Retro gaming

James Bond golden eye on N64 was revolutionary

Agreed, and still arguably my all time favourite game (though gears and halo 3 are a close second!)

Man this thread warms my cockles, so many memories, so little time. All of the games mentioned were awesome - sensible, turrican, bubble bobble etc etc. Has anyone mentioned street fighter by the way? The hype aroound that was amazin!

I'd have to say though, one of my all time favourite games had to be rainbow islands on the c64. Even if you did have to reload the feckin thing between levels. Okay you were throwin rainbows at bumble bees, which is a bit gay, but this game was hard as feck!

On a side note, has anyone ever played CJs elephant antics on the c64? I played this game so much it made me phycisally sick. Physically.
Anybody remember Super Ghouls and Ghosts on the SNES? (I think it was a sequel/remake to Ghosts and goblins).

Man that games was ridiculously hard!

You played as a knight. One hit from a monster and you shed your coat of arms and ran around in your underpants!
Does anyone remember frogger on the bbc micro... you had a frog and had to cross the road... great game as a kid :lol:
Still play all these using various emulators. Much prefer them to new console games.

Get Snes9x (Super Nintendo), GenS (Megadrive) and Project64 (N64).

It isn't difficult to find the games.
