
Enjoy! The playlist in Tampa was

Little By Little
Meeting In The Aisle
Pyramid Song
Lotus Flower
There There
The Daily Mail
All I Need
Everything In It's
Give Up The Ghost
Karma Police
Street Spirit

The Daily Mail ? A new'n ????
I've never listened to Radiohead knowingly in me life, but I can testify that they do have great fans.

Some years ago I was a guard on a two-coach train which pulled into a northern town very late one night. Train probably had about 150 seats, platform what looked like 1000 people, with us the last train of the day. They simply were the most cooperative and polite bunch of people I ever carried, somehow they all crammed in and survived to the end, with nearly every last one of them saying thanks as they left. Top folk.
I've never listened to Radiohead knowingly in me life, but I can testify that they do have great fans.

Some years ago I was a guard on a two-coach train which pulled into a northern town very late one night. Train probably had about 150 seats, platform what looked like 1000 people, with us the last train of the day. They simply were the most cooperative and polite bunch of people I ever carried, somehow they all crammed in and survived to the end, with nearly every last one of them saying thanks as they left. Top folk.

This is a lie. Everybody knows Radiohead fans are pretentious, smug, condescending arseholes.

You've obviously mistaken fulham fans for radiohead fans.
Some years ago I was a guard on a two-coach train which pulled into a northern town very late one night. Train probably had about 150 seats, platform what looked like 1000 people, with us the last train of the day. They simply were the most cooperative and polite bunch of people I ever carried, somehow they all crammed in and survived to the end, with nearly every last one of them saying thanks as they left. Top folk.
The antithesis of rock 'n' roll - pretty much like the band then.
The Daily Mail ? A new'n ????

Daily Mail's not new it's been about since just after the King of Limbs.

They did play Identikit and Cut a Hole though which are brand new, Thom was still holding the lyric sheet for the latter. Great to see them already working on new shit while rattling through the back catalog. They played Meeting in the Aisle!
Does anyone know if there's a UK tour in the works?
Yes, it should be later this year apparently. Likely to be announced pretty soon.

Fantastic, seen them live twice and absolutely loved it, probably my favourite ever gigs.
The tour seems amazing so far. Apparently they will be playing more than 75 different songs. They even played Meeting in the Aisle, I think for the first time ever. Would love to hear them play something like Worrywort. Also, they finished with Paranoid Android on Saturday night.. quality. Hope they come to the UK/Ireland in the Autumn.
Don't know whether to get tickets or not, wish they'd let us know if they were the only UK dates..
Don't know whether to get tickets or not, wish they'd let us know if they were the only UK dates..

There are two whole months between gigs on their tour list - from 29th July and the Manchester one. Surely they will add more, will they come to Ireland?
Ahh, woke up too late and missed them! Hopefully they'll add more dates.
Keep checking throughout the day, I picked one standing ticket at the O2 up at 12 o'clockish. I think they release a bunch early in the morning then drip-feed a few more through gradually as the day goes on.

Setlist and time:

07:47 Bloom
14:18 15 Step
18:26 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
24:13 Morning Mr. Magpie
29:28 Staircase
34:05 The Gloaming
37:55 Pyramid Song
43:32 The Daily Mail
47:28 Myxomatosis
52:00 Karma Police
57:17 Identikit
1:01:18 Lotus Flower
1:06:44 There There
1:12:30 Bodysnatchers
1:16:48 Idioteque
1:23:40 Lucky
1:28:35 Reckoner
1:34:08 Everything In Its Right Place (With "After The Gold Rush" intro)
--Encore 2--
1:43:56 Give Up the Ghost
1:49:47 Paranoid Android
Just got back home from Coachella and Radiohead did it again !

Played damn near to a two hour show shaming festival headliners and the closers (And their 6 guests),for their 75 minute bollocks.
Never understood the fuss about Kid A, In Rainbows is a much better album. Mike agrees. He also didn't send me this.

Just for the record, Kid A is one of the few perfect albums.
How about we have a proper look at this masterpiece in action, check out the vocals on Thom :drool:

Not many bands sound this good in that studio.

Such an incredible range prior to going into falsetto. It does help that he's not playing guitar. You can put a whole lot more into your vocals when you're singing sans instrument, but that was pretty incredible!

I don't think it beats some of the music off Kid A though. That was Radiohead at their best in my opinion