Redcafe XBOX - Fifa 12 League

Seeing as that Carlsen was so cocky pre-tournament I chucked when I saw him get stuffed 4-0 I must say :)

He didn't even put 1 past Red Mist, never mind 8 and he was Sunderland... much better than Brentford or whoever it was that he said!
Seeing as that Carlsen was so cocky pre-tournament I chucked when I saw him get stuffed 4-0 I must say :)

He didn't even put 1 past Red Mist, never mind 8 and he was Sunderland... much better than Brentford or whoever it was that he said!

Seeing as that Carlsen was so cocky pre-tournament I chucked when I saw him get stuffed 4-0 I must say :)

He didn't even put 1 past Red Mist, never mind 8 and he was Sunderland... much better than Brentford or whoever it was that he said!

I'd really like him to use Brentford.

I'd really like him to use Brentford.

Just had a message back from him:

Carlsen19 said:
Red Mist was lucky as feck. His internet is shit and he was lagging all over the place. In an even game I'd absolutely destroy him. No doubt.

In fact I'll take any invite from you guys. You can be anyone you want and you can pick any league 2 side for me to be. If it's a level playing field I'll win by 4 clear goals easy. I can't be blamed for other people having shit internet.

Lads.... you know what to do.
Yeh I don't think the remaining games are going to be played so I'm going to set up WEEK 2 soon.

I messages harrisamo that I'm free whenever today, so we might get ours in. Is Astor a newbie as well? His other game is against him
Week 1 Update

* League has been updated, please always check your results or position is correct as mistakes can occur.

* Week 2 fixtures are up to start.

* We have 3 new entrants so regrettably what has happened is the spreadsheet has shifted everyone about meaning Week 1's fixtures have been spread over the season if you understand that.

Essentially what this means is there will be a couple weeks where some of you will miss out on a fixture as it has already been played but it will balance out over the coming weeks.This week I won't be playing and CW1984 and Sw33t miss one.
Good stuff. Keep up the good work Neo.
Only one game? Bummer :(

Nice work Neo, hopefully every sticks to it as you've done an ace job!
Only one game? Bummer :(

Nice work Neo, hopefully every sticks to it as you've done an ace job!

Yep sorry. The spreadsheet fixtures has changed totally so this week there were 3 fixtures played in week 1 that were in this week's fixtures.

I think it's Week 5 where most of Week 1's fixtures have been rearranged so it should all work out in about a month.
Nice work Neo.

This Carlsen guy is different gear. I can't wait to play him. I don't even care if I get thrashed as I slightly hope I do. I'll get practicing.
I presume when setting up the games people have been using the "online" squads right?

Not that don't trust me fellow caftards to play honestly, you understand.. :)
I always put it on online, although I'm not sure how someone could check that. We all just have to be honest and trust each other I guess.
On a side note, demba ba and papiss cisse are ridiculous in this game. Both strong and quick with good on ball skill.
Yeh that was directed at you or anything. I meant to post it the other day when setting up my game against RDCR but forgot.
Bosnian_red (arsenal) 0-1 (tottenham) Duffy

Well that was a frustrating game to say the least. Terrible first half, and then in the second van persie couldn't hit the fecking net. Adebayor for him was pretty horrid as well though :lol:
Bosnian_red (arsenal) 0-1 (tottenham) Duffy

Well that was a frustrating game to say the least. Terrible first half, and then in the second van persie couldn't hit the fecking net. Adebayor for him was pretty horrid as well though :lol:

:lol: Tell me about it, he had about 3 headers at open goals and missed them all!!
:lol: Tell me about it, he had about 3 headers at open goals and missed them all!!

What was going on with those sideways diving headers :lol:
I had no idea what I was doing at the end, just passing around hoping for a perfect chance instead of just shooting, just like arsenal in real life :lol:
What was going on with those sideways diving headers :lol:
I had no idea what I was doing at the end, just passing around hoping for a perfect chance instead of just shooting, just like arsenal in real life :lol:

Lucky that happened, I was sat thinking "here we go typical Spurs gonna bottle it!"
Means that in some game weeks you might not have a game or might only have 1 game.

I think...

Yep, this week there's 3 fixtures less ( I haven't even got a game! :( )

Week 3 there will be one less then I think it's week 5 where we will finish up.

Right, i'm online, who am I to face?

Fixtures are listed on page 1. You guys started during week 2 so it's in the spoiler.
I just had a look to see who I believe has used the strongest teams so far.

I concluded that it was Danieldinho and I_Love_Dong. They are top and bottom of the league respectively! Interesting.

Carlsen has PM'd me saying our game this week is likely to be called off as FIFA doesn't keep scoring after 100...
I just had a look to see who I believe has used the strongest teams so far.

I concluded that it was Danieldinho and I_Love_Dong. They are top and bottom of the league respectively! Interesting.

Carlsen has PM'd me saying our game this week is likely to be called off as FIFA doesn't keep scoring after 100...

He sent you his song yet? Wrote me a song before our game, rapping how badly he was going to beat me. I won't repeat it all, copyright and all that, but let's just say it contained a lot more of this type of thing:

Sw33t you is a FIFA pussyman,
I'll score 10 against ya, you bet I can,
Brentford tearing your defence apart,
By the end I'll be laughing so hard I'll fart

You get the picture. Regular eminem, him