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Fever of the Bone Val McDermid
I always read autobiographies until recently someone bought me this and i have never had a book that i just couldnt put down, Brilliant psychological thriller a bit shocking at times all depends what sort of book you want.

McDermid's A Place of Execution is very good too, mate.
I read that a few years back. Thought it was awful then, but I might give it another crack soon.

I think there's a film version coming out sometime as well.

Definitely have to look out for that one, as long as they don't ruin it by completely changing a perfectly good story, like they did with I, Robot. Shit, I hate it when they do that. I remember watching the 2nd Silence of the Lambs film after reading the book and they changed the ending to something that was rubbish compared with the book.
Apart from the usual 'intellectual' ones:

Mötley Crüe - The Dirt
Riding Rockets - Mike Mullane (astronaut)
Watchmen - Alan Moore
Failure is not an Option - Gene Krantz (former NASA Flight Director)
Mystery Man - Bateman (perhaps a bit 'lowbrow' but I enjoyed it)
Surely you're joking Mr Feynman - Richard Feynman (anecdotes from the Nobel prize winning physicist....actually a lot more interesting than you might think)
Any Tony Hawks book (the comedian / travel writer)
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet (or pretty much any novel from either)
The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
His Dark Materials trilogy - Philip Pullman

You won't be able to put it down after starting it. It's about a bloke who has everything and is bored of life so decides to live his life by letting the roll of a dice decide the outcome.

Buy it, you won't regret it I promise!