RAWK goes into Meltdown 20/21 Edition

I have quite a few Liverpool fans as mates and they all actually think they will sign one of

Mbappe, Haaland or Sancho this summer.

I am not sure where this optimism is coming from considering they have never spent that money without selling.
They probably wont even offer Mbappe 1/2 of what he is on now.
They have no idea how much it would cost to bring a client or Railoa to their club.
I have quite a few Liverpool fans as mates and they all actually think they will sign one of

Mbappe, Haaland or Sancho this summer.

I am not sure where this optimism is coming from considering they have never spent that money without selling.
They probably wont even offer Mbappe 1/2 of what he is on now.
They have no idea how much it would cost to bring a client or Railoa to their club.

I could see them getting Sancho if he's going to leave for ~£50m. They'll probably be able to get a decent chunk of that out of Mane/Salah. The other two are never going to happen after covid.
How these cretins can claim to be being done over by everyone tv/league/refs when they have been handed the biggest rest periods all year. Biggest rest periods through Xmas notably and this week no midweek match yet their match v Sheffield Utd is the late game on Sunday! They have well and truly fecked themselves. It's delicious!
How these cretins can claim to be being done over by everyone tv/league/refs when they have been handed the biggest rest periods all year. Biggest rest periods through Xmas notably and this week no midweek match yet their match v Sheffield Utd is the late game on Sunday! They have well and truly fecked themselves. It's delicious!
Always the victims and it's always their year, remember!
I have quite a few Liverpool fans as mates and they all actually think they will sign one of

Mbappe, Haaland or Sancho this summer.

I am not sure where this optimism is coming from considering they have never spent that money without selling.
They probably wont even offer Mbappe 1/2 of what he is on now.
They have no idea how much it would cost to bring a client or Railoa to their club.
Raiola shitting up Liverpool :drool:
Guys.... you're jinxing it!
If he does take over, and is a success, i'm going to blame you all!
Liverpool 0:1 Chelsea
If only we weren't shite we could have a proper laugh at them dippers
Absolute rubbish of a performance so far. Defending too high, nothing much happening in attack, overhitting too many passes, etc. Basically the same problems we've had at Anfield since December. A fecking Sunday league manager can probably get their tactics right against us at the moment.
45 minutes away from making history, again.
Need to freshen this up with some subs.
We have little penetration and they do. Sums up that first half.
Kabak has been fine.
Need a good halftime kick up the ass. 5 losses at Anfield is NOT a record I would like to see set.

For the first time in our history?
I'd rather we lose trying something different than losing doing the same thing over and over again
Noticeable gap in quality. Chelsea should get a couple more here. Our famous front three look like they’ve never played together before.

Lost interest in the league now nothing’s at stake but long term these performance are very worrying. Individually and collectively we’re totally average.

Thiago is unbelievable technically. A joy to watch. Saw people on Twitter complaining that he's only played 2 forward passes - but he does the sideways and backwards stuff exceptionally. Somebody else needs to step up and not expect him to do it all himself.

Edit - he's had literally a 98% completion rate in the first half and people are hammering him. Crazy.
Jota. Jurgen, p l e a s e don't wait until 75m. We can't even shoot on goal
Funny how most of you think that Jota will come and turn our season around

Also, we spend all week doing fecking rondos and then get to match day and struggle to string three passes together, and exploit zero overlaps. Pathetic.
So true. We look like vintage Stoke trying their hand at tiki-taka.
Carrying two passengers in sadio and Bobby.
There's more than two.
Bobby and Sadio have been woeful and can surely only improve - we can’t lose this

Conspiracy theories now over on the refs ?
Chelsea fully deserve to be in front, thought the offside was as ridiculous as the Mané one at Goodison so you could argue we were owed it.

Need to step it up and hopefully we can find an equaliser
Get Mane off. He’s been terrible for months.

Losing the ball every 5 seconds. Holding it unnecessarily. What is exactly wrong with him in the past few months??!!
Why cant Klopp change his tactics? Hoof ball over the top our defence is catching us out while every attacking chance we have gets broken down so easily.
Martin Tyler is a disgrace. That comment about Klopp looking grumpy said everything you need to know about him.
It's very simple. We're playing a high line with very slow CB's. Adapt or die (ie lose 5 home games in a row).

