Music Record Players (Vinyls)

You forget the point that the digital storage medium is actually worse than the analogue at point, because for CD quality, your 16bits of range every 44,000 times per second is also losing one hell of a lot of both horizontal and vertical resolution that vinyl would capture. ;)

:D Yeah, that's fair enough, analogue media have a better dynamic range, especially better than 16-bit CDs. Although, 44,100 times per second is actually plenty enough sampling to capture signals up to 20,000Hz (which is taken to be the highest frequency we can hear). Vinyl only has a usable bandwidth up to around 18kHz, and a very uneven frequency response.
I've been buying vinyl every now and then for about five years now, anticipating the day when I had the cash to shell out for a decent turntable.

I got a Rega RP1 from my girlfriend for Christmas, so once I get back to my apartment I will finally be spinning all my records :)

Anyone else out there use record players these days?
Terry Reid - seed of memory LP is currently on the player....missus and her ma watchingh downton in the other drink smoke and vinyl for me.
Terry Reid - seed of memory LP is currently on the player....missus and her ma watchingh downton in the other drink smoke and vinyl for me.

Very nice. Good choice on the record too!

I just treated myself to The National - Boxer on vinyl, to celebrate getting the player. One of my all time favourite albums, so I can't wait to hear what it sounds like on vinyl.
shes watching Call the Midwife so Im spinning

Playing this record tonight:


Brand New - The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me

I love the clarity of the instruments and the "fullness" of the sound compared to the digital copy I've been listening to previously. This album on vinyl is like cheating at music.
Spinning this one tonight:


Oh and can someone remove the horrific "s" in the thread title? I just noticed it :nono: