Remembering Blade Runner


Im rude and disprespectful to the ladies of the fo
Dec 12, 2002
狗杂种,闭嘴 辱罵,用俚語說...废物点心 : Dinamic Dude
Watched the the 25th Anniversary Edition couple of months back again . Except for some greatest background tracks thas still remains fresh, thought the movie has lost out it appeal compared to the the first time I watched in 87 or 88.

One of those movies that needs to be remade.
Have to disagree there, don't see a point in a remake of this.
A Blade Runner without Ford and Hauer isn't Blade Runner.
Have to disagree there, don't see a point in a remake of this.
A Blade Runner without Ford and Hauer isn't Blade Runner.

Agreed there is no need to make a remake of this film. I't's not as if its aged badly, i still really enjoy it as is. And without Ford and Hauer it just wouldn't be anywhere near as good.
The thing that makes Blade Runner great for me is the atmosphere. Not only the sets and production design but also the slow dreamy way that the story is told. Audiences nowadays wouldn't cope with the slower pace of the movie and it would have to be 'Michael Bay-ed' in terms of pace and action, sped up for the MTV generation and therefore completely ruined.

Please leave it alone Hollywood nobs.
Remaking classic movies so todays kids "get it" is absolutely pointless.
Worst idea of the decade.

I watched the final cut and a remastered version of the original cinema release a few months ago and both were utterly superb.
I can't get into any of these remakes. They should leave them all alone
One of the best and most original films ever made. Don't fecking touch it.
Watched the the 25th Anniversary Edition couple of months back again . Except for some greatest background tracks thas still remains fresh, thought the movie has lost out it appeal compared to the the first time I watched in 87 or 88.

One of those movies that needs to be remade.

Remake muppet.
I watched it for the first time on Blu-ray a few months ago and I thought it was superb, easily one of the best Sci-fi for me.
The thing that makes Blade Runner great for me is the atmosphere. Not only the sets and production design but also the slow dreamy way that the story is told. Audiences nowadays wouldn't cope with the slower pace of the movie and it would have to be 'Michael Bay-ed' in terms of pace and action, sped up for the MTV generation and therefore completely ruined.

Please leave it alone Hollywood nobs.

I can see it now: Shia Lebouef playing the Harrison Ford role (OMG INDY PASSING THE TORCH META-GASM). Megan Fox and her titties in the Sean Young role. Carlos Mencia doing a ching-chong accent in the Edward James Olmos role. Larry the Cable Guy in the Rutger Hauer role. Lots of 'splosions and shit.

Hollywood git'er ***!
I watched a documentary a few weeks ago on Moebius whose comic 'The Long Tomorrow' was name checked as an inspiration for the city scapes in Blade Runner


He also helped with some of the concept designs for Alien (Sci-Fi-O-Rama Moebius ‘Alien’ Concept Art) and the canned Jodorowsky adaptation of Dune (Jean "Moebius" Giraud - Unseen Dune)
I can see it now: Shia Lebouef playing the Harrison Ford role (OMG INDY PASSING THE TORCH META-GASM). Megan Fox and her titties in the Sean Young role. Carlos Mencia doing a ching-chong accent in the Edward James Olmos role. Larry the Cable Guy in the Rutger Hauer role. Lots of 'splosions and shit.

Hollywood git'er ***!

You know what, I don't think I've ever watched it. I thought I had back when I was a kid, but after a few comments on here I looked it up in wiki and I am pretty sure I was thinking of the wrong movie. I'm definitely going to have to get a copy.
I'm probably the only person, but I found this movie to be slightly overrated.
People I know hyped it up, but it let me down in a few aspects.

Essentially, its got the music, acting quality and the dialogue of a porn film, without the porn.

The only person that saved that movie in any sense, was Roy Batty.

Other then that, pretty rubbish.

Of course my opinion could be wavered by the fact we have to study it in english, but if thats the case, then it ruined a very good film.
ive got it on blu ray but ive yet to see it, i started watching it once but was tired and kept nodding off,
I'm probably the only person, but I found this movie to be slightly overrated.
People I know hyped it up, but it let me down in a few aspects.

Essentially, its got the music, acting quality and the dialogue of a porn film, without the porn.

The only person that saved that movie in any sense, was Roy Batty.

Other then that, pretty rubbish.

Of course my opinion could be wavered by the fact we have to study it in english, but if thats the case, then it ruined a very good film.

It was great film during the 80's, the sets were something very new to mainstream audiences then with the performances of Ford, Hauer, Young all outstanding along with one of the greatest musical tracks scored for a film ever. But if you screen the movie to a 20 year old lad he wouldnt be intrested much, mainly due to the effect of computer graphics these days.
Bollocks. It still looks great. You won't find many better looking films made in the last decade.
I think that you're talking bollocks Vijay to be honest.

Yes he is talking absolute bollocks. It should never be remade.....ever. I can count on almost one finger how many remakes are actually any good.

And also he dislikes the effects. Blade Runner along with Star Wars and other movies from that era more than hold their own when compared to some of the stuff we are subjected to these days.
Watched it again here the other day.

Still great.
The man who thinks Steven Gerrard is wayyyy overrated :wenger:, says Blade Runner is a bit overrated :wenger::wenger:. put Vijay down.

Read the thread again, no one with a bit of common sense would say Blade Runner was an overrated movie.

Any one with a bit of commonsense can figure out Stevie G is overrated and an absolute tosh.
I have Blade Runner on Blu-ray and somehow every couple of months I get the urge to watch it again

Brilliant film, the sets are stunning especially on Blu-ray and hardly look dated at all.It has that gritty, hard Sci-fi feel to it that I love and the acting is great all round.
It was great film during the 80's, the sets were something very new to mainstream audiences then with the performances of Ford, Hauer, Young all outstanding along with one of the greatest musical tracks scored for a film ever. But if you screen the movie to a 20 year old lad he wouldnt be intrested much, mainly due to the effect of computer graphics these days.
It's down to pace and narrative more than effects. All movies are not made for 20-year-old Armageddon fans.
I enjoyed it but I must admit to feeling that people have put it on a pedestal and it is rated a bit too highly.

It should not be remade but sadly the current Hollywood trend suggests that it probably will be remade at some point as they seem to be re-hashing 80's movies with increasing frequency.
I'm not sure how you can overrate the best sci-fi film ever made TBH.
I'm not sure how you can overrate the best sci-fi film ever made TBH.

That's kind of my point about the film being put on a pedestal. I don't deny that it's a very good film but the slightest sniff of criticism and people tend to leap to its defence with a bit more vigour than usual.

Is it the best Science Fiction film ever made?

I'm not sure to be honest, but it's definitely well up there.
I think I better clarify my statement.

For me personally, the film has been overrated. I was expecting a lot, but left a little underwhelmed.

I can appreciate the amazing setting, but for me, the story just doesn't do it and neither does the acting. Compared to Shelly's Frankenstein, it feels like a cheap rip off.