Sounds like a very good cover story. Let’s see if she’s ever seen again, or has an accident whilst detained.Some people who are psychotic can actually be appear and behave quite calm.
Sounds like a very good cover story. Let’s see if she’s ever seen again, or has an accident whilst detained.Some people who are psychotic can actually be appear and behave quite calm.
You folks deserve better. Hopefully you'll see meaningful changes in your lifetime.
From a selfish perspective across the border we could also do with less IR interference.
Subtitles here might be manipulated but is there any merit to the idea that she was having a psycotic episode?
This "Syrian Girl"'s name is Maryam Susli and she's been living in Australia for a long long time, despite her favourite dude "Assad" ruling her country. I wonder, if Assad is so good, why doesn't she move back to Syria? Why does she shill for Assad, while she lives thousands of kilometers away? She won't have our fears of being arrested at the airport if she lands at her own country, and she clearly loves how the current regime rules her counry. So have skin in the game and go back and live there. Moral coward and a total fake is what she is. A true moral prostitute.
She shills for the mullahs in Tehran at every opportunity, yet if she was a content producer in Iran with her hair and skin showing as much as she does, she'd be arrested and then disappeared and never heard or or seen again.
Not to mention, this is what she said about the October 7 female victims: "The zionist filths are too ugly to be raped."
Anyways, it appears as Assad is slowly turning against the Ayatollahs and trying to decrease IRGC influence in Syria in order to save his own arse from Israel, so Maryam from Australia, the moral prostitute of the Resistence front, has to pick a side soon. But she's a grifter, so she'll find a way. God I hate her.
This "Syrian Girl"'s name is Maryam Susli and she's been living in Australia for a long long time, despite her favourite dude "Assad" ruling her country. I wonder, if Assad is so good, why doesn't she move back to Syria? Why does she shill for Assad, while she lives thousands of kilometers away? She won't have our fears of being arrested at the airport if she lands at her own country, and she clearly loves how the current regime rules her counry. So have skin in the game and go back and live there. Moral coward and a total fake is what she is. A true moral prostitute.
She shills for the mullahs in Tehran at every opportunity, yet if she was a content producer in Iran with her hair and skin showing as much as she does, she'd be arrested and then disappeared and never heard or or seen again.
Not to mention, this is what she said about the October 7 female victims: "The zionist filths are too ugly to be raped."
Anyways, it appears as Assad is slowly turning against the Ayatollahs and trying to decrease IRGC influence in Syria in order to save his own arse from Israel, so Maryam from Australia, the moral prostitute of the Resistence front, has to pick a side soon. But she's a grifter, so she'll find a way. God I hate her.
Would you consider yourself a monarchist Hanks? Would you support the return of the Shah?Thank you. I think it's coming very soon, and honestly that's probably my only wish in life (plus fatherhood).
Would be wonderful to have a country again, be able to spend time with family, build it from the ashes and you know, just have a normal life.
Not only will Iranians benefit, but so will our neighbours like you guys. More regional stability and cooperation = more growth and prosperity opportunity for all.
Would you consider yourself a monarchist Hanks? Would you support the return of the Shah?
Absolutely. And I wasn't always like this...Reading lots of deep history about my country over the last few years and access to a lot of information withheld to us previously has really opened my eyes and made me completely certain that return to Monarchy is the best and only viable alternative. Just a few reasons behind my personal opinion:
- Iran has had the oldest Monarchy institution in the world. It has always been a multi-ethnic nation, and such countries need a unifying figure, or else they'd fall into chaos. Monarchy provides that.
