of cinematography and gives amazing and panoramic views of what Medieval times might have looked like such as when The Tower of London was the Kings home and the very centre of London or indeed what life was like in the 'shires.
The pace is ok but slow at times and I did not notice the 2 hours pass and I thought Robin Hood (Crowe) and Maid Marion (Blannchet) characters were played well as is King John and Friar Tuck. Likewise, there are some great fighting sequences which use all the latest tricks available on camera and in the production suite without too much CG. And there are also some nice romantic and poignant interchanges.
But in the end, whilst being good all round, it missed me feeling fully satiated and I think that is because the script is weak at times and that Ridley Scott has gone for style over substance. He did all the hard work in giving us a glimpse into what life was like all those years ago, but then sacrifices it all by going for over simplistic plots when something with abit more wit would have been better.
You clean your dirty mouth.I just don't rate Russell Crowe as an actor
*cough* *hack* *wheeze*
*hack* *cough* *wheeze*
Cheers. I hadn't seen this and it had slipped down the pages a bit.
I totally agree with what Brad said about the homosexual encounter thing - we thought that too.
Where'd that post come from. Either you are hearing things or I need to quit smoking.
The point where it lost me completely was a five minute period towards the end commencing fromBlanchett appearing on the beach in battle costume as the French landed; peaking with the declaration that "this is for you Walter", or something to that affect, when she went to try and kill Godfrey; Crowe roaring his way out of the sea having survived the boats coming together; and finally culminating in Crowe snogging Blanchett on the battleground, which must surely have appeared to everyone else fighting as a homosexual encounter