It's not that they're slow, they don't anticipate or judge the play well enough
The players look drained of belief. I am just hoping we get a couple of shot on target 2nd half and play better. We're clearly not top 4 quality anymore so small wins will do for now.
Dream on. Multiple sides are far better than us.

Go back to red cafe where you belong
Thiago a joy to watch. Does the sideways stuff exceptionally :lol: :lol:
Genuinely relegation form.

5 home defeats in a row, a fortess made of sand.
Taking off Salah when we need a goal.. lolol while leaving Mane and especially Firmino on the pitch?! Shambolic decision. Absolutely baffling.
The reaction to Kovacic sums us up. Kicks the ball at Mane and then then laughs in his face and not one of our players sticks up for him. Team spirit looks shite.
You take top half at this point

The subs matched the general performance, that’s all you can say. Incredible.
Im gonna miss CL
Say what you like about Mané or Bobby; neither of their performances tonight was worse than Jurgen’s
Can we play Fulham at Craven Cottage on Sunday?
Still, good news about the chocolate oranges!
Different night, same shite.

No plan B, same bizarre substitutions.
0-1 result while listening to Tyler and Carragher's utterly draining shite. Thoroughly miserable evening
Taken off your best attacker and leaving Keita on the bench.

Huge problems.
Sorry but taking Salah off was an absolutely absurd decision
New club record of five home defeats in a row :lol:

Should have been six if we'd had a proper go at them in January.
"Thiago is unbelievable technically. A joy to watch. Saw people on Twitter complaining that he's only played 2 forward passes - but he does the sideways and backwards stuff exceptionally. Somebody else needs to step up and not expect him to do it all himself.

Edit - he's had literally a 98% completion rate in the first half and people are hammering him. Crazy."

OK, which one of us posted this? :lol:
Does the backwards and sideways stuff exceptionally :lol:

After his debut I recall a Liverpool fan on here going on about his ‘sublime’ passing which was all 5 yard passes
Those subs :eek: Saving em for Fulham?
Big changes need to happen in the summer. Some players are past it and some were never good enough. I think we peaked in the 2018-19 season and its been downhill since lockdown.
Nothing like a trip to Siberia on a thursday night
We're not getting near the EL at this rate. Which would be no bad thing either.
Anyone calling for the managers head is a cnut.
We need a goal and we bring on Milner - we then take Salah off when Bobby and Sadio are having stinkers - bizzare decisions by Klopp
Klopp has lost the plot. Shite subs, why take Salah off ffs?
I wonder if Klopp will walk at the end of the season? Wouldn't blame him if he did really.

Why’s he walking ?
Well, he's hardly been backed in the transfer market has he? Along with his personal life suffering, I wouldn't blame him for wanting a break.
Is Inter-Toto Cup still on?
He has done some amazing things for this club which we will forever be grateful for but my goodness me I am fecked off with Jurgen at the moment.
A serious conversation now needs to be had. This is beyond injuries. I hesitate to even say it, but some of these look like they've downed tools
Deserved loss. These losses are on Klopp now. He is not coaching well enough. We're losing the same way over and over again.

Not calling for his head, or anything stupid like that, just pointing out the obvious.
Klopp has no solutions does he? No original ideas. Just rince and repeat, proving Einstein’s definition.

If you can't spell "rinse", you shouldn't mention Einstein.
I saw a team completely believing their own shower of excuses, feeling sorry for themselves.

If the crowd was there today they'd be on their backs telling them how much of a fecking disgrace they are currently.

We have no leaders. Nobody wanting to take ANY responsibility.

Kenny's 70th birthday, sat watching that shite? feck right off.

It's fecking easy when you're riding a wave and you have 55000 passionate fans roaring you on, but when that's gone, it's a test of a man's character to see how you handle it.

The lads are bottling it and they act like it's ok. It's not. It's far from ok. They are a disgrace & are letting us down big time.

5 losses in a row at Anfield?! So what if there's no fans. Get some backbone and fight ffs!!

On another note, what has Bobby done to keep his place in the team? How utterly wank must our backups be when they cant displace a player who is absolutely pointless?

And to drag our top goalscorer off after 60 minutes whilst 1-0 down??
Absolutely love it. Worst defending champs since us in 14
"Klopp has no solutions does he? No original ideas. Just rince and repeat, proving Einstein’s definition."

"If you can't spell "rinse", you shouldn't mention Einstein."

:lol: A gem.