- Both the Pahlavi monarchs (Reza and Mohammad Reza) were extremely honouable men who did much much much more good than bad. They weren't perfect, but just as accomplishments:
> Secularizing the state and involving women in society (Reza Shah)
> Building the country's infrastructure, first radio, university, rail (Reza Shah)
> Issuing birth certificates for the first time, enforcing sanitary laws, improving public hygiene (Reza Shah)
> Land reforms program and abolishing Feudalism (Mohammad Reza Shah)
> Giving Workers' Right to Own Shares in the Industrial Complexes (Mohammad Reza Shah)
> Profit Sharing for industrial workers in private sector enterprises, 20% share of net profit (Mohammad Reza Shah)
> Assembling the strongest and most modern army in all Middle East (Mohammad Reza Shah)
> NO WARS or attempts to export an ideology (both)
> Amicable and respectful relationship with most Arab neighbours + peaceful and good relations with Israel (Mohammad Reza Shah)
> Economic welfare (for majority of population) , a strong currency and respected passport (Mohammad Reza Shah)
> Women's rights, first to be given right to vote in Middle East. When women in Switzerland still couldn't vote (Mohammad Reza Shah)
*** Unfortunately, he ruled in an era where there was zero access to information, mass superstition (people genuinely thought they are seeing Khomeini's face on the moon if you squint hard enough) , and a treacherous Leftist opposition who romanticized Shi'ite Islam (which in my opinion, isn't a revolutionary idea, since the whole concept is sitting idle and waiting for some Imam to get out of a hole after 1300 years and lead the world) and made it into a revolutionary idea with hope of taking power after the regime is overthrown, only to be absolutely crushed and destroyed immediately after, by the same snake (Islamist ideology) that it helped grow and gain power.
- If you look at the Middle East region, the monarchies are the thriving countries with highest welfare for their own citizens (UAE, Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain) , whereas the republics are in constant state of chaos and destruction (Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, IR Iran, PakistanYemen). Look at this chart comparing the inflation rate in 2024 in Iran vs. Arab monarchies in the region
- And I believe citizen's welfare is significantly more important than idealism of a full-democracy. Give me the authoritarianism of UAE/Singapore over the "democracy" of Lebanon or Turkey (now that's one country which will be the biggest loser of all in case Iran becomes a viable normal country again) any day of the week, twice on Sundays.
- Also, people love throwing around the word "puppet" a lot in political terms. The reality is, unless you're a big superpower country, you're gonna have to pick your battles and lean politically and strategically towards one of the superpowers. I much rather be a US-puppet than a Russia or China puppet. Don't like it, cry elsewhere. The world isn't lived in idealism, but in realism.
and I can go on and on. We have a family with proven track record. and a healthy, well-known and ready Crown Prince that is actually a trained fighter jet pilot, who is easily the most popular figure inside the country.
With Trump back in the WH and some of his new admin picks (Waltz, Rubio) having me with Crown-Prince over the last 4 years (so far Trump's admin thankfully is void of MEK-sympathetic folks like his last admin was), Israel in state of war and determined to get rid of this existential threat (Islamic Republic ideology), and the regime significantly weakened compared to 8 years ago (much worse economy, angry population, Khamenei pushing 86, proxies severely weakened) ... I think this is the most golden window of the last 45 years to reclaim the country. It may be our last chance.
Also, this is one book I recommend reading if interested in more. Written not by a Monarchist (actually ciriticizes the Shah a fair bit), but by a Newzealnder Historian. Was an emotional roller-coaster reading this.
This is all well and true, Iran modernised rapidly in the 20th century. But the biggest issue with the old monarchy - and especially Mohammed Reza Shah - was that he simply pretended to be a dictator, without actually ever going through with the acts dictators have to do to ensure their reign. He was fundamentally weak. Too weak to allow multi-party democracy and become a constitutional monarch, too weak to mow his own people down when revolution came.
And in regards to Gulf monarchies are effectively fascist states with very small populations. They cannot be compared to Iran, their prosperity is largely down to all investment earmarked for Iran flowing to the Gulf post-1979. Even Saudi has only got a population of 30m and by all accounts they inflate that figure.
Whatever comes next needs to be some sort of multi-party democracy with free and fair elections. Constitutional monarchy if necessary. But if Iran returns to whatever the old monarchy was, whilst infinitely better than now in hindsight (it wasn't popular at the time), it will never achieve its potential.
