I feared for it TBH. The problem with Insomniac IMO is that they churn stuff out on such a regular basis that their games are always very good, but they never quite get to hang on the bracket of greatness. Sometimes it feels that if they had just another 6-8 months with it their games would be out of this world. However, I suppose they have wages to pay etc. and need to push these things out on such a regular basis. How they do make such good games on such a regular basis is quite astounding. In the time it has taken Guerilla Games to get Killzone 2 out, Insomniac have put out Resistance Fall of Man, Ratchet and Clank Future, Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty (ok, it was a 1/4 game), and now Resistance 2. They deserve all the success they can get IMO.