Gaming RedCafe FIFA 11 PS3 League

Well it gets to the screen where it tells me the game autosaves, with the Kaka backround, then it says failed to load.

Does anyone in the Brits league have games spare for this week and want to play now, if so mail me over there
Well it gets to the screen where it tells me the game autosaves, with the Kaka backround, then it says failed to load.

Try cleaning the DVD, if you haven't yet.
Normally yes, but holidays are coming (and a lot of people will travel) so I will allow to play games from now.
I will be in half an hour. Time for revenge. :devil:
Sarni I haven't played you yet, I can be online in 20 mins, just making lunch at the moment.

Wanna have our league match at some stage?
We actually played and you beat me 3-0, so I will be glad to take a revenge on you as well. :devil:
Well, actually I can play now. 101 ready?
Sarni I'm coming on now but I have to fix something, so since its my home game I'll only be able to invite you in about 5 to 10 mins.
Most of my games are going to be played last weekend of April and through the May 11 deadline. Birthday and going to Belgium then Wales are gonna hamper any progress.

I shall get a couple done Monday and Tuesday as well.
Well, a little gutted I lost that game. Thought I deserved a draw, but oh well, I was shocking when you had kick offs :lol:

EDIT: Yeah Sarni, I'll play.
Sarni, my friend! Done the double here ;)

You got me in the cup though - to be fair :lol:

Great game, I played a lot more defensive using the pace of my forwards and mids on the break and it paid off - chuffed with that results, a huge 3 points. Great game mate, again sorry I ran off but I'm absolutley starving and need to grab a bite to eat. I'll be on later though, if you're around.
Well, a little gutted I lost that game. Thought I deserved a draw, but oh well, I was shocking when you had kick offs :lol:

EDIT: Yeah Sarni, I'll play.

Yeah, it was a close game, where was your keeper standing for that free near the end. I really should have scored that one.
Yeah, it was a close game, where was your keeper standing for that free near the end. I really should have scored that one.

I don't know what that was. I was on ultra attacking so that may have had an affect. I really don't know what I was thinking when I had that clear cut in the first half and passed it. Moment of madness.

Your 2nd goal really caught me out though, well played.
Any other Internationals? I got 5 matches left this week....

EDIT: In about 15mins
What happened there? We will have to play again, I am sending an invitation.
Well there was barely any lag for me I thought. I can turn off my computer and maybe it will work better.
Hrm, must be your side then. I had no problems with Big-red. I was stop starting even 10 seconds and there were delays between my commands and them doing them.
All right, I am switching off everything. Shall we try?
Nah, it cannot even connect to EA. Probably their servers then.