You cannot seriously believe that Iran will accept the return of the Shah's offspring? Or that they should? It is mental.He has 3 daughters and no sons, so in case he returns as Shah, Iran could be ruled by a Queen in 2 decades. Now that would be something !
The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, ruled from 1941 until his overthrow in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. His regime was marked by several alleged war crimes and human rights violations, many of which occurred during his aggressive pursuit of modernization, political repression, and suppression of dissent. Some of the most notable war crimes and abuses associated with the Shah’s regime include:
1. Use of Torture and Political Repression (Savak)
The Shah’s regime is infamous for the extensive use of torture against political dissidents, activists, and anyone perceived as a threat. This was facilitated by the SAVAK (the Iranian intelligence service), which was trained by the CIA and Mossad. The SAVAK employed physical and psychological torture tactics to silence opposition groups, including leftists, nationalists, and Islamic fundamentalists. Thousands were executed, imprisoned, or disappeared.
Sources: Amnesty International, "Iran: 25 years of repression," 1979; Human Rights Watch, "The Shah’s Torture Machine."
2. Suppression of the Kurdish Rebellion (1970s)
In the early 1970s, the Shah's military conducted a violent crackdown on Kurdish rebels in the northwest of Iran. Kurdish nationalist movements, particularly in Kurdistan (a region in Iran), were met with heavy military force. The military employed brutal tactics, including mass executions and the forced displacement of Kurdish civilians, to suppress any opposition.
Sources: The Kurdish Question in Iran, by M. Reza Nourizadeh; Iranian Kurdistan: A Revolutionary History, by Shaswar Abdulwahid Qadir.
3. The 1978–1979 Massacres of Protesters
As protests against the Shah intensified, particularly in 1978 and into early 1979, his government responded with extreme violence. In Jaleh Square Massacre (1978), the Iranian army opened fire on unarmed protesters, killing hundreds. The Shah's brutal crackdown included the use of the military to suppress civil unrest, resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians.
Sources: The Fall of the Shah, by John Damis; Revolutionary Iran, by Michael Axworthy.
4. The 1953 CIA-Backed Coup (Operation Ajax)
While not a direct "war crime," the Shah’s rise to power after the 1953 coup—supported by the CIA and MI6—marked the beginning of a repressive era. The coup ousted Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, who had nationalized Iran’s oil industry. This led to a series of internal conflicts and the Shah's establishment of a tyrannical monarchy.
Sources: All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror, by Stephen Kinzer; The Coup: 1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations, by Ervand Abrahamian.
5. Displacement of Indigenous People
During his attempts to modernize Iran, the Shah implemented land reforms that, while initially intended to redistribute wealth, led to the displacement of rural populations, particularly indigenous groups. These reforms displaced many who had lived in rural areas for generations, leading to increased poverty, landlessness, and unrest among peasants.
Sources: Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic, by Michael Axworthy.
6. Support for the Vietnam War
While not directly a war crime, the Shah's support for the United States during the Vietnam War involved Iran providing logistical support, oil, and military aid to the U.S. during the conflict. This can be seen as part of the Shah’s broader alignment with Western imperialist interests, at the expense of Iran’s sovereignty.
Sources: The Iran-Iraq War: A Military and Strategic History, by Williamson Murray and Kevin M. Woods.
7. Execution of Political Opponents and Intellectuals
Political opponents, leftist activists, and intellectuals were often targeted and executed under the Shah’s regime. The Shah's regime maintained a policy of political assassinations and imprisonment, particularly against those who supported socialism, communism, or anti-monarchist movements. Many intellectuals were executed or forced into exile, contributing to the intellectual repression of the period.
Sources: The Iranian Revolution: Then and Now, by John Foran; Shah of Shahs, by Ryszard Kapuściński.
You cannot seriously believe that Iran will accept the return of the Shah's offspring? Or that they should? It is mental.
That's why no one shoul learn history based on Google Search.
