RAWK Goes Into Lockdown 2017/20-18 Edition | LOLis Karius

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"One-all! One-bloody-all!"
From the team that has the most potent front 6 in the Prem..

I'll say it again, we ain't that good attacking. We are wasteful and overindulgent. Going to be a hell of a season
Watched it with my Liverpool supporting dad.

Every second phrase he uttered was 'for fecks sake'.

I just sat there with a smirk on my face.
Caller on talk sport just asked by presenter klopp in or out? Response was "out out out"
The fella rambled on a lot, quite amusing
Watched it with my Liverpool supporting dad.

Every second phrase he uttered was 'for fecks sake'.

I just sat there with a smirk on my face.

I'd hate that to be honest. I'd want my dad to be happy. Why does the poor man support Liverpool??
I'd hate that to be honest. I'd want my dad to be happy. Why does the poor man support Liverpool??

His dad supported Everton presumably. Most of the family are actual scousers from Fazakerley/Walton sadly so they're either one or the other. My uncle (from Eccles) and me are the sane ones.

If I have a son he'll probably be a City fan just to carry on the tradition.

When Can struggled all the way across the pitch and played that blind pass backwards to the Spartak winger, which led to the free-kick for their goal, he fell to the ground and tumbled to a stop at the feet of Jurgen. A good comedy moment that. Like a kid breaking something they shouldn't have touched, and then looking up from the floor to see their angry mum standing over them. A comedy of errors from Can. I saw Klopp say something to him at that moment... possibly chastising but who knows
Have a word with yourself...

This same side , that frustrates and pleases in equal measure , will stick 3 or 4 past United and everyone will be on cloud 9 ... It's a ride I know but it's nice to watch
His dad supported Everton presumably. Most of the family are actual scousers from Fazakerley/Walton sadly so they're either one or the other. My uncle (from Eccles) and me are the sane ones.

If I have a son he'll probably be a City fan just to carry on the tradition.
I will make sure my son is United through and through. I grew up with a Leeds-supporting father, who then turned to City when Leeds went down. Seemingly out of hatred for United and "buying" the league. Only thing he accepted as great with United was Cantona, who was the reason I started supporting United. We had many angry fights during games, especially derbies, him calling the club plastic and our supporters glory hunters. Oh, the look on his face when the Arabs came...

Back on track.. Anyone have a gif of Klopp's latest grimace of biological warfare?
What we really could do without is a stadium full of people who shit themselves and then shout about it. You're meant to be the fecking red army, act the part soggy arses.
I will make sure my son is United through and through. I grew up with a Leeds-supporting father, who then turned to City when Leeds went down. Seemingly out of hatred for United and "buying" the league. Only thing he accepted as great with United was Cantona, who was the reason I started supporting United. We had many angry fights during games, especially derbies, him calling the club plastic and our supporters glory hunters. Oh, the look on his face when the Arabs came...

Back on track.. Anyone have a gif of Klopp's latest grimace of biological warfare?
I will make sure my son is United through and through. I grew up with a Leeds-supporting father, who then turned to City when Leeds went down. Seemingly out of hatred for United and "buying" the league. Only thing he accepted as great with United was Cantona, who was the reason I started supporting United. We had many angry fights during games, especially derbies, him calling the club plastic and our supporters glory hunters. Oh, the look on his face when the Arabs came...

Back on track.. Anyone have a gif of Klopp's latest grimace of biological warfare?
He calls us glory supporters but switched allegiances rather than back Leeds in the championship!
Watched it with my Liverpool supporting dad.
Every second phrase he uttered was 'for fecks sake'.
I just sat there with a smirk on my face.
How does that happen? That you have a father who supports Liverpool and a son who supports Manchester United? And I know how life can develop so that through accidents of birthplace and various geographical quirks you can end up with divided loyalties. But on some level, you supporting Manchester United is a deliberate hostile act perpetrated against the man who gave you life. On some level, he must suspect your feelings toward him. Him sitting there cursing and you smirking like a cross between Suarez and Beelzebub. If you haven't already done so, you'd better talk it out.
From the team that has the most potent front 6 in the Prem..

