Recommend some N64 games


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
As the title says. I've got an actual N64 with lots of games, but the recent underrated games thread got me playing some I missed on an emulator (and some I didn't miss too, because Goldeneye and Perfect dark at 60fps with a keyboard and mouse? Brilliant)

The games I've got so far are:

Perfect Dark
Mario 64
Paper Mario 64
Hybrid Heaven
Body Harvest
Jet Force Gemini
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mega Man 64

Ok I actually own most of these, hence why I want good ones not listed :D
Lambs which emulator have you got? I've never managed to get my mouse working with Goldeneye or Perfect Dark.
Erm....I use Project 64 too. I trudged through Goldeneye using the arrow keys.

I'm guessing I'm missing something fairly obvious here.
I'd recommend Rayman 2: Great Escape btw.

You haven't listed the Zelda's, Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo Kazooie but I'm going to assume their fairly obvious.
Right, go to the options->settings->plugins and you should see input plugins. Change this to the bottom one (N-Rage's) and hey presto you can set the mouse to work.

Cheers got that working. Is there any way to get rid of the normal mouse cursor? When playing Goldeneye I get the in game red crosshair as well as my mouse cursor, and neither are in sync so it gets quite annoying.

EDIT: Nevermind I'm an idiot.
Sin and Punishment
Blast Corps
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Snowboard kids

Thats what I can remember at the top of my head, might have some more gems luring in a box somewhere. WTS
Turok 2 was a great game

As was Star Wars Ep 1 Racer and Waverace.

Iss 98 was one of my all time favourite footie games too
Sin and Punishment
Beetle Adventure Racing
Mario Golf
Super Smash Bros.


ISS64 and 98 were also fantastic footie sims, well ahead of their time.

Fighters Destiny, I quite liked. A beat-em-up with a points scoring system.

WWF No Mercy - one of the best wrestling games ever.

Snowboard Kids was a fun game and alternative to Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing.

Lylat Wars is a classic, perhaps quite obvious.

I used to enjoy Wayne Gretsky's 3D Hockey. I remember thinking the punch-ups were hilarious.

Micro Machines 64. You probably won't with an emulator, but 8 player pad-share was just bedlam when used with 4 controllers. Overall it's a classic game though. Hours worth of fun.

Silicon Valley was a bizarre game, but definitely worth a look.

Those are the one's that spring to mind at the moment.
Was Shadowman and Goeman well known games? I liked both

Goeman? Of course! They should bloody do another. Mystical Ninja on the Snes was awesome too.

I thought Shadowman was a bit dull myself, but my brother and his mates loved it.

I remember liking this one.

Banjo-Tooie, often stands in the shadow of it's predecessor. BattleTanx - Global Assault is fun.

Ah yes, BattleTanx! Nice :D
Some great shouts here guys, but I'm mainly looking for less well known games I might have missed. Anything you've played and liked, but might not have been so popular?

I remember Dr. Dwayne recommends Ogre Battle 64 quite strongly, never played it myself though.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is another good one, bit obvious though.