The amount of propaganda is insane.In the entire revolution process, fewer than 900 people were killed. One of the reasons revolution succeeded was Shah's refusal to use brutal force and deciding to leave the country instead of bowing down to pressure from generals to keep the throne with blood. As he said in his last ever interview while on exile: "A king is not a dictator and the throne can't be at the cost the nation's blood. The history will reveal everything of who was on the right side and who on the wrong side."
Few months before the revolution, Queen Farah was in Iraq to meet with one of the influential Shi'te imams to talk about getting more moderate imams involved to decrease the religious fervor in the country, Saddam Hussain reportedly asked to meet Farah in which he offered her to have Khomeini killed and told her to pass this message to her husband (Shah) : "It's better if 10,000 Iranians die now, than 1 million later." A crazy prophecy that came to fruition after the Iran-Iraq war.
Was he a Finland-style liberal democrat? No! but he was by far and away the most liberal and soft-heartened ruler in the entire Middle East and even compared to many of the Western countries at the time (this is the time that Spain, Chile and South Korea had full-on fascist regimes).
Thankfully, it looks like the people inside Iran have seen past the propaganda now that all the history and information is out there, and videos of the Shah get millions of likes and positive comments by ACTUAL Iranians (not those basing their entire understanding of a nation and history off Wikipedia and Google Search).
Iran's biggest and most famous celebrity, Ali Karimi, posted this video about the Shah..just read/translate the comments. I let the people of Iran decide. You can be sure if the Shah was the monster the Western media and historians and Leftist marxists made him out to be, in this era of full access to information, history and knowledge, his memoirs wouldn't be so well-received. I let the people speak!
@OmgTheyKillKenny , I am Iranian. Born and raised in Iran, and left as a teenager. I was born a decade after the revolution actually, so i experienced this unspeakably evil regime and their propaganda machine in my early schooling years. Majority of my family still live in Iran, and funnily those in Iran are a lot more pro-monarchy and pro-Shah and his son than some in the diaspora (Canada is filled with IRGC families now and previously mostly leftist and 'reformist' diaspora) and Europe diaspora was mostly communists with sparse MEK-fans, and US diaspora is by far and away most monarchists.
But family and friends inside Iran? easily 70%+ pro-Shah. Everytime even there is an Instagram or X poll with over tens of thousands of vote about your gov't preference post IR/most trusted Iranian politician/ Constitutional Monarchy + Pahlavi wins 65%+ of the vote.
Again, I just want us to get to the day that we can vote in a referendum about the nature of the next regime/system. I'll vote for return of Monarchy with Pahlavi as head of state. I will respect whichever result is achieved, but I am very positive that the majority of Iranians want the same thing as me, just by judging the online sentiment (as shared here) as well as my own contacts inside the country. But we'll see what the vote result will be.
Overall, it's very hard to understand Iran as the eye of an outsider. Such complex history and geopolitical importance. What I'll say though, is that the fall of this regime will have such immense impact on the World as a whole, on par with the fall of Berlin Wall.
I would just note that that my post has sources for every single claim. It's not some wikipedia thing. Granted, it's not the lived experience you have, but then there are millions or Iranians who would completely disagree with you. Thanks for the clarification.
Surely that's wishful thinking? Not saying you're wrong, but if 75 million people in a nation where something like 40% of all people are under the age of 30 or so agreed that the regime had to go, then it would be gone. That would include basically every single adult in Iran.Most important thing right now, is that at least 75 million of them agree that the current regime must go.
Surely that's wishful thinking? Not saying you're wrong, but if 75 million people in a nation where something like 40% of all people are under the age of 30 or so agreed that the regime had to go, then it would be gone. That would include basically every single adult in Iran.
Do they need to import? Isn't the Revolutionary Guard millions strong? Edit: apparently only a couple hundred thousand. I always thought it was about 2 or 3 million (maybe the entire armed forces).But they've absolutely never been so weak both internally, economically, and externally. In previous rounds of protests, they could easily import suppressors from Hezbollah, Hamas, Hashad-Al-Shabi (Iraq) and such. All those forces are severely weakened now. Regime is facing financial disaster and with Trump coming, the screws will tighten on them even more. so this next 4 years is the extra-golden chance imo.
