Rashford's record against the top 6

Whats his record against the other 14 teams in the pl out of interest?

Hes virtually 1 in 2 against the top 6 but i dont get the feeling he is averaging that against the others.
Whats his record against the other 14 teams in the pl out of interest?

Hes virtually 1 in 2 against the top 6 but i dont get the feeling he is averaging that against the others.

Can't imagine anyone is going to sit and do the math for you on that if you can't be bothered to do it yourself and tbh it's irrelevant given the turnover in the sides traditionally found in the bottom half the table

Looking at the current other 14 sides in the league though I don't believe he's ever scored against Everton, Southampton, Burnley or Palace. I can remember goals against all the others
When I was watching him last night he was outstanding, best Ive seen him play I think. The progress is real.

Yeah, it's one of his best games. But he's had quite a few great games. And he's looked great for England in a more balanced setup too. Unlike many other players, he's always grafted and given 100%. I've no doubts he'll only get better as the attitude seems to be perfect. I've often thought he's been excellent just for the sheer hard work he's given when the team as a whole has been pretty average.

As soon as we've got a threat on the opposite flank in James, Rashford starts enjoying more freedom. Similar to England. Imagine how his game will progress in front of a top midfield and a capable left back :drool:
Not scoring but winning the penalty and the gorgeous shot that hit the crossbar. I am going to start putting £20 on him as first goalscorer every time we play a top 6 team.
Been really impressed by how he's come back from this operation he had. Also, he was injured for most of last season even if he was playing. There's always the worry when a player is out for so long or has been unfit for a while that they're going to take ages to regain full fitness. But he has looked incredibly sharp when he has played this season.
serious question.

Are spurs and arsenal "top 6" but not Leicester ?
It’s the big 6 these days I guess as top 6 over the last few years Leicester is above Arsenal.
But it’s like Spurs under Poch they finished top 4 or ahead of us more than not yet we are still miles bigger.
serious question.

Are spurs and arsenal "top 6" but not Leicester ?
I know that that wasn't your point, but just to bring a little more positivity into the thread, Rashford also has 6 goals against Leicester.
The key thing with Rashford is that he is as cool as a cucumber. I doubt his pulse raises an extra beat in front of goal.

What I would say about our 2 young diamonds up front is that they will learn a lot about decision making from our elder statesmen
Rashford is pacey player who requires space to run into. The reason he has such a good record against the Top 6 is because of the space he is afforded to run into(they don't park the bus like a lot of teams do).

Under a better manager who can coach the players to find space Marcus would turn WC over night.
Haven't added to his record in ages, 6 goals against Liverpool now.
Anybody who can update the OP here? 1 v liverpool, 2 v Arsenal this season.
First time he's scored against them since his debut actually.

They were probably the only "big" side he had a bad record against but today has sorted that out.

Surprised at that! Always thought he scored a few against them.

His debut goals were brilliant though.
Damn it, I mised my chance to put him in my fantasy team on the cheap.