Reminiscing... The Crystal Maze


I've got it on Challenge at the moment, and the missus has just seen it for the first time, and thinks it looks a bit shit. I tried to explain the cult status of the show, the concept, and why it was so fecking brilliant for its time. Wasted :rolleyes:

Please fellow Cafites, show her the error of her ways... what was it about the Crystal Maze that you loved?

The bit at the end in the giant crystal when the gimps would try and catch as much money as they could.
I told my younger sisters about the amazing Crystal Maze and we watched some episodes back to back on challenge.. music was still immense.. but the show was not as good as I thought it was in hindsight.

Still back in the day, legendary shizzle.. the host was a hoot.
Everything's always more magical when you were really young.

I loved the Crystal Maze. It had memorable music and the whole concept was quite impressive to me. CW doesn't know what she missed. Silly gal.
I prefer Fort Boyard, it had midgets in sailor suits.
I reckon Brad liked Treasure Hunt too.

Anneka Rice was always a minger. I dunno why everybody rated her just because she filled out a shellsuit.
Loved this shit when I was a kid. My Grandad told me that if they failed to find the crystal, they actually did leave them locked in the room for the rest of their lives...

Which added a bit of suspense.
Along with Bruce Forsyth, this is another English thing I'll never get.

We don't really get Brucey either tbf..We just let him get on with it cos he'll be dead soon and he hasn't got anything else to do. It's like a sort of public care in the community.

Crystal Maze was fecking epic though.

I prefer Fort Boyard, it had midgets in sailor suits.

Interesting but similarly just as uninteresting fact of the day:

"Chatsworth Television intended to make a British version of the French show Fort Boyard, but when it became clear that the fort would not be available at the time of the pilot show, Fort Boyard's creator Jacques Antoine was consulted about developing an alternative format that could be shot elsewhere"


I've got it on Challenge at the moment, and the missus has just seen it for the first time, and thinks it looks a bit shit. I tried to explain the cult status of the show, the concept, and why it was so fecking brilliant for its time. Wasted :rolleyes:

Please fellow Cafites, show her the error of her ways... what was it about the Crystal Maze that you loved?

Watched this recently and I was quite amused at the hair styles and choice of dress. So funny. Seriously 90s
one of the best bits for me was the journey between zones - i remember willing every contestant to fall off of the rope bridge and into that mysterious smokey, bubbling water

i still watch it occasionally on Challenge and what sticks out now is just how fecking annoying the non participant contestants are, continually stating the obvious at ever increasing volumes and hysterical tones - how anyone managed to concentrate i've no idea
Ahhh Crystal maze ... such awesomeness. How I used to love that show. Richard O'Brian was brilliant.
"I don't know what to do!...I don't know what to do!!"

*clock ticks down whilst all the team shout incoherent instructions over the top of each other to the muppet locked inside*

Great show.
I feel bad calling Tudor Pole a bellend earlier. He just wasn't Richard O'Brien, that was all

I used to have a great little book where you took part in your own Crystal Maze, smart little thing, in fact if its still in publication I might get it again!

Also had the board game, but perhaps the less said about that the better

I had that :nervous:
I was on the Crystal Maze when they did a kids special...I was 11...It was never televised..

I got locked in after I touched the floor in the game, and the other cnuts didn't use a crystal to get me out...the shit cnuts then managed to get about 12 gold note things, and about 300 silver ones...