I want to know why the "most potent front 6" in the league has only scored 50% or there abouts as many goals as the league leaders and even less than us.
Meltdown goes into meltdown:
RAWK said:
The narrative being peddled by the pro Manchester press is being swallowed by some of the numskulls, who, unfortunately, follow our team these days. Bedwetters, shithouses, ne'er do wells and the like; twitter twatters, facebook feckers, instagram inbreds, who will drive our club into the dirt if we let them. They are like fecking lemmings and the savvi social media, journos, broadcasting click baiters profit from their knobendery, poking the gobshites with a stick, winding them up, treating them with contempt and they fecking fall for it, hook line and sinker.

This fecking team with a fecking heart of a lion manager will succeed. It is impossible for it not to. Wake up and smell the coffee, get on board, wear rose tinted glasses, be straw men, be happy clappy, stop the train I wanna get off, I'm not convinced, feck off with that, sack the board, FSG are c*nts, come back Brendan, all is forgiven, bring back Hodge Podge, let's play 442, spade in the ground, feck off you shower of c*nts, SoS, scousers rule and don't you forget it.
Hedley Lamarr said:
rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists
Grandmaster Flash said:
Smugglers, scramblers, burglars, gamblers
Pickpocket peddlers, even panhandlers
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To be fair, if Klopp was at United and had our squad, playing this brand of football, he wouldn't have the same problems at the back.

It would actually be spectacular.
To be fair, if Klopp was at United and had our squad, playing this brand of football, he wouldn't have the same problems at the back.

It would actually be spectacular.

I don't know about that, Lovren was actually considered a half decent defender before he went to pool, now he is regarded as possibly one of the worst in the league.

Jones and Bailey with Klopps particular brand of ignoring anyone who isn't a forward style of management would be just as big a car crash as liverpools defenders.

The only thing that would prevent us being quite so bad is the fact we have a goal keeper who is far superior in every respect to theirs.
I don't know about that, Lovren was actually considered a half decent defender before he went to pool, now he is regarded as possibly one of the worst in the league.

Jones and Bailey with Klopps particular brand of ignoring anyone who isn't a forward style of management would be just as big a car crash as liverpools defenders.

The only thing that would prevent us being quite so bad is the fact we have a goal keeper who is far superior in every respect to theirs.

Their reckless abandon in terms of attacking play reminds me a lot of late 90s United. Won't lie, there's something very appealing about so called heavy metal football.

We have better players in every department. Much more dependable defenders when needed.
I don't know about that, Lovren was actually considered a half decent defender before he went to pool, now he is regarded as possibly one of the worst in the league.

Jones and Bailey with Klopps particular brand of ignoring anyone who isn't a forward style of management would be just as big a car crash as liverpools defenders.

The only thing that would prevent us being quite so bad is the fact we have a goal keeper who is far superior in every respect to theirs.
Wasn't lovren not great before Southampton? I thought people in France saw his Liverpool form as reverting to type
I don't know about that, Lovren was actually considered a half decent defender before he went to pool, now he is regarded as possibly one of the worst in the league.
Wasn't lovren not great before Southampton? I thought people in France saw his Liverpool form as reverting to type
Yeah, he was shite at Lyon. Had literally one good season at Southampton. At this point, it's far more likely that what we've seen from him at Lyon and Liverpool is his actual level, and that the one season at Southampton was an outlier.

On the topic of RAWK: Reading quite a few sensible posters listing top managers and including Mourinho while leaving out Klopp. Surely I must have stumbled into bizarro-RAWK?
"This fecking team with a fecking heart of a lion manager will succeed. It is impossible for it not to. "


This guy must be one of us, right? Haven't seen them write 'fecking' over there.
:lol: 5 on the European Cup arm badge...please tell me thats a Liverpool thing. I hasnt noticed it before.

Clubs can earn the badge of honour by …

Winning five or more European Cups: Real Madrid (10), AC Milan (7), Barcelona (5), Bayern München (5) and Liverpool (5)

Winning the European Cup at least three times in a row: Ajax (also applies to Bayern and Madrid)

The badge itself, provided by the UEFA administration and added to the left sleeve of the shirt, denotes an image of the European Cup. Usually inscribed inside is the number of times that club have won the trophy.
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