RedCafe Cricket Draft - ODIs

1.: mightberight
2: Donadol
3: TheBest
4: Varun
5: Zing
6: Aldo
7: Desert Eagle
8: nm03 (AM- RedIndian)
9: Interval
10: KM
11: crappy
12: Stretch
13: MJJ
14: OmarDalvi

This is the list. We'll wait another 2 hours for MBR else Donadol will start.
Has anyone PMed MBR?
And I was hoping you wouldn't turn up. Damn you.
OK, well I guess it's going to have to be Jacky K!

Jacques Kallis


1: mightberight- KALLIS
2: Donadol
3: TheBest
4: Varun
5: Zing
6: Aldo
7: Desert Eagle
8: nm03 (AM- RedIndian)
9: Interval
10: KM
11: crappy
12: Stretch
13: MJJ
14: OmarDalvi
Where's a good place to check if people have played 35 matches post 1990?
Hey nm, all the guys i've sent you on the spreadsheet have played 50 games after 1990. That's how i set up the query.

Oh. Your spreadsheet didn't open.:lol:

It is ok. I plan on watching the football and working on this now.
Much appreciated Damien.

So the order is:

8: mightberight
11: Donadol
14: TheBest
12: Varun
5: Zing
4: Aldo
9: Desert Eagle
7: nm03 (AM- RedIndian)
13: Interval
1: KM
6: crappy
10: Stretch
3: MJJ
2: OmarDalvi

The order to help people..

PM.. theBest Donaldo
Can we make pictures and a running list a requirement? It will be very easy to lose track like this.
No limitations on debut. 35 matches after 1990 is what he said
But presumably we'll be voting based on performance after 1990? Like, say, if a player had his peak pre-1990 but played matches post 1990..

Would like an answer to this..
But presumably we'll be voting based on performance after 1990? Like, say, if a player had his peak pre-1990 but played matches post 1990..

yes, consideration will be given for post 90's performances only.

I'm on my phone so can't look at the pool of players. Is there a major overlap of some big name players who have had a much better career pre 90s but spilled over to meet the criterion? Can someone also help me out in adjudicating this?


1: mightberight- KALLIS
2: Donadol- SACHIN
3: TheBest- AKRAM
4: Varun- MURALI
5: Zing
6: Aldo
7: Desert Eagle
8: nm03 (AM- RedIndian)
9: Interval
10: KM
11: crappy
12: Stretch
13: MJJ
14: OmarDalvi
@TB: PM Varun.

Look, I'm going to make this PMing the next person a rule. If you feck up, you're going to have to pay a penalty. If you can't PM, post in the thread so someone else can.
Anyone not playing this game who I can pmsg my pick?

In case Varun misses his turn and it falls to me.. I'll probably be sleeping at that time

edit: never mind