Red Cafe Video Game Awards 2011

Best Multiplayer: Gears 3.

Best Racing: Dirt 3

Best Fighting: Mortal Kombat

Best Action/Adventure: Uncharted 3

Best RPG: Skyrim

Best Sport: Fifa12

Best Shooter: Gears 3

Best Graphics: Uncharted 3

Best Character: Marcus Fenix

Worst Game: Brink

Biggest Disappointment: Brink

Best Overall Game: Uncharted 3
Best Online: Gears of War 3

Best Racing:

Best Fighting:

Best Action/Adventure: Uncharted 3

Best RPG: Skyrim

Best Sport: FIFA 12

Best Shooter: Gears of War 3

Best Graphics: Gears of War 3

Best Character: Nathan Drake

Worst Game:

Biggest Disappointment: Marvel vs Capcom 3

Best Overall Game: FIFA 12

Best Online: Battlefield 3

Best Racing: -

Best Fighting: -

Best Action/Adventure: Uncharted 3

Best RPG: Dues Ex

Best Sport: Fifa12

Best Shooter: Battlefield 3

Best Graphics: Uncharted 3

Best Character: Nathan Drake

Worst Game: Duke Nukem

Biggest Disappointment: Skyrim (broken and bugs galore!)

Best Overall Game: Battlefield 3
Quickly off the top of my head:

Best Online: Battlefield 3

Best Racing: Forza 4

Best Fighting: Super Street Fighter 4 3D edition

Best Action/Adventure: Zelda Skyward sword

Best RPG: Deus Ex

Best Sport:

Best Shooter: Dead Island pc modded (if it counts)

Best Graphics: Rage (Pc)

Best Character:

Worst Game: Duke

Biggest Disappointment: Crysis 2

Best Overall Game:

I'll have to check release dates for the others :)
Best Online: Battlefield 3

Best Racing: Forza Motorsports 4

Best Fighting:

Best Action/Adventure: Uncharted 3

Best RPG: Skyrim?

Best Sport: NBA 2k12

Best Shooter: Battlefield 3

Best Graphics: Uncharted 3

Best Character: Nathan Drake

Worst Game: Test Drive Unlimited 2

Biggest Disappointment: Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Best Overall Game: Uncharted 3

Special Marchi Award for series/'s that produced the same regurgitated lame arse shit. This years award is a joint award and goes to Codemasters and EA for F1 2011 and Need For Speed: The run.
Best Online:

Best Racing:

Best Fighting:

Best Action/Adventure: Uncharted 3

Best RPG: Skyrim

Best Sport:FIFA12

Best Shooter: Deus Ex:HR

Best Graphics: Skyrim

Best Character:

Worst Game:

Biggest Disappointment: LA Noire

Best Overall Game: Skyrim
Best Online: Gears of War 3

Best Racing: F1 2011(though I only palyed this and best not to include my vote maybe)

Best Fighting: UMVC3(ever so slightly over SSFIV)

Best Action/Adventure: Uncharted 3

Best RPG: Skyrim

Best Sport: NBA 2k12

Best Shooter: Modern Warfare 3

Best Graphics: PC version of Battlefield 3, nothing comes close really. Consoles Uncharted 3 I guess.

Best Character: Wheatley

Worst Game: Don't really play bad games

Biggest Disappointment: LA Noire

Best Overall Game: Portal 2
Best Online: ?

Best Platformer: Outland

Best Racing: ?

Best Fighting: ?

Best Action/Adventure: Yakuza 4

Best RPG: Skyrim

Best Sport: PES 2012

Best Shooter: Killzone 3

Best Graphics: Rage

Best Character: Deathspank (From the Baconing)

Worst Game: Homefront

Biggest Disappointment: White Knight Chronicles: Origins

Best Overall Game: Skyrim

- Not having played some of the latest releases (like Batman & Uncharted 3) I could only vote for what I know..
Best Platformer: Super Mario 3D Land

Best Racing: Driver: San Francisco

Best Action/Adventure: Dead Space 2

Best Shooter: Dead Space 2

Best Graphics: Rayman Origins

Best Overall Game: Super Mario 3D Land

Pretty pointless actually me doing this since most of the games I said I'm the only one to mention them in the category :lol:

Still haven't played Skyward Sword or Arkham City despite having SS since it came out :(
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