Enjoys watching porn..with foxes
Our most reliable journalists - Simon Stone and James Ducker as well as the super reliable Bouhafsi said that we are in contact with Real Madrid for Varane, people here thinks it's just posturing for a new big contract. None of our reliable journalists linked us with Ramos back then, it was mostly Spanish papers. The ever unreliable L'Equipe says that Varane needs 3 weeks to make a decision and is still speaking with RM for a new contract and PSG for a move, and everyone here takes it as gospel. You guys should really learn how to manage the reliability of your news sources.
This. It's a done deal, stop with the negative vibes.
You're remembering it wrong. English press were all over it.
Man Utd bid for Sergio Ramos - Simon Stone
Man Utd bid for Sergio Ramos - James Ducker
It was a lot lot lot more advanced than this Varane one. And looked a lot more likely at one point.