Music Revival - Eminem Album | Also Kamikaze

Finally got around to ordering the vinyl version of undun a couple of weeks ago, just to hang it on the wall in my home office. The album is very good, and I've loved the cover picture ever since I first saw it.

That’s a very cool idea, could you share a pic of the result?
Is it as good as 2002 Em? No, but it's listenable and doesn't make me cringe and that's enough for me.
Thought it was fun but not really a replay factor song.

Also goes with his old concept of a silly song first then something a bit deeper
Probably going to have to hear it a few more times as I enjoyed it in parts, but I thought it was overall a bit crap. Love the idea for the track though and maybe it's a grower.
Looking forward to the rest of the album.
Is a genius concept album idea.

New Em trying to stop old Em from getting cancelled.

"F*ck my own kids, they're brats."
"R Kelly's favourite group, Black guy pees"

I love it. I'm glad that Em's realised that he's a sign of his times and embraced it again, coming back with something that isn't just a desperate attempt to show how talented he is (and lets face it, his technical ability is amazing). There's a reason why he was such a big part of so many people's lives back in the day and it wasn't just because he had bleach blonde hair. Honest hip hop, without some face tattooed shithead mumbling shite rhymes about how he once got in an argument with someone is Waitrose. Ooooooh, hard cnut.

On another note, I'm enjoying this thread because, unlike the main rap thread, it isn't full of try-hard bitches trying to shoehorn forced lingo into every sentence. Your name is Terry and you work at a bank when you're not browsing a football forum, calm the feck down Terry.
I love it. I'm glad that Em's realised that he's a sign of his times and embraced it again, coming back with something that isn't just a desperate attempt to show how talented he is (and lets face it, his technical ability is amazing). There's a reason why he was such a big part of so many people's lives back in the day and it wasn't just because he had bleach blonde hair. Honest hip hop, without some face tattooed shithead mumbling shite rhymes about how he once got in an argument with someone is Waitrose. Ooooooh, hard cnut.

On another note, I'm enjoying this thread because, unlike the main rap thread, it isn't full of try-hard bitches trying to shoehorn forced lingo into every sentence. Your name is Terry and you work at a bank when you're not browsing a football forum, calm the feck down Terry.
This post has to be one of my favorites ever on the Caf. Well done, sir.
Shite as in "Shite, Shady is back!!" or just "That was shite"?

Clearly the latter isn't true, it's been well received and is now the second most streamed hip hop/rap song in it's first week ever, after "Not Like Us".

Shite as in, “let’s be honest here, that was a steaming pile of shite”.

It’s nostalgia bait, doesn’t surprise me it’s been streamed a load. It’s still shite.
Shite as in, “let’s be honest here, that was a steaming pile of shite”.

It’s nostalgia bait, doesn’t surprise me it’s been streamed a load. It’s still shite.

Fair enough I guess first time I've heard someone not twelve criticise it but I get what you mean about nostalgia bait.

That's all it took to make me happy though