Been talking to some family members in Tehran and Esfahan lately. The atmosphere and vibe in the country is extremely tense. In summary:
- Severe Fuel Shortages: The country is experiencing a critical fuel crisis driven by freezing weather, outdated infrastructure, and international sanctions.
- Rial hits new low compared to USD: Rial is now trading at 775,000 for one USD. worst ever. With no sign of slowing down.
- School Closures: Authorities have extended school closures to conserve fuel and manage energy use. Pezeshkian has asked citizens to reduce the heating on their home by 2 degrees to save heating for everyone, this comes in a country with one of the largest oil and gas reserves on the entire planet.
- City Shutdowns: Cities across Iran are being shut down to mitigate the impact of the crisis. Highway lights regularly go off at night.
- Power Plant Suspension: Operations at some power plants have been suspended due to insufficient fuel supplies.
- Nationwide Disruptions: The fuel shortages have caused widespread disruptions across the country. My aunt lives in the nicest area in north of Tehran and she says they have electricity outings twice a day almost.
Authorities have not presented any immediate or viable solutions to address the escalating crisis. But aunt and grandpa says, all the talk on the street is "something is in the air. Everyone feels like something big could start in the next few weeks. Very tense situation all around.
Situaiton is so strange that Russian Embassy in Tehran has been lengthening its walls. Russia doesn't have a good reputation among Iranian public and could be subject to anger. Maybe Putin knows something that he's ordered his embassy to be prepared for a probable uprising. Two separate tweets from two separate sources...looks like this is 100% true.
In the increasingly likely event that Israel and/or America decide to strike the nuclear facilities in the coming months, how do you think this might impact the domestic tensions you describe?
Another potential trigger would surely be Khamenei’s health. I know we’ve been hearing rumors for what must be over a decade now, but he has to go sometime.From what I've heard, the vibe is that people are looking for an "ignition" , a big "event", to start waves of protests (I'm nearly certain the next round will be the final one)...and hits on Nuclear facilities or ideally IRGC and Basij bases can provide that. There is also a lot of fear in the society after what happened 2 years I totally understand the fear and the wait for "something big" to happen to get things going.
I'm seeing a lot more wall-writing of slogans, few videos of Army officers just feels like a lot of smoke in the air now, when will that "big event" happens and all things start boiling over, I have no idea, but it'll probably be after Trump is sworn in
Some indications another round of mass protests may be brewing.
Another potential trigger would surely be Khamenei’s health. I know we’ve been hearing rumors for what must be over a decade now, but he has to go sometime.
It’s actually incredible to consider that he’s been in the role for 35 years now, when Khomeini himself only had 10. Yet the latter still seems to cast such a darker shadow over the country, and it sometimes feels that we still have a really incomplete understanding of Khamenei and his individual impact on Iran.
So why does she live in Australia if it`s so much better over in Iran? I know she`s Syrian but there`s been a change of regime and she probably can`t get a visa to live in Russia with her heroes.This "Syrian Girl"'s name is Maryam Susli and she's been living in Australia for a long long time, despite her favourite dude "Assad" ruling her country. I wonder, if Assad is so good, why doesn't she move back to Syria? Why does she shill for Assad, while she lives thousands of kilometers away? She won't have our fears of being arrested at the airport if she lands at her own country, and she clearly loves how the current regime rules her counry. So have skin in the game and go back and live there. Moral coward and a total fake is what she is. A true moral prostitute.
She shills for the mullahs in Tehran at every opportunity, yet if she was a content producer in Iran with her hair and skin showing as much as she does, she'd be arrested and then disappeared and never heard or or seen again.
Not to mention, this is what she said about the October 7 female victims: "The zionist filths are too ugly to be raped."
Anyways, it appears as Assad is slowly turning against the Ayatollahs and trying to decrease IRGC influence in Syria in order to save his own arse from Israel, so Maryam from Australia, the moral prostitute of the Resistence front, has to pick a side soon. But she's a grifter, so she'll find a way. God I hate her.