Recommend a new show?

They had to maintain the current vogue of getting an English actor to play a lead in a series and got lumped with him

The episode when Jason had drunk the V and was struggling to keep it down was the most i've laughed at a tv show this year. My main complaint with the show was that the really hot barmaid got taken out waaaay too early.

Seems a bit ridiculous. He really is fecking dreadful, ruins the show for me at times.

Generally most scenes with Jason are hilarious, but yeah that was great. I loved the weird and ridiculous dreams him and his bird has when they did the V
I need something new people, along the lines of 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny and Arrested Development.
Thoroughly enjoyed Entourage, liked Curb Your Enthusiasm but didn't watch much of it, and can't be bothered to revisit just yet.

Also loved,

The Shield
The Wire
Peep Show
The Office - Both

And I'm watching Damages, and a bit of Southland. What am I missing though? I need a new comedy show, but as good as the stuff I've been watching.

It's Always Sunny reminds my best show though.
Thoroughly enjoyed Entourage, liked Curb Your Enthusiasm but didn't watch much of it, and can't be bothered to revisit just yet.

Also loved,

The Shield
The Wire
Peep Show
The Office - Both

And I'm watching Damages, and a bit of Southland. What am I missing though? I need a new comedy show, but as good as the stuff I've been watching.

It's Always Sunny reminds my best show though.

Ahh, you've basically seen all that I'd have recommended and seen myself ..

I know it's a bit old, but what about Extras?! Thought it was alright myself, plus you know you can never go wrong with the likes of Gervais and Merchant.
I need something new people, along the lines of 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny and Arrested Development.

The Sarah Silverman show (if you don't find her too annoying) can be pretty funny at times.

Have you watched 'The Thick if It'? That's been the best comedy show I've seen in years.

A lot of people have raved about Eastbound & Down, but it's fairly mediocre, unless you like all those Will Ferrell movies about sportsman on the downward spiral.
I need something new people, along the lines of 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny and Arrested Development.

I'm trying to watch Arrested development now but my DVD player won't work, is it any good?

Have you watched Flight of the Conchords? I'd recommend giving IT Crowd a go too.
I'm trying to watch Arrested development now but my DVD player won't work, is it any good?

Have you watched Flight of the Conchords? I'd recommend giving IT Crowd a go too.

I'd probably say it's the best sitcom ever made, along with The Office (UK),

It's utter genius really.
Saw the first ep of Mad Men. Bit boring if you ask me. Is it one of those shows which start of slow?
Saw the first ep of Mad Men. Bit boring if you ask me. Is it one of those shows which start of slow?

It's a slow show, there isn't any action, it is about the charachters and the backdrop of the period of history they are in. I would imagine it wouldn't be to everyone's tastes but I would definitely give it a few more episodes to see if it grows on you.
It's a slow show, there isn't any action, it is about the charachters and the backdrop of the period of history they are in. I would imagine it wouldn't be to everyone's tastes but I would definitely give it a few more episodes to see if it grows on you.

Hmm I've got no problem with slow, I loved the Wire and that was a pretty slow show. The whole 50s thing doesnt really appeal to me though.

Will watch a couple of more eps, unfair to judge a show on one episode.
Just ordered this on blueray. Enjoyed Serenity so thought I may as well give it a go. Will report back once i've finished it.

Finished watching Firefly last night. I'm a bit puzzled why this was cancelled tbh, it's a really damn good tv series (only 14 episodes). I was reading up on wikipedia that they aired the episodes out of sequence, which just pinpoints how idiotic fox really are.

They've wasted a chance to make a damn good show, which is a real shame as the show improved episode by episode. The character development was interesting and the dialogue is very witty and humourous in places. The quality on blueray is impressive I must say, sound has real depth and is balanced correctly (I've watched some films where the dialogue has been too quiet and therefore rthe action too loud). Picture quality is average, serenity seemed to have more detail and better use of colours.

I strongly recommend you watch this show, will be watching it again in a few weeks.
Yeah Firefly was a brilliant show with 14 outstanding episodes. Fox made a complete tits up of it. If it had been shown on a channel like Sci Fi instead it probably would've done much better.

I've been watching a show called Chuck recently. It's not outstanding or anything, but it has a good (and ridiculous) plot line and is very funny in parts, and the 2 main women are absolutely smokin'

Certainly worth a watch if bored.

Oh, and Adam Baldwin from Firefly is in it!
Anybody seen The Testees? Any good? Some guy was telling me it was the funniest show hes ever seen. I know it got cancelled but that tells me little since Arrested Development got cancelled also and happens to be brilliant.
I am currently deciding between True Blood and Twin Peaks (yeah, I still somehow managed not to watch this). What would you choose?
I am currently deciding between True Blood and Twin Peaks (yeah, I still somehow managed not to watch this). What would you choose?

Season 2 is a bit poodles. But the first Season is fantastic. I remember getting pretty freaked out watching the entire first season in one night (maybe it was the cherry pie).
Anyone seen anything worth watching recently? It would have to have been released in the last year or so for me to have missed it. Ideally a comedy but if there's a good drama that's passed me by I'd like to hear about it.
Anyone seen anything worth watching recently? It would have to have been released in the last year or so for me to have missed it. Ideally a comedy but if there's a good drama that's passed me by I'd like to hear about it.

Parks and Recreation

That's the only two you need.
Not exactly comedy, but Person of Interest is one of the best new series I've seen last few years. It had the highest rated pilot in a very long time for CBS and doesn't disappoint later on season 1.
The 4-parter 'Putin, Russia and The West' is fecking excellent so far (for all you current affairs buffs).
For comedy I would definitely recommend Parks and Rec above all else. It's genius TV.

As mentioned above, Suits is very good, light hearted drama with witty dialogue and hot women. Can't really go wrong on it.
Are Bones or One tree hill any good?
Just got them from a friend, wondering if they